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学科:工程力学. 动力学与控制. 计算力学
- [141]Zhang, Z. C., 张有为, 张亚辉, 林家浩.NON-STATIONARY RANDOM RESPONSES OF TRAIN-BRIDGE SYSTEMS UNDER LATERAL HORIZONTAL EARTHQUAKES[A],4th International Symposium on Environment Vibrations - Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation,2022,1282-1287
- [142]Zhang, Z. C., 林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩, Howson, W. P., Williams, F. W..Non-stationary random vibration analysis for train bridge systems subjected to horizontal earth...[J],ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,2022,32(11):3571-3582
- [143]Zhang, Z. C., 林家浩, 张亚辉, Howson, W. P., Williams, F. W..Non-stationary random vibration analysis of three-dimensional train-bridge systems[J],VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS,2022,48(4):457-480
- [144]Zhang, Jian, 赵岩, 张亚辉, Jin, Xue-song, 钟万勰, Williams, Frederic W., Kennedy, David.Non-stationary random vibration of a coupled vehicle-slab track system using a parallel algorit...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F JOURNAL OF RA,2022,227(F3):203-216
- [145]张亚辉.Non-stationary Seismic Response Analysis of Base-isolated Buildings Using Large FE Models[J],COMPUTERS STRUCTURES,2022,123(8):39-47
- [146]Ma, C. F., 张亚辉, Tan, P., Kennedy, D., Williams, F. W., Zhou, F. L..Non-stationary seismic response analysis of base-isolated buildings with many hysteretic device...[J],COMPUTERS STRUCTURES,2022,123:39-47
- [147]赵岩, Li, Yuyin, 张亚辉, Kennedy, David.Nonstationary seismic response analysis of long-span structures by frequency domain method cons...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,109:1-9
- [148]Deng, Lanfeng, 张亚辉.Nonlinear dynamic analysis of arresting gears using 2D non-material variable-domain corotational ...[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2022,163
- [149]张亚辉, Shen, Xun, 吴玉虎, Tielong.On-board knock probability map learning-based spark advance control for combustion engines[J],International Journal of Engine Research,2022,20(10,SI):1073-1088
- [150]Sun, Xianbo, 张亚辉, Kennedy, David.On stochastic dynamic analysis and assessment of bistable structures[J],NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2022,95(4):3205-3218
- [151]高汝鑫, 张亚辉, David Kennedy.Optimization of mid-frequency vibration for complex built-up systems using hybrid FE-SEA method[J],ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION,2022,52(12):2125-2145
- [152]Gao, Ruxin, 张亚辉, Kennedy, David.Optimization of mid-frequency vibration for complex built-up systems using the hybrid finite el...[J],ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION,2022,52(12):2125-2145
- [153]Zheng, Lei, Zhu, Yan, Liu, Zhengtao, Yan, Zhenguang, 张亚辉, 易先亮, Zhang, Juan, Xin, Zhou, Junli.pH-dependent ecological risk assessment of pentachlorophenol in Taihu Lake and Liaohe River[J],ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2022,135:216-224
- [154]张亚辉, Zhang, Shou-Yun, 赵岩, Song, Gang, 林家浩.Precise integration method for bridges subjected to moving loads[J],Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics,2022,23(3):290-294
- [155]林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩.Power spectrum method for bridge seismic analysis and its applications in china[A],The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,2022
- [156]林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩.Pseudo excitation method and its application in seismic design and disaster mitigation of long-sp...[A],12th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments - Earth and Space 2010,2022,2941-2948
- [157]林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩.Pseudo Excitation Method and Some Recent Developments[A],12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC),2022,14:2453-2458
- [158]Xu, W. T., 林家浩, 张亚辉, Kennedy, D., Williams, F. W..Pseudo-excitation-method-based sensitivity analysis and optimization for vehicle ride comfort[J],ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION,2022,41(7):699-711
- [159]林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩.PSEUDO-EXCITATION METHOD FOR RANDOM VIBRATION ANALYSES AND ITS APPLICATIONS[A],4th International Symposium on Environment Vibrations - Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation,2022,837-844
- [160]林家浩, 张亚辉, 赵岩.Pseudo-excitation method for random vibration analyses and its applicationsof coupled vehicle-tra...[A],4th ISEV2009,2022