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2013年于大连理工大学获博士学位,2013-2019年在清华大学、美国西北大学从事博士后研究,2019-2020年受聘香港城市大学任高级研究员,2020年2月受聘大连理工大学运载学部工程力学系任教授。国家级青年人才项目获得者、辽宁省优秀科技工作者、大连市杰出青年科技人才、辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才、获“星海青千引进计划(A档)”、钱令希力学奖青年教师一等奖、任辽宁省力学学会理事。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目。研究工作主要聚焦于力学与生命健康前沿交叉领域,面向可延展柔性器件在生物医学应用中的关键科学问题,发展微器件柔性化、一体化、集成化的新型力学设计及理论。发表SCI论文100余篇(2篇热点论文,12篇ESI高被引论文),其中以第一/通讯作者(含等同)在Nature(2篇)、Science(2篇)、Nature Materials、Nature Biomedical Engineering(2篇)、Nature Neuroscience、NeuronAdvanced Materials、Nature Communications、Science Advances(4篇)等高水平期刊发表论文40余篇。研究成果被Nature、Science、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Biomedical Engineering等期刊在Research Highlights、Perspectives或News & Views/Opinions专栏中焦点报道,并多次受到ScienceDaily、US news、CNN、MIT Technology Review、IEEE Spectrum、The Independent、中国日报网、新华网等国内外重要媒体及专业杂志的报道。基于柔性天线设计研究工作,2021~2022年被Expertscape网站认定为无线技术领域世界级专家(排名第1)。Google Scholar论文引用10000余次,H指数50。


[1]. Reeder J#, Xie Z#, Yang Q#, Seo M#, Yan Y, Deng Y, Jinkins K, Krishnan S, Liu C, McKay S, Patnaude E, Johnson A, Zhao Z, Kim M, Xu Y, Huang I, Avila R, Felicelli C, Ray E, Guo X, Ray W, Huang Y, MacEwan M, Rogers JA*. “Soft, bioresorbable coolers for reversible conduction block of peripheral nerves,” Science, 377(6601): 109-115, 2022. 

[2]. Liu Y#, Yiu C#, Song Z#, Huang Y#, Yao K, Wong T, Zhou J, Zhao L, Huang X, Nejad S, Wu M, Li D, He J, Guo X, Yu J, Feng X, Xie Z*, Yu X*, “Electronic skin as wireless human-machine interfaces for robotic VR,” Science advances, 8(2): eabl6700, 2022.

[3]. Chen J#, Huang W#*, Zheng D*, Xie Z*, Zhuang X, Zhao D, Chen Y, Su N, Chen H, Pankow R, Gao Z, Yu J, Guo X, Cheng Y, Strzalka J, Yu X*, Marks T*, Facchetti A*, “Highly stretchable organic electrochemical transistors with strain-resistant performance,” Nature Materials, 27(5): 564-571, 2022.

[4]. Liu Y#, Huang X#, Zhou J#, Yiu C#, Song Z#, Huang W, Nejad S, Li H, Wong T, Yao K, Zhao L, Yoo W, Park W, Li J, Huang Y, Lam H, Song E, Guo X, Wang Y, Dai Z*, Chang L*, Jung W*, Li W*, Xie Z*, Yu X*, “Stretchable Sweat-Activated Battery in Skin-Integrated Electronics for Continuous Wireless Sweat Monitoring,” Advanced Science, 2104635, 2022.

[5]. Yang Y#, Wu M#, Vazquez-Guardado A#, Wegener A, Grajales-Reyes J, Deng Y, Wang T, Avila R, Moreno J, Minkowicz S, Dumronprechachan V, Lee J, Zhang S, Legaria A, Ma Y, Mehta S, Franklin D, Hartman L, Bai W, Han M, Zhao H, Lu W, Yu Y, Sheng X, Banks A, Yu X, Donaldson Z, Gereau R, Good C, Xie Z*, Huang Y*, Kozorovitskiy Y*, Rogers JA*, “Wireless multilateral devices for optogenetic studies of individual and social behaviors,” Nature Neuroscience, 24: 1035-1045, 2021.

[6]. Song E#Xie Z#, Bai W#, Luan H#, Ji B, Ning X, Xia Y, Baek J, Lee Y, Avila R, Chen H, Kim J, Madhvapathy S, Yao K, Li D, Zhou J, Han M, Won S, Zhang X, Myers D, Mei Y, Guo X, Xu S, Chang J*, Yu X*, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*, “Miniaturized electromechanical devices for the characterization of the biomechanics of deep tissue,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 5: 759-771, 2021.

[7]. Kim B#, Li K#, Kim J#, Park Y#, Jang H, Wang X, Xie Z, Won S, Jang W, Lee K, Chung T, Jung Y, Heo S, Lee Y, Kim J, Cai T, Kim Y, Prasopsukh P, Yu Y, Yu X, Luan H, Song H, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Chen L, Han S, Kim J, Oh S, Lee H, Lee C, Huang Y*, Chamorro L*, Zhang Y*, Rogers JA*, “Three-dimensional electronic microfliers with designs inspired by wind-dispersed seeds,” Nature, 597(7877): 503-510, 2021.

[8]. He J#, Xie Z#, Yao K, Li D, Liu Y, Gao Z, Lu W, Chang L, Yu X*, “Trampoline inspired stretchable triboelectric nanogenerators as tactile sensors for epidermal electronics,” Nano Energy, 81: 105590, 2021.

[9]. Lee K#, Ni X#, Lee JY#, Arafa H, Pe D, Xu S, Irie M, Avila R, Lee JH, Kim DH, Chung H, Olabisi O, Getaneh S, Chung E, Hill M, Bell J, Jang H, Liu C, Park JB, Kim J, Kim SB, Mehta S, Pharr M, Tzavelis A, Reeder JT, Huang I, Deng Y, Xie Z*, Davies CR*, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*, “Mechano-acoustic sensing of physiological processes and body motions via a soft wireless device placed at the suprasternal notch,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 4: 148-158, 2020. (Cover feature article)

[10]. Xie Z, Avila R, Huang Y, Rogers JA*, “Flexible and stretchable antennas for biointegrated electronics,” Advanced Materials, 32(15): 1902767, 2020.

[11]. Koo J#, Kim S#, Choi Y#, Xie Z#, Bandodkar A, Khalifeh J, Yan Y, Kim H, Pezhouh M, Doty K, Lee G, Chen Y, Lee S, D’Andrea D, Jung K, Lee K, Li K, Jo S, Wang H, Kim J, Kim J, Choi S, Jang W, Oh Y, Park I, Kwak S, Park J, Hong D, Feng X, Lee C, Banks A, Lea C, Lee H, Huang Y, Franz C, Ray W, MacEwan M*, Kang S*, Rogers JA*, “Wirelessly controlled, bioresorbable drug delivery device with active valves that exploit electrochemically triggered crevice corrosion,” Science Advances, 6(35): eabb1093, 2020.

[12]. Yao K#, Liu Yi#, Li D, He J, Li J, Lam R, Xie Z*, Wang L*, Yu X*, “Mechanics designs-performance relationships in epidermal triboelectric nanogenerators,” Nano Energy, 76: 105017, 2020.

[13]. Liu Y, Zhao L, Avila R, Yiu C, Wong T, Chan Y, Yao K, Li D, Zhang Y*, Li W*, Xie Z*, Yu X*, “Epidermal electronics for respiration monitoring via thermo-sensitive measuring,” Materials Today Physics, 13: 100199, 2020.

[14]. Liu Y, Zheng H, Zhao L, Liu S, Yao K, Li D, Yiu C, Gao S, Avila R, Chirarattananon P, Chang L*, Wang Z*, Huang X*, Xie Z*, Yang Z*, Yu X*, “Electronic skin from high-throughput fabrication of intrinsically stretchable lead zirconate titanate elastomer,” Research, 2020: 1085417, 2020.

[15]. Yao K, Yao J, Hai Z, Li D, Xie Z*, Yu X*, “Stretchable self-powered epidermal electronics from piezoelectric rubber for tactile sensing,” Acta Physica Sinica, 69: 178701, 2020. 

[16]. Yu X#, Xie Z#, Yu Y#, Lee J#, Ruban J, Ning X, Akhtar A, Ji Bowen, Sun R, Cao J, Huo Q, Zhong Y, Lee C, Kim S, Zhang C, Xue Y, Chempakasseril A, Tian P, Lu W, Jeong J, Yu Y, Comman J, Tan C, Kim B, Lee K, Feng Xue, Huang Y*, Rogers JA*, “Skin-integrated wireless haptic interfaces for virtual and augmented reality,” Nature, 575(7783): 473-479, 2019. 

[17]. Chung H#, Kim B#, Lee J#, Lee J#, Xie Z#, Ibler E, Lee K, Banks A, Jeong J, Kim J, Ogle C, Grande D, Yu Y, Jang, Assem P, Ryu D, Kwak J, Namkoong M, Park J, Lee Y, Kim D, Ryu A, Jeong J, You K, Ji B, Liu Z, Huo Q, Feng X, Deng Y, Xu Y, Jang K, Kim J, Zhang Y, Ghaffari R, Rand C, Schau M, Hamvas A, Weese-Mayer D, Huang Y, Lee S, Lee C, Shanbhag N, Paller A*, Xu S*, and Rogers JA*, “Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care,” Science, 363(6430): eaau0780, 2019.

[18]. Guo Q#, Koo J#, Xie Z#, Avila R, Yu X, Ning X, Zhang H, Liang X, Song A, Huang Y, Mei Y, Rogers JA*, “A bioresorbable magnetically coupled system for low-frequency wireless power transfer,” Advanced Functional Materials, 29(46): 1905451, 2019.

[19]. Liu Y#, Zhao L#, Wang L#, Zheng H, Li D, Avila R, Lai K, Wang Z, Xie Z*, Zi Y*, Yu X*, “Skin-integrated graphene embedded lead Zirconate Titanate rubber for energy harvesting and mechanical sensing,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 4(12): 1900744, 2019.

[20]. Xie Z*, Ji B, Huo Q, “Mechanics design of stretchable near field communication antenna with serpentine wires,” Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 85(4): 045001, 2018.

[21]. Gutruf P, Krishnamurthi V, Vázquez-Guardado A, Xie Z, Banks A, Su C, Xu Y, Haney C, Waters E, Kandela I, Krishnan S, Ray T, Leshock J, Huang Y, Chanda D, Rogers JA*, “Fully implantable optoelectronic systems for battery-free, multimodal operation in neuroscience research,” Nature Electronics, 1(12): 652-660, 2018. (Cover feature article)

[22]. Kim B#, Lee J#, Won S#, Xie Z#, Chang J, Yu Y, Cho Y, Jang H, Jeong J, Lee Y, Ryu A, Kim D, Lee K, Lee J, Liu F, Wang X, Huo Q, Min S, Wu D, Ji B, Banks A, Kim J, Oh N, Jin H, Han S, Kang D, Lee C, Song Y, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Jang K*, Rogers JA*, “Three-dimensional silicon electronic systems fabricated by compressive buckling process,” ACS Nano, 12(5): 4164–4171, 2018.

Educational Experience

2006.9 2013.4

  • 大连理工大学
  • 工程力学
  • Doctoral Degree

2002.9 2006.7

  • 大连理工大学
  • 工程力学
  • Bachelor's Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2020.2 Now
  • 大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部
  • 教授
2019.4 2020.2
  • 香港城市大学
  • 高级研究员
2016.4 2019.3
  • 美国西北大学
  • 博士后

Social Affiliations

2020.11 2022.11

  • 编委(SCI期刊《Materials》)

Research Focus