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Chinese Chemical Letters、Carbon Research期刊编委
国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于异化铁还原诱导的直接种间电子传递人工多细胞体系及其在秸秆转化甲烷中的作用,52470140,2025.1-2028.12. 在研,主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于Na+调控的直接种间电子传递产甲烷菌胞内呼吸机制及其在厌氧消化的应用,52170125,2022.1-2025.12. 在研,主持
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,乙醇应用于厌氧消化中直接种间电子传递的构建及其调控机制,51808097,2018.01-2021.12. 结题,主持
Zhao, Zhiqiang*,et al. Enhanced Extracellular Electron Transfer in Magnetite-Mediated Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Humic Substances Reduction: The Pivotal Role of Membrane-Bound Electron Transfer Proteins. Environmental Science & Technology 58 (2024): 17756-17765.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*,et al. Correlation between intracellular electron transfer and gene expression for electrically conductive pili in electroactive bacteria during anaerobic digestion with ethanol. Water Research 265 (2024): 122307.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*,et al. Insights into feasibility and microbial characterizations on simultaneous elimination of dissolved methane from anaerobic effluents and nitrate/nitrite reduction in a conventional anoxic reactor with magnetite. Water Research 256 (2024): 121567.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*,et al. Glycol/glycerol-fed electrically conductive aggregates suggest a mechanism of stimulating direct interspecies electron transfer in methanogenic digesters. Water Research 217 (2022): 118448
Zhao,Zhiqiang*,et al. High-efficiency methanogenesis via kitchen wastes served as ethanol source to establish direct interspecies electron transfer during anaerobic Co-digestion with waste activated sludge. Water Research 176 (2020): 115763
Zhao,Zhiqiang,et al. Why do DIETers Like Drinking: Metagenomic Analysis for Methane and Energy Metabolism during Anaerobic Digestion with Ethanol. Water Research 171 (2020): 115425.(ESI高被引论文)
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Towards engineering application: Potential mechanism for enhancing anaerobic digestion of complex organic waste with different types of conductive materials. Water Research 115 (2017): 266-277. (ESI高被引论文)
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Communities stimulated with ethanol to perform direct interspecies electron transfer for syntrophic metabolism of propionate and butyrate. Water Research 102 (2016): 475-484.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Sparking Anaerobic Digestion: Promoting Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer to Enhance Methane Production. iScience 23 (2020): 101794 Review Paper (Exemption of Publishing Fee)
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Elucidation of the complete degradation mechanism of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and substrate preference within a synthetic bacterial consortium (DMFsyn) formed via a “top-down” strategy. Chemical Engineering Journal 479 (2024):147658.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Accelerating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled with extracellular electron transfer to electrodes via magnetite stimulating membrane-bound proteins of anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) archaea/methanogens. Chemical Engineering Journal 462 (2023):142266.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Magnetite-mediated Electrically Connected Community for Shortening Startup of Methane-dependent Denitrification in A Membrane Biofilm Reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 428 (2022): 132004.
Zhao,Zhiqiang,et al. Driving microbial sulfur cycle for phenol degradation coupled with Cr(VI) reduction via Fe(III)/Fe(II) transformation. Chemical Engineering Journal 393 (2020): 124801.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Potentially shifting from interspecies hydrogen transfer to direct interspecies electron transfer for syntrophic metabolism to resist acidic impact with conductive carbon cloth. Chemical Engineering Journal 313 (2017): 10-18. (ESI高被引论文)
Zhao,Zhiqiang*,et al. Independent of Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer: Magnetite-mediated Sulphur Cycle for Anaerobic Degradation of Benzoate under Low-concentration Sulphate Conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423 (2022): 127051
Zhiqiang Zhao*, et al. Enhancing anaerobic degradation of phenol to methane via solubilizing Fe (III) oxides for dissimilatory iron reduction with organic chelates. Bioresource Technology 291 (2019) 121858.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Potential enhancement of direct interspecies electron transfer for syntrophic metabolism of propionate and butyrate with biochar in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. Bioresource Technology 209 (2016): 148-156.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Enhancing syntrophic metabolism in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors with conductive carbon materials. Bioresource Technology 191 (2015): 140-145. (ESI高被引论文)
Zhao, Zhiqiang*,et al. A data-driven approach for revealing the linkages between differences in electrochemical properties of biochar during anaerobic digestion using automated machine learning. Science of the Total Environment In Press.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Potential of direct interspecies electron transfer in synergetic enhancement of methanogenesis and sulfate removal in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor with magnetite. Science of the Total Environment 677 (2019): 299-306.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Engineering Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion: Benefits of Ethanol Fermentation Pretreatment for Boosting Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer. Energy, 228 (2021): 120643, Perspective Paper (Invitation Only)
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Establishing Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer during Laboratory-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge via Biological Ethanol-Type Fermentation Pretreatment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018): 13066-13077.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. New application of ethanol-type fermentation: stimulating methanogenic communities with ethanol to perform direct interspecies electron transfer. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (2017): 9441-9453.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Electrically Conductive Biofilms Assembled by Magnetite in Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Debromination/Denitrification. ACS ES&T Water 2 (2022): 1602-1613.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Boosting conversion of waste activated sludge to methane during anaerobic digestion via facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer with glycerol. Renewable Energy 233 (2024): 121176.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Enhancing anaerobic digestion of kitchen wastes with biochar: Link between different properties and critical mechanisms of promoting interspecies electron transfer. Renewable Energy 167 (2021): 791-799.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Upgrading current method of anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge for high-efficiency methanogenesis: Establishing direct interspecies electron transfer via ethanol-type fermentation. Renewable Energy 167 (2020): 523-533.
Zhao, Zhiqiang, et al. Application of ethanol-type fermentation in establishment of direct interspecies electron transfer: A practical engineering case study. Renewable Energy 167 (2019): 846-855.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion via speeding up transmembrane transport of electrons and CO2 reduction in methanogens by Na+ adjustment. Waste Management 170 (2023): 252-260.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Synchronously improving intracellular electron transfer in electron-donating bacteria and electron-accepting methanogens for facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer during anaerobic digestion of kitchen wastes. Environmental Technology & Innovation 36 (2024): 103843.
Zhao, Zhiqiang*, et al. Effects of magnetite on nitrate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane in an anaerobic membrane biofilm reactor: Metatranscriptomic analysis and mechanism prediction. Environmental Technology & Innovation 32 (2023): 103288.
张耀斌, 赵智强, 全燮, 李杨. 一种利用乙醇和生物炭加快厌氧丙酸和丁酸分解的方法. ZL201710026321.2
张耀斌, 赵智强, 全燮, 李杨. 一种基于磁铁矿和活性炭强化的两相厌氧处理装置与工艺. ZL201710350643.2
张耀斌, 高天阳, 赵智强. 一种新型低强度有机废水的厌氧膜电生物处理工艺. ZL201810097566.9
张耀斌, 金珍, 赵智强. 一种基于磁铁矿强化的工业废水厌氧脱硫装置及工艺. ZL201811113971.1
李杨, 车忻容, 李冲, 刘美珊, 赵智强, 柳丽芬, 张耀斌. 一种两相式高含固餐厨垃圾及城市剩余污泥厌氧产甲烷技术. ZL201911092602.3
赵智强, 张耀斌. 一种玉米秸秆乙醇型发酵耦合城市污泥厌氧共消化的装置与工艺. ZL201811113595.6
张耀斌, 王名威, 赵智强. 一种利用Fenton铁泥及含铁生物炭强化两相厌氧消化的装置与工艺. ZL202210156286.7
Zhao, Zhiqiang, and Yaobin Zhang. "A Promising Strategy for Renewable Energy Recovery: Conversion of Organic Wastes to Methane via Electromethanogenesis." Bioelectrosynthesis: Principles and Technologies for Value‐Added Products (2020): 71-94.