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Research on integration of 3D models oriented to marine structure lifecycle management


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2010-07-01

Journal:Journal of Information and Computational Science

Included Journals:EI、Scopus



Page Number:1437-1446

ISSN No.:15487741

Abstract:Automation systems like CAD, CAM, FEA or PDM have been widely used in shipbuilding industry, while they produce masses of data, generate many information islands. It often needs remodeling when downstream systems start working, which is rather time-consuming and labor-consuming. Integration of public information can shorten the remodeling process and play a vital role in marine structure lifecycle management, which can assist owner/operator to understand the latest state of the structure and take proper measure to improve the efficiency and economy. This paper presents an integration methodology, validated by using a case study, in which a 67000 DWT oil tanker was analyzed and its 3D modeling and design tasks were integrated. The integration task is not only related to the existence of captured CAD geometry, but also the attributes data of structural component. To implement a closely-coupled, automated, or even seamless integration process, two main aspects were considered: Unified expression of structural member attributes, and automatic FE mesh generation. Evaluation of these steps through the case study has identified the strengths of the proposed integration methodology. Copyright ? 2010 Binary Information Press.

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