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任职 : 三束材料改性教育部重点实验室主任

性别: 男

毕业院校: 南京大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 物理学院

学科: 凝聚态物理

电子邮箱: zhaojj@dlut.edu.cn



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A Ternary Alloy Substrate to Synthesize Monolayer Graphene with Liquid Carbon Precursor


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2017-02-01

发表刊物: ACS NANO

收录刊物: SCIE、EI、PubMed

卷号: 11

期号: 2

页面范围: 1371-1379

ISSN号: 1936-0851

关键字: graphene; chemical vapor deposition; alloy; growth mechanism; density functional theory

摘要: Here we demonstrate a ternary Cu2NiZn alloy substrate for controllably synthesizing monolayer graphene using a liquid carbon precursor cyclohexane via a facile CVD route. In contrast with elemental metal or bimetal substrates, the alloy-induced synergistic effects that provide an ideal metallic platform for much easier dehydrogenation of hydrocarbon molecules, more reasonable strength of adsorption energy of carbon monomer on surface and lower formation energies of carbon chains, largely renders the success growth of monolayer graphene with higher electrical mobility and lower defects. The growth mechanism is systemically investigated by our DFT calculations. This study provides a selective route for realizing high-quality graphene monolayer via a scalable synthetic method by using economic liquid carbon supplies and multialloy metal substrates.

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