  • Zhuang Yu
  • Doctoral Degree
  • 化工学院

Educational Experience

  • 2015.92019.3

     大连理工大学   化学工程   Doctoral Degree 

  • 2012.92015.6

     大连理工大学   化学工程   Master's Degree 

  • 2008.92012.6

     大连理工大学   化学工程   Bachelor's Degree 

Work Experience

  • 2019.32021.9

    大连理工大学      博士后

  • 2021.9Now

    大连理工大学化工学院      副教授


Personal Information

庄钰 博士 副教授

长期从事过程系统工程方面的研究,在多流程/多系统综合以及热功耦合动力循环全局能量集成方面取得系列创新性成果,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、博士后特别资助基金、辽宁省自然科学基金、国家重点实验室开放课题、中央高校基本科研业务项目、企业委托项目等8项,参与科技部重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、省部级项目、企业委托项目等7项。以第一或通讯作者在化工三大期刊Ind Eng Chem Res (5篇)/Chem Eng Sci (3篇)、 Energy (3篇)、Energy Convers Manage (5篇)、Sep Purif Technol (5篇)、Fuel (1篇)、ACS SCE(1篇)、Sci Total Environ(1篇)、Appl Therm Eng (1篇)、Comput Chem Eng (3篇)、Chinese J Chem Eng (3篇) 、化工学报、化工进展等国际国内高水平期刊发表论文50余篇,申请发明专利8项(4项已授权,1项已转化)、登记软件著作权2件(2件已授权),曾获得大连市高层次人才-青年才俊、国际会议最佳墙报奖、国际期刊最佳审稿人等多项荣誉称号和奖励,受邀于国内外会议做口头报告20余次(含主旨报告、特邀报告)。担任中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会青年委员、辽宁省化工学会医药化工专业委员会委员、PRES19国际会议分会主席、当代化工研究期刊编委会委员、辽宁化工期刊青年编委以及30余个国际国内学术期刊长期审稿人。 


2021.09-     副教授,大连理工大学化工学院

2019.03-2021.09 博士后,大连理工大学能源与动力学院,合作导师:沈胜强 教授


2012.9-2019.3      大连理工大学       化学工程         硕士/博士    导师:都健 教授

2008.9-2012.7      大连理工大学       化学工程         学士


Ø  耦合传质传热特性的功热网络综合:机理与数据驱动融合的智能化建模方法,多目标优化方法

Ø  基于高效热工转换与工质智能筛选设计的先进动力循环回收多品位余热余压

Ø  简捷热力学-严格动力学耦合的反应-分离过程与能量网络协同优化及控制结构设计

Ø  多能源协同利用与碳资源循环的低碳过程集成优化、全生命周期评价与本质安全性分析

Ø  电池储能系统优化设计:电-热-质多物理场耦合建模方法,电池水热管理,多尺度参数优化,电池储能与电解制氢耦合设计


发表学术论文100余篇,第一/通讯作者论55篇,其中SCI论文43篇 (包含化工顶级期刊16篇、能源顶级期刊8篇、环境顶级期刊1篇),EI/CPCI/高水平会议论文12篇,申请发明专利8项(4项已授权,1项已转化)、登记软件著作权2件(2件已授权)。谷歌学术引用1400余次,h-index(24)以及i-10 index(42)



[43] Zhuang Y, Jin T, Song M, Gu S, Du J*. A kinetic model-based SOFC combined cycle power generation system for waste heat recovery. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering2025, Accepted.

[42] Wu T, Wang C*, Zhuang Y*, Xu H, Du J. Control of extractive distillation processes with preconcentration for the separation of ternary azeotropic mixture ethyl acetate-ethanol–water in the face of multiple feed disturbances. Separation and Purification Technology2025, 354, 129297.


[41] Liu J, Zhuang Y*, Wang C, Du J. Life cycle assessment of coal-to-synthetic natural gas\/methanol co-production process in series. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c04851.

[40] Zhuang Y, Jin T, Song M, Du J*. A rigorous mechanism-based kinetic modeling method for optimization of solid oxide fuel cell. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research202410.1021/acs.iecr.4c02240.

[39] Huang Y, Xing Y, Zhuang Y*Du J. An extended superstructure-based model for synthesis of compression-heat-integrated heat exchanger network coupled with multiple utilities. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2024, 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03707.

[38] Wang C, Sun T, Chen W, Tan Z, Zhuang Y*, Du J, Zhao J. Applicability exploration and sustainable assessment of heat integration and vapor recompression heat pump to side-stream extractive distillation processes for separating ternary azeotropic system. Separation and Purification Technology2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.12725.

[37] Wu T, Wang C*, Liu J, Zhuang Y*, Du J. Design and 4E analysis of heat pump-assisted extractive distillation processes with preconcentration for recovering ethyl-acetate and ethanol from wastewater. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2024, 201, 510-522.


[36] Liu J, Zhuang Y*, Wang C, Du J. Life cycle carbon footprint assessment of coal-to-SNG/methanol polygeneration process. Science of the Total Environment2023, 908, 168409.

[35] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Dong Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Conceptual Design and Simulation-based Optimization of Indirect Extractive Distillation Processes Considering Preconcentration for Separating Ternary Azeotropic System. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01748. (Supplementary Cover)

[34] Huang Y, Zhuang Y*, Xing Y, Liu L, Du J. Multi-objective optimization for work-integrated heat exchange network coupled with interstage multiple utilities. Energy, 2023.

[33] Hong H, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Xing Y, Liu L*, Du J. A superstructure-based approach for integrating work-heat within hydrogen allocation network considering rigorous thermophysical properties. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2023


[32] Siwen Gu, Xiuna Zhuang, Chenying Li, Shuai Zhang, Jiaan Wang, Yu Zhuang*. Multi-Objective Optimal Design and Operation of Heat Exchanger Networks with Controllability Consideration, Sustainability2022, 14(22): 15128. 

[31] Siwen Gu, Jiaan Wang, Yu Zhuang*. A Two-Tier Superstructure Model for Optimization of Microalgae-Based Biorefinery, Energies, 2022, 15(23): 9166.

[30] Siwen Gu, Jiaan Wang, Xinmin You, Yu Zhuang*. Investigating the Parameter-Driven Cathode Gas Diffusion of PEMFCs with a Piecewise Linearization Model, Energies2023, 16(9): 3770. 

[29] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Dong Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J. Conceptual design of sustainable extractive distillation processes combining preconcentration and extractive distillation functions for separating ternary multi-azeotropic mixture. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ces.2022.118088. 

[28] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Song M, Liu L, Dong Y, Zhang L, Du J.Design and optimization of organic Rankine cycle using different working fluids for recovering waste heat in reaction-separation process of cumene synthesis. Chemical Engineering Research and Design2022, 186, 497-510. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2022.08.022. 

[27] Qin Y, Zhuang Y*, Wang C, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J. Multi-objective optimization and comparison of the entrainer-assisted pressure-swing distillation and extractive distillation separation sequences for separating a pressure-insensitive binary azeotrope. Computers and Chemical Engineering2022, 107959.

[26] Cui X, Zhuang Y*, Dong H, Du J. Multi-criteria screening of carbon dioxide utilization products with process optimization and evaluation. Fuel2022, 328, 125319.

[25] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Qin Y, Dong Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J.Design and eco-efficiency analysis of sustainable extractive distillation process combining preconcentration and solvent recovery functions for separating the tetrahydrofuran/ethanol/water ternary. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2022.01.060 

[24] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Dong Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J. Dynamic controllability comparison of different side-stream extractive distillation processes with intermediate boiling entrainer. Separation and Purification Technology2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.120475 

[23] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Dong Y, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*. Design and control analysis of side-stream extractive distillation column with low-concentration intermediate-boiling entrainer. Chemical Engineering Science2022, 247. 116915.


[22] Song M, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Wang C, Du J, Shen S. Advanced exergy analysis for the solid oxide fuel cell system combined with a kinetic-based modeling pre-reformer. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 114560.

[21] Song M, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Li W, Du J, Shen S. Thermodynamic performance assessment of SOFC-RC-KC system for multiple waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 114579.

[20] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Conceptual design of intuitive and counter-intuitive triple-column extractive distillation for separating the N-hexane/acetone/chloroform ternary multi-azeotropic mixture. Chemical Engineering Science2021, 237, 116578.

[19] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Design and comparison of energy-saving reactive-extractive/pressure-swing hybrid distillation processes for ternary multi-azeotrope dehydration. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 259: 118211.

[18] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Qin Y, Dong Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Optimization and eco-efficiency analysis of extractive distillation processes with different solvents for separating the ternary mixture embedding two azeotropes. Separation and Purification Technology2021, 269, 118763.

[17]   Zhuang Y, Zhou C, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*, Shen S. A simultaneous optimization model for a heat-integrated syngas-to-methanol process with Kalina cycle for waste heat recovery. Energy, 2021, 227: 120536.

[16] Li M, Zhuang Y*, Li W, Song M, Du J. Techno-economic and carbon footprint feasibility assessment for polygeneration process of carbon-capture coal-to-methanol/power and molten carbonate fuel cell. Energy Conversion and Management2021, 235, 114015.

[15] Li M, Zhuang Y*, Li W, Dong Y, Du J, Shengqiang Shen. A surrogate-based optimization framework for simultaneous synthesis of chemical process and heat exchanger network. Chemical Engineering Research and Design2021, 170: 180-188.

[14]   Zhuang Y, Zhou C, Dong Y, Du J*, Shen S. A hierarchical optimization and design of double Kalina cycles for waste heat recovery. Energy, 2021, 219: 119593.

[13]   Zhuang Y#, Xing Y#, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*, Shen S. An Enhanced Superstructure-based Model for Work-integrated Heat Exchange Network Considering Inter-stage Multiple Utilities Optimization. Computers and Chemical Engineering2021, 152: 107388.


[12] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Heat pump assisted extractive distillation sequences with intermediate-boiling entrainer. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 186, 116511.

[11] Wang C, Zhuang Y*, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Design and comparison of conventional and side-stream extractive distillation sequences for separating the methanol-toluene binary azeotrope with intermediate boiling entrainer. Computers and Chemical Engineering2020, 143: 107115.

[10]   Zhuang Y, Li M, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*, Shen S. Simultaneous optimization of a heat-integrated coal-to-SNG/MeOH polygeneration process based on rigorous kinetic model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 51, 22247–22257. (Supplementary Cover)

[9] Zhou C, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J, Shen S. A novel pinch-based method for process integration and optimization of Kalina Cycle. Energy Conversion and Management2020209: 112630.

[8] Li M, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J, Shen S. Conceptual design and techno-economic analysis for a coal-to-SNG/methanol polygeneration process in series and parallel reactors with integration of waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management2020, 214: 112890.

[7]   Zhuang Y, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*, Shen S. An upgraded superstructure-based model for simultaneous synthesis of direct work and heat exchanger networks. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2020, 159: 377-394.

[6]   Zhuang Y, Yang R, Zhang L, Du J*, Shen S. Simultaneous synthesis of sub and above-ambient heat exchanger networks including expansion process based on an enhanced superstructure model. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28: 1344-1356. (封底论文

2019年 and before

[5]   Zhuang Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*, Shen S. An extended superstructure modeling method for simultaneous synthesis of direct work exchanger networks. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 144: 258-271.

[4]   Zhuang Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Synthesis of indirect work exchange networks considering both isothermal and adiabatic process together with exergy analysis. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26: 1644-1652.

[3]   Zhuang Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Upgraded graphical method for the synthesis of direct work exchanger networks. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56: 14304-14315.

[2] Zhuang Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J*. Direct work exchanger network synthesis of isothermal process based on improved transshipment model. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 81: 295-304.

[1] Zhuang Y, Liu L, Liu Q, Du J*. Step-wise synthesis of work exchange networks involving heat integration based on the transshipment model. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25: 1052-1060.


[12] 武庭宇,王超,秦余涛,庄钰*,都健. 耦合预分离的萃取精馏分离乙酸乙酯/乙醇/水. 化工学报, 2023,DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230830. (EI)

[11] 张忠义,张磊,王宇,董亚超,陶进,李义,佟毅,庄钰*,刘琳琳,都健*. 基于数据挖掘的玉米淀粉果糖生产流程的关键位点筛选. 化工学报2023, DOI:10.11949/0438-1157.20230858. (EI)

[10] Liu J, Zhuang Y*, Wang C, Du J. Life cycle assessment of coal-to-natural gas/methanol polygeneration process. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023.

[9] Huang Y, Zhuang Y*, Zhang L, Du J. Synthesis of Work-integrated Heat Exchanger Networks Coupled With Organic Rankine Cycles. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023.

[8] Huang Y, Zhuang Y*, Du J. Multi-objective optimization for work-integrated heat exchanger network coupled with interstage multiple utilities. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 202294. (CPCI)

[7] Mengting Song, Yu Zhuang*, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Yachao Dong, Jian Du. A novel rigorous mechanism-based kinetic modeling method for solid oxide fuel cell considering micro-scale reaction characteristics. Proceedings of PRES21, 2021.

[6] Li M, Zhuang Y*, Song M, Li W, Du J. Conceptual design and techno-economic analysis of a novel coal-based polygeneration processes of MCFC and methane synthesis with a waste heat recovery system. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2020, 81, 661-666. (CPCI)

[5] Zhuang Y, Liu L, Zhang L, Du J, Shen S. An efficient sequential approach for work and heat exchange networks synthesis combined with meta-heuristic strategies. Chemical Engineering Transactions2019, 76, 583-588. (CPCI)

[4] Zhuang Y, Zhang L, Liu L, Du J*. Simultaneous synthesis of WHEN based on superstructure modelling considering thermodynamic and economic factors. Computers Aided Chemical Engineering2018, 44, 1033-38. (CPCI)

[3] Zhuang Y, Liu L, Du J*. Direct work exchange networks synthesis of isothermal process based on superstructure method. Chemical Engineering Transactions2017, 61:133-138. (EI)

[2] Jian Du, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Jilong Li, Jie Fan, Qingwei Meng. Synthesis of indirect work exchanger network based on transshipment model. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2015, 37: 1139-1144. (CPCI)

[1]  庄钰,刘琳琳,李继龙,樊婕,滕佳志,都健. 基于转运模型的功交换网络综合. 化工进展2015, 34(4): 952-956. (EI)


[10] 都健,张忠义,庄钰,张磊,刘琳琳,董亚超,王宇,李凡注意力增强的多时间尺度LSTM用于淀粉液化过程的建模方法2024.09.03, 申请号:202411225672.2. (已申请)

[9] 庄钰,李玲,黄勇健,都健. 集成蒸汽和有机朗肯循环的功耦合换热网络综合优化方法2024.07.29, 申请号:202411023120.3. (已申请)

[8] 庄钰,周文晋,王超,张磊,都健.OptWHR:利用中间介质热媒流体回收过程低品位余热建模及优化软件,2023.8.8,登记号:2023SR1208154.(已授权)

[7] 董亚超,邢雅枫,都健,张磊,庄钰.DynaModeller:基于动态响应面的有机反应动态数据建模与预测软件,2021.8.30,登记号:2021SR1282069.(已授权)

[6] 庄钰,都健,王超,刘琳琳,董亚超萃取精馏分离甲醇-乙腈-苯共沸物系的装置及方法2022.06.23, 公开号:CN115093303A. (已授权)

[5] 庄钰,都健,王超,张磊萃取精馏分离甲醇-乙腈-共沸物系的装置及方法2022.06.23, 公开号:CN115068968A. (已授权

[4] 庄钰,都健,王超,刘琳琳萃取精馏分离甲醇--乙腈共沸物系的装置及方法2021.12.07, 授权号:ZL202111485288.2. (已授权

[3] 庄钰,都健,李明鑫,张磊,刘琳琳,董亚超. 一种耦合碳捕集煤制甲醇和燃料电池热电联产装置和方法,2021.01.27, 公开号:CN112952164A.已公开

[2] 庄钰,都健,王超,张磊,刘琳琳萃取精馏分离四氢呋喃-乙醇-水共沸物系的装置及方法,2020.08.24, 授权号:ZL202010854961.4.已授权,已转化

[1] 庄钰,都健,周聪聪,董亚超一种耦合卡琳娜循环的合成气制甲醇的装置和方法,2020.08.24, 公开号:CN112010734A.已公开


      [33] 2024年中国化工学会智能制造技术交流会,中国宁波,2024.12.13-15.(Oral)

      [32] 2024年第四届全国过程模拟与仿真学术会议,中国广州,2024.11.29-12.2.(Oral, 优秀口头报告奖)

      [31] 2024年中国化工学会科技创新会,中国西安,2024.11.1-4.(参会)

      [30] 2024年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国大连,2024.8.23-25.(参与承办,Oral, 优秀论文三等奖)

       [29] 第20届中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会年会,中国成都,2024.8.15-8.17. (特邀报告)

      [28] 2023年智能材料化工国际峰会,中国大连,2023.10.27-29.(Oral, 分论坛主持人)

      [27] 2023年第四届国际电化学能源系统会议,中国南昌,2023.10.21-23. (特邀报告)

      [26] 2023年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国天津,2023.8.4-6.(Oral, 优秀论文三等奖)

      [25] 2023年第八届全国储能工程大会,中国重庆,2023.4.14-16. (特邀报告)

       [24] 19届中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会年会,中国南京,2023.3.31-4.2. (参会)

      [23] 25th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling & Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Online, Sep. 5-7, 2022. (Oral)

      [22] 2022年第三届国际电化学能源系统会议,中国银川,2022.7.27-29. (特邀报告)

      [21] 2022年Elsevier SPT-大连理工大学先进分离纯化技术前沿研讨会,Online,2022.6.22. (Oral)

      [20] 2021年第二届化工学院博士后学术交流会,中国大连,2021.12.23. (Oral)

      [19] 2021年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国武汉,2021.11.5-8. (Oral)-推迟

      [18] 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling & Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Online, Oct. 31- Nov. 3, 2021. (Oral)

[17] 2021年化工学会年会—化工分离过程论坛,中国沈阳,2021.9.24-26. (Poster)

[16] “化工系统工程助力化工实现碳中和”学术论坛, 中国青岛, 2021.7.30-8.1. (参会)

[15] The 4th Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory Scientific Conference (SPIL国际会议), Online, 2020.11.18. (Oral)

[14] 2020年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国重庆,2020.11. (参会)

[13] 2020年全国安全科学与工程博士后学术交流论坛,中国大连,2020.9.11-12.(Oral)

[12] 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling & Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Xi'an, China, August 17-21, 2020. (参会)

[11] 2019年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国杭州,2019.11.8-10. (Oral)

[10] 22nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling & Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Crete, Greece, October 20-24, 2019. (Keynote)

[9]  17届中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会年会,中国大连,2019.8.23-25. (参与承办)(Oral)

[8]  5th International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering (SCPPE), Tianjin, China, June 30-July 3,2019. (Poster) (Best Poster Award)

[7]  the 8th PSE Asia(亚洲过程系统工程会议), Bangkok, Thailand, January 13-19, 2019. (Oral)

[6] 2018年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国西宁,2018.8.22-24. (Oral)

[5]  20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling & Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Tianjin, China, August 23-28, 2017. (Oral)

[4] 2017年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国昆明,2017.7.26-28. (Oral)

[3] 2016年过程系统工程(PSE)年会,中国西安,2016.7.27-29. (Oral)

[2] the 7th PSE Asia(亚洲过程系统工程会议), Tokyo, Japan, July 21-28, 2016. (Poster)

[1]   4th International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering (SCPPE), Nanjing, China, May 31-June 3, 2016. (Oral)


[9]   国家重点实验室开放课题(No.ICT2024B29):预分离与溶剂回收耦合的三元萃取精馏先进控制与实时优化研究2024.92025.8主持

[8]   国家自然科学基金-面上基金项目(No.22478057):功热耦合的中间沸点萃取剂三元萃取精馏序列综合,2025.12028.12主持

[7]   国家重点研发计划子课题,玉米精深加工智能控制关键节点的分析与建模,2022.01-2026.12,项目骨干,参与

[6]   横向课题:萃取精馏分离四氢呋喃-乙醇-水共沸物系的装置及方法,2023.11-2025.10,主持

[5]   横向课题:智慧热岛余热的优化利用,2022.10-2023.03,主持

[4]  中央高校基本科研业务费资助(No. DUT21RC(3)109):基于有机朗肯循环与功热集成耦合的余热余压利用研究,2021.9–2023.12主持。

[3]   国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目(No.22008023)耦合蒸汽-有机朗肯联合循环与功热集成的余热利用研究2021.12023.12主持

[2]   辽宁省自然科学基金-博士科研启动基金计划项目(No.2021BS062):耦合热集成的煤制天然气—甲醇联产工艺概念设计,2021.82023.7主持

[1]   中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前)(No.2019TQ0045):基于先进火用经济分析的功耦合多品位余热回收研究,2019.72021.3主持


[8]    《化工过程模拟与智能优化》,2024研究生课程建设,研究生教改项目(项目负责人

[7]    《化工过程分析与合成“智能+”课程建设》,2024校本科教学工程项目,本科生教改项目(6/6)

[6]    《化工智能制造概论》,2022校新工科精品教材,本科生教改项目(4/8)

[5]    《过程系统工程》,都健, 邱彤, 项曙光, 董亚超, 罗祎青, 肖武, 史彬, 胡山鹰, 张磊, 庄钰,刘琳琳,刘奇磊,化学工业出版社(待出版)。

[4]    《化工原理学习指导》(待出版)

[3]    《化工原理实验》(第二版),都健,王瑶,齐新鸿,姜晓滨,徐威,俞路,李甜甜,李祥村,马沧海,刘琳琳,潘艳秋,张磊,肖武,陈婉婷,吴雪梅,王维,董亚超,庄钰(按照章节顺序),化学工业出版社,2024年,国家级一流本科课程建设成果教材。

[2]    《化工智能制造概论》,都健, 董亚超, 张磊, 刘奇磊, 庄钰, 刘琳琳, 顾偲雯, 孟庆伟, 赵静喃, 任婧杰, 高伟(按照章节顺序), 化学工业出版社, 2024年, 入选战略性新兴领域“十四五”高等教育教材体系建设团队、大连理工大学精品教材建设项目。

[1]    《化工过程分析与综合》,新工科精品教材,化学工业出版社,2021.09已出版;



Ø  2023年石油和化工行业“十四五”规划教材《化工过程分析与综合》(省部级)

Ø  2023年校教学质量优良奖

Ø  2023年辽宁省高等学校本科大学生化工原理大赛一等奖(指导教师)

Ø  2022年第一届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛三等奖(指导教师)

Ø  2022年大连理工大学本科优秀教学成果奖二等奖(8/10)

Ø  2022年青年教师讲课竞赛校二等奖、院一等奖

Ø  2021年大连市高层次人次-青年才俊

Ø  2019 Best Poster Award of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering.

Ø  2018 Outstanding reviewer of Energy Conversion and Management.

Ø  博士研究生国家奖学金



Ø  博士后:王超;

Ø  硕士生:(1)刘敬(2024国奖、2023国奖、2025省优毕)(2)武庭宇(2024专项奖学金2025市优毕(3)金桐(2024国奖、2023国奖、2025省优毕)(4)张忠义(5)包良昊(6)杨宁(7)李玲(8)曹昭阳(9)张若凡(10)李乐琦(11)焦露营(12)胡必润(13)梁怡

Ø  本科毕设(13人次):滕佳志、黄皓辉、刘奇磊、时坤、刘润泽、黄勇健、范澍远、刘敬、冯思瑶、包良昊、周凤岐、吴丽丽、张希璞(优秀)、王一民、胡必润、池佳璐、丁剑书;

Ø  已毕业:



Ø  Reviewer of Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Journal,Energy, Separation and Purificantion TechnologyEnergy Conversion and ManagementEnergy Conversion and Management XJournal of Cleaner ProductionBioresource TechnologyChemical Engineering Research and Design, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersBiomass Conversion and BiorefineryScientific Reports, Energy Sources-Part B: Economics, Planning, and PolicyJournal of Central South University, Sustainability, Energies, Energy Technology, International Journal of Energy Research, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, ProcessesInternational Journal of RefrigerationFuelInternational Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 《化工学报》,《华东理工大学学报》,《计算物理》,《当代化工研究》, 《辽宁化工》….


Ø  Session chair of power integration and energy storage in the international conference of PRES19, Grete, Greece

Ø  中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会, 青年委员

Ø  辽宁省化工学会医药化工专业委员会, 委员

Ø  当代化工研究期刊编委会, 委员

Ø  辽宁化工编委会, 青年委员

Ø   中国系统工程学会过程系统工程专业委员会会员

Ø   中国化工学会专业会员

Ø   Editorial Board of Thermal System Design for Frontiers in Thermal Engineering, Review Editor(评审编辑)



[45] 王亚男, 刘琳琳*,庄钰, 都健. 基于代理模型的环氧乙烷制乙二醇工艺优化同步热集成化工进展2024, 43(9), 5234-5241. (EI)

[44] Yanan Wang, Yu Zhuang, Wenjin Zhou, Linlin Liu*, Siwen Gu, Jian Du. Simultaneous process optimization and heat integration for ethylene-to-ethylene oxide process: A surrogate model-based approach, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2024, 208, 279-289.

[43] Linlin Liu, Shenghui Li, Yu Zhuang, Jian Du*. Exploring biomass addition in methanol production: A life cycle analysis of efficiency and environmental impacts,  Journal of Cleaner Production2024, 468, 143072.

[42] Andi Cheng, Kuandi Wang, Yu Zhuang, Wu Xiao*, Xuehua Ruan, Xiaobin Jiang, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He*. Enhanced methanol reforming gas fuel cell system with electrochemical hydrogen pump: Conceptual design, system analysis, and multi-objective optimization,  Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 301, 118008.


[41] 顾诗亚, 董亚超*, 刘琳琳,张磊,庄钰, 都健. 考虑中间节点的碳捕集管路系统设计与优化,化工进展2023, 42(6), 2799-2808. (EI) 

[40] Kun Tang, Yu Zhuang, Wenlong Wang, Qilei Liu*, Lei Zhang, Qingwei Meng. GC-NORM-based Thermodynamic Framework for Evaluations of Organic Reactions involving Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Chemical Engineering Science2023, 278(8), 118913.

[39] Siwen Gu, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Jian Du*, Cheng Shao. Integrated synthesis and control of heat exchanger networks with dynamic flexibility consideration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 218, 119304.


[38] 向晟, 王超, 庄钰, 顾偲雯, 张磊*, 都健. 变压精馏分离乙酸甲酯-甲醇-乙酸乙酯体系的设计与控制, 化工进展, 2022, 41(8), 4065-4076. (EI) 

[37] Xingjing Gao, Linlin Liu, Yachao Dong*, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Jian Du. Stochastic programming-based mathematical model and solution strategy for chemical production scheduling with processing time uncertainty, Computers and Chemical Engineering2022, 168, 108043.

[36] Xiaojing Sun, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu*,Yachao Dong, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Multi-objective optimization of heat exchange network and thermodynamic cycles integrated system for cooling and power generation, Applied Energy2022, 321, 119366.

[35] Yafeng Xing, Yachao Dong*, Christos Goergakis, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du, Qingwei Meng. Automatic data-driven stoichiometry identification and kinetic modeling framework for homogeneous organic reactions, AIChE Journal2022, 68(7), e17713.

[34] Siwen Gu, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Weida Li, Jian Du*, Cheng Shao. Two-tier control structure design methodology applied to heat exchanger networks, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cjche.2021.08.022.

[33] Fengyuan Wang, Shuai Zhang, Chenyu Lv, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Optimal design of solar-assisted steam and power system under uncertainty . Journal of Cleaner Production (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130294 .


[32] Lei Zhang, Haitao Mao, Yu Zhuang, Lu Wang, Linlin Liu, Yachao Dong, Jian Du*, Wancui Xie, Zhihong Yuan. Odor prediction and Aroma Mixture Design using Machine Learning Model and Molecular Surface Charge Density Profiles. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 245, 116947.

[31] Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Yachao Dong, Yu Zhuang, Jiao Li, Jian Du*, HongChao Yin. Multi-objective optimization and thermo-economic analysis of an enhanced CACRS and ORC integrated system for cooling and power cogeneration. Energy Conversion and Management2021, 236, 114068.

[30] Yutao Qin, Yu Zhuang, Chao Wang, Yachao Dong, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Comparison of pressure-swing distillation and extractive distillation for the separation of the non-pressure sensitive azeotropes. Proceedings of PRES21, 2021


[29] Rui Yang, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*, Shengqiang Shen. A Thermo-economic Multi-objective 1 Optimization Model for Simultaneous Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks Including Compressors. Chemical Engineering Research and Design2020, 153: 120-135.

[28] Shuai Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu*, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Optimization-based approach for CO2 Utilization in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Supply Chain. Computers and Chemical Engineering2020, 139, 106885.

[27] Weida Li, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Process evaluation and optimization of methanol production from shale gas based on kinetics modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production2020, 274: 123153

[26] Shuai Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Ran Tao, Linlin Liu*, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Multi-objective Optimization for the Deployment of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Supply Chain Considering Economic and Environmental Performance. Journal of Cleaner Production2020, 270: 122481.

[25] Chao Wang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. Design and control of a novel side-stream extractive distillation column for separating methanol-toluene binary azeotrope with intermediate boiling entrainer. Separation and Purification Technology2020, 239: 116581.

[24] Chao Wang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. Control of Energy-Efficient extractive distillation configurations for separating methanol/toluene azeotrope with intermediate-boiling entrainer. Chemical Engineering and Processing2020149: 107862.

[23] Lei Zhang, Junqing Pang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Process-Solvent Design based on COSMO-SAC and Quantum Calculation for TMQ Production. Chemical Engineering Science2020, 226: 115894.

[22] Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. A Superstructure-based Simultaneous Optimization of Heat Exchanger Network and Compression-absorption Cascade Refrigeration System for Heat Recovery. Processes2020, 8(2), 210.

[21] Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. A superstructure-based simultaneous optimization of heat exchanger network and compression-absorption cascade refrigeration system for heat recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2020, 59, 36, 16017–16028.

[20] Linlin Liu, Changhao Wu, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. An inter-plant heat integration method involving multiple intermediate fluid circles and agents: single-period and multi-period design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2020, 59, 10, 4698-4711.

[19] Yao Sheng, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Simultaneous Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Network Considering Steam Supply and Various Locations of Steam Heaters. Energies, 2020, 13, 1467.

[18] Linlin Liu, Yao Sheng, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. Multi-objective optimization of inter-plant heat exchanger networks considering utility steam supply and various locations of inter-plant steam generation/utilization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 32, 14433–14446.

[17] Chao Wang, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Reaction-Separation Process Integration and Working Fluid Optimization for Organic Rankine Cycles Recovering Waste Heat in Cumene Synthesis. Chemical Engineering Transactions2020, 81, 655-660.

[16] Fengyuan Wang, Linlin Liu*, Yao Sheng, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Jian Du. Optimal Design and Sizing of Solar-assisted Combined Heat and Power System Based on Economic and Environmental Analysis. Chemical Engineering Transactions2020, 81, 43-48.

[15] Ran Tao, Linlin Liu*, Siwen Gu, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Flexible Synthesis of Inter-Plant Heat Exchanger Networks Considering the operation of Intermediate Circles. Chemical Engineering Transactions2020, 81, 13-18.

2019年 and before

[14] Shuai Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu*, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Risk Management Optimization Framework for the Optimal Deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage System under Uncertainty. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews2019, 113: 109280.

[13] Weida Li, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*. Economic evaluation and environmental assessment of the shale gas sweetening process. Chemical Engineering and Technology2019, 42(4): 753-760.

[12] Weida Li, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Economic evaluation and environmental assessment of shale gas dehydration process. Journal of Cleaner Production2019, 232: 487-498.

[11]  Qilei Liu, Lei Zhang, Kun Tang, Yixuan Feng, Jinyuan Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du*. Computer-Aided Reaction Solvent Design Considering Inertness using Group Contribution-based Reaction Thermodynamic Model. Chemical Engineering Research and Design2019, 152: 123-133.

[10]  Rui Yang, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du. Enhanced Superstructure-based Model for Synthesis of Sub-ambient Heat Exchanger Networks with Expansion Process. Chemical Engineering Transactions2019, 76, 289-294. (CPCI).

[9]  Weida Li, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. 3E (Economic, Exergy, Environmental) Analysis of Methanol Production from Shale Gas. Chemical Engineering Transactions2019, 76, 655-660. (CPCI).

[8]  Junqing Pang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Yu Zhuang. Integrated Process-Product Design based on COSMO-SAC model: Application to the Production of 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,2-H-Dihydroquinoline (TMQ). Chemical Engineering Transactions2019, 76, 1183-1188. (CPCI).

[7]  杨蕊,庄钰,邸楠茜,都健基于超结构法的热集成间接式功交换网络综合,化工学报2019, 70(12): 4689-4697. (EI).

[6]  杨蕊庄钰刘琳琳, 张磊都健功热交换网络综合的研究进展化工进展2019, 38(6), 2550-2558. (EI).

[5]  李明鑫,庄钰,李伟达,田硕,都健基于BGL气化炉建模的3E分析与优化,计算机与应用化学2019, 36(6): 598-602. (核心).

[4]  滕佳志,庄钰,杨蕊,武杨,刘琳琳,张磊,都健基于超结构法的间接式功交换网络综合,大连理工大学学报2019, 59(5): 441-448. (核心).

[3]  Shuai Zhang, Lei Zhang, Linlin Liu, Yu Zhuang, Jian Du. An optimization model for carbon capture utilization and storage supply chain: A case study in Northeastern China. Applied Energy2018, 231: 194-206.

[2] Jian Du*, Jie Fan, Linlin Liu, Yu Zhuang, Qingwei Meng.Simultaneous optimization of split fractions and cleaning schedule management in heat exchanger networks. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering2015, 37: 755-760. (CPCI)

[1]  樊婕,李继龙,刘琳琳,庄钰,都健换热器网络设备面积与清洗时序同步优化,化工学报2014, 65(11): 4484-4489. (EI).

  • Gender:Male
  • Alma Mater:大连理工大学
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree
  • Business Address:化工实验楼D203
  • Contact Information:zhuangyu@dlut.edu.cn
  • E-Mail:zhuangyu@dlut.edu.cn
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