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Date of Publication:2022-10-09




Page Number:95-100

ISSN No.:1671-833X

Abstract:A high-aspect-ratio copper microchannel cooling device for radar was fabricated on metallic substrate based on the electrochemical deposition technique. In view of the problem of non-uniform thickness in making thick film with high-viscosity SU-8 photoresist, lapping and polishing techniques were applied to the unexposed SU-8 film to improve the thickness uniformity and the dimension error caused by air gap was also reduced. A novel method to measure the thickness of unexposed SU-8 film using refractive index was proposed and the refractive index of SU-8 photoresist at yellow sodium light was obtained by least square method. In order to overcome the failure in making high-aspect-ratio SU-8 film due to inappropriate exposure dose, the effect of exposure dose on the quality of the film was discussed by lithography experiment and the optimal parameter was 640mJ/cm2. SU-8 film with good quality was acquired and a copper microchannel cooling device was fabricated based on the above techniques and experiment. The width is 50μm, the height is over 250μm and the aspect ratio is over 5.


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