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High-performance proton exchange membrane derived from N-heterocycle poly(aryl ether sulfone)s with ether-free hydrophilic blocks and exhibiting good stability and proton-conducting performance


Date of Publication:2024-11-05

Journal:Journal of Membrane Science


ISSN No.:0376-7388

Key Words:Antiknock compounds; Block copolymers; Block Copolymers; Blocks; Conducting performance; Conducting polymers; Conduction; Elastomers; Ethers; Hydrogen Bonds; Hydrophilic blocks; Ion exchange membranes; Membranes; Membrane structures; Nafion membranes; N-heterocycles; Poly(aryl ether)s; Proton conducting; Proton-conducting performance; Proton conduction; Proton exchange membranes; Radical tolerance; Stability; Sulphonated poly(aryl ether)s

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