
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:Professor


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:School of Information and Communication Engineering

Discipline:Signal and Information Processing

Business Address:A512, Haishan Building

Contact Information:bowang@dlut.edu.cn


Signal and Information Processing

  • Nan Zhao
  • 张平平
  • Miao Zhang
  • 张璐
  • 张立和
  • Chi Zhang
  • Henry Yin
  • 殷福亮
  • Yifan Wang
  • Wang Lijun
  • 王洪玉
  • 王栋
  • Tang Hong
  • QIU Tianshuang
  • Qi Jinqing
  • Yongri Piao
  • Xiaorui Ma
  • 马晓红
  • 卢湖川
  • Xiukui Li
  • Yang Liu
  • 刘文龙
  • 刘航
  • 林秋华
  • Li Ming
  • Li Jianhua
  • Minglu JIN
  • Xiaopeng Hu
  • 郭艳卿
  • Chengan Guo
  • 龚晓峰
  • 丛丰裕
  • Frank Chen
  • 陈云飞


I am not a star professor, but I am working on the road to a star professor of tomorrow. For this reason, self-motivated graduate students are desired to my research group. Self-motivated attitude and initiative are the most important characteristics in our laboratory. Students with preliminary knowledge on signal (image/video) processing and programming skills are most welcome. For your academic trip in my group, I will devote myself to training your FIVE abilities: Intellectual skills, Communication skills, Personality characteristics, Habit of work, Mechanical skills, which are considered as the most important abilities of a graduated student.
