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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-29


Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部


Page Number:127-131

ISSN No.:1000-8608

Abstract:The edge of shrub or herb image is irregular since their leaves and branches are always protuberant. In this case, the obstacle's edge will illustrate toothed after segmenting their monochrome images. It leads that the edge's curvature has greatly fluctuant range in principle. Shrub or herb is identified based on edge-shape-factor, which is measured with edge's curvature. Firstly, based on Fisher rules monochrome image is segmented applying morphological dilation and region growing separately after noise removing. Secondly, using LOG operator and thinning algorithm single-pixel edge of obstacle is obtained. Thirdly, after acquiring the chain code and curvature of obstacle's every pixel, edge-shape-factor can be computed according to formula. Lastly, large amount of samples' training illustrates that the edge-shape-factor of shrub or herb ranges from 0.049 6 to 0.076 2. Based on this method, shrub or herb is identified, which has good real-time ability and robustness.


Pre One:基于视觉图像边缘形状特征的灌木丛或高草的识别

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