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学科:计算力学. 固体力学. 工程力学




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主要研究方向为计算力学、结构优化、力学超材料。在高效拓扑优化算法、复杂曲面薄壁结构显式拓扑优化方法、面向增材制造的结构优化、机器学习增强的力学分析和优化、超材料设计等研究领域获得了一系列成果。截止20248月发表SCI论文40余篇,其中JCR一区论文32篇,引用1450余次,论文多发表于《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》、《 Structural  Multidisciplinary Optimization》、《Physical Review Applied》等计算力学、结构优化、应用物理顶级期刊。工作被包括国内外17位院士团队在内的众多著名学者评价为非常吸引人,可以应用于各种领域计算高效特别有用




2012.09 - 2019.06      大连理工大学      工程力学系        工学博士(导师:郭旭 院士)

2008.09 - 2012.06      武汉大学              工程力学系       工学学士



2021.07-至今           大连理工大学工程力学系             副教授

2019.06-2021.06     大连理工大学机械工程学院   博士后/助理研究员







1.  国家重点研发计划青年项目国家科技部基于体细分表示的复杂设计域超大规模等几何拓扑优化研究负责人刘畅, 2022-2025主持

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目国家自然基金委航空航天复杂曲面薄壁结构显式拓扑优化方法研究负责人刘畅, 2025-2028主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目国家自然基金委基于显式几何描述的组合结构拓扑优化研究负责人刘畅, 2021-2023主持

4.   中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)中国博士后科学基金委面向组合结构的显式拓扑优化研究负责人刘畅, 2020-2021主持

5.   中国博士后科学基金面上项目中国博士后科学基金委基于移动可变形组件(MMC)法的组合结构拓扑优化研究负责人刘畅, 2020-2021主持

6.   企事业单位委托科技项目北京空间飞行器总体设计部基于MMC的一体化结构优化算法研究负责人刘畅, 2020-2021主持 项目成果应用于我国新一代载人飞船返回舱和新一代大型卫星燃料储箱支架加筋设计

7.   企事业单位委托科技项目北京强度环境研究所典型连接结构建模分析及优化技术研究负责人刘畅, 2019-2021主持

8.   企事业单位委托科技项目北京空间飞行器总体设计部面向内压载荷胞元优化算法研究负责人刘畅, 2019-2021主持

9.   国家重点研发计划项目科技部面向航天行业的工程力学优化设计平台研发与应用示范负责人郭旭, 2016-2021参与

10.   国家重点研发计划项目科技部工业装备结构拓扑优化核心算法与自主可控软件研发负责人郭旭, 2020-2023参与

11.   国家自然科学基金重点项目国家自然基金委显式几何描述下考虑非概率不确定性的连续体结构拓扑优化研究负责人郭旭, 2018-2022,参与



1.  Huo W, Liu C*, Liu Y, Du Z, Zhang W, Guo X*. A novel explicit design method for complex thin-walled structures based on embedded solid moving morphable components. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 417: 116431. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

2.  Jiang X, Huo W*, Liu C*, Du Z, Zhang X, Li X, Guo X*. Explicit layout optimization of complex rib-reinforced thin-walled structures via computational conformal mapping (CCM). Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 404: 115745. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

3.  Jiang X, Liu C*, Du Z, Huo W, Zhang X, Liu F, Guo X*. A unified framework for explicit layout/topology optimization of thin-walled structures based on Moving Morphable Components (MMC) method and adaptive ground structure approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 396: 115047. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

4.  Liu C, Du Z*, Zhu Y, Zhang W, Zhang X, Guo X*. Optimal design of shell-graded-infill structures by a hybrid MMC-MMV approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 369: 113187. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

5. Guo Y, Liu C*, Guo X*. Shell-infill composite structure design based on a hybrid explicit-implicit topology optimization method. Composite Structures, 2024, 337: 118029. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

6.  Xu W, Liu C*, Guo Y, Du Z, Zhang W, Guo X*. Graded infill lattice structures design based on the moving morphable component method and partitioned coordinate mapping technique. Composite Structures, 2023, 326: 117613. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

7. Zhang X, Liu C*, Zeng H, Jiang X, Zhang S, Zhou H*, Chai H, Guo X. Moving morphable components structural optimum approach considering wire arc additive manufacturing constraint and its application in satellite. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 192: 111177. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

8. Li L, Liu C*, Zhang W, Du Z, Guo X*. Combined model-based topology optimization of stiffened plate structures via MMC approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 208: 106682. 中科院1区,TOP期刊

9. Liu C, Zhu Y, Sun Z, Li D, Du Z*, Zhang W, Guo X*. An efficient moving morphable component (MMC)-based approach for multi-resolution topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 58(6): 2455-2479. JCR Q1期刊

10. Liu C, Du Z*, Zhang W, Zhang X, Mei Y, Guo X*. Design of optimized architected structures with exact size and connectivity via an enhanced multidomain topology optimization strategy. Computational Mechanics, 2021, 67: 743–762. JCR Q1期刊

11. Huang M, Cui T, Liu C*, Du Z*, Zhang J, He C, Guo X*. A Problem-Independent Machine Learning (PIML) enhanced substructure-based approach for large-scale structural analysis and topology optimization of linear elastic structures. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2023, 63: 102041. JCR Q1期刊

12. Huang M, Du Z*, Liu C*, Zheng Y, Cui T, Mei Y, Li X, Zhang X, Guo X*. Problem-independent machine learning (PIML)-based topology optimization—A universal approach. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2022, 56: 101887. JCR Q1期刊

13. Luo J, Du Z*, Liu C*, Mei Y, Zhang W, Guo X. Moving Morphable Components-based inverse design formulation for quantum valley/spin hall insulators. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 45: 101276. JCR Q1期刊

14. Huo W, Liu C*, Du Z, Jiang X, Liu Z, Guo X*. Topology optimization on complex surfaces based on the moving morphable components (MMCs) method and computational conformal mapping (CCM). Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of The ASME, 2022, 89(5): 051008.

15. Liu C, Du Z, Zhang W, Zhu Y, Guo X*. Additive manufacturing-oriented design of graded lattice structures through explicit topology optimization. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 84(8): 081008. 

16. Lei X, Liu C*, Du Z, Zhang W, Guo X*. Machine learning-driven real-time topology optimization under moving morphable component-based framework. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 86(1): 011004.

17. Mei Y, Du Z, Zhao D, Zhang W, Liu C*, Guo X*. Moving morphable inclusion approach: an explicit framework to solve inverse problem in elasticity. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of The ASME, 2021, 88(4): 041001.

18. Liu C, Du Z, Sun Z, Gao H, Guo X*. Frequency-preserved acoustic diode model with high forward-power-transmission rate. Physical Review Applied, 2015, 3(6): 064014. JCR Q1期刊

19. Jiang X, Liu C*, Zhang S, Zhang W, Du Z, Zhang X, Zeng H, Guo X*. Explicit Topology Optimization Design of Stiffened Plate Structures Based on the Moving Morphable Component (MMC) Method. CMES-Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences, 2023, 135(2): 809-838.

20. Li L, Liu C*, Du Z, Zhang W, Guo X*. A meshless moving morphable component-based method for structural topology optimization without weak material. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2022, 38(5): 1-16.

21. Huang M, Liu C, Du Z*, Tang S, Guo X*. A sequential linear programming (SLP) approach for uncertainty analysis-based data-driven computational mechanics. Computational Mechanics, 2024, 73(4): 943-965.

22.  Xue R, Liu C, Zhang W, Zhu Y, Tang S, Du Z*, Guo X*. Explicit structural topology optimization under finite deformation via Moving Morphable Void (MMV) approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 344: 798-818. 

23.  Zhang W, Jiang S, Liu C, Li D, Kang P, Youn SK*, Guo X*, Stress-related topology optimization of shell structures using IGA/TSA-based Moving Morphable Void (MMV) approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 366: 113036. 

24.  Zhang W, Xiao Z, Liu C, Mei Y, Youn SK, Guo X*, A scaled boundary finite element based explicit topology optimization approach for three‐dimensional structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121(21): 4878-4900.

25.  Du Z, Cui T, Liu C, Zhang W, Guo Y, Guo X*. An efficient and easy-to-extend Matlab code of the Moving Morphable Component (MMC) method for three-dimensional topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022, 65(5): 1-29.

26.  Guo X*, Du Z, Liu C, Tang S. A new uncertainty analysis-based framework for data-driven computational mechanics. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021, 88(11): 111003.

27.  Jiang X, Zhang W*, Liu C, Du Z, Guo X*. An explicit approach for simultaneous shape and topology optimization of shell structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 113: 613-639.

28.  Guo Y, Du Z*, Liu C, Zhang W, Xue R, Guo Y, Tnag S*, Guo X. Explicit topology optimization of three-dimensional geometrically nonlinear structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023, 39(12): 423084.

29.  张啸雨刘畅, 施丽铭, 蒋旭东, 曾惠忠, 周浩, 郭旭. 蒙皮点阵一体化支撑结构的移动可变形组件优化设计及空间站应用. 固体力学学报, 2022, 43(5): 551-563.

30.  段晟昱, 王潘丁, 刘畅, 赵则昂, 周浩, 张啸雨, 雷红帅, 郭旭, 方岱宁. 增材制造三维点阵结构设计, 优化与性能表征方法研究进展. 航空制造技术, 2022, 65(14): 36-48.

31.  黄孟成, 霍文栋刘畅, 杨东生, 黄佳, 杜宗亮, 郭旭. 基于模板的子结构多分辨率拓扑优化. 力学进展, 2021, 51(4): 901-909.

32.  Li J, Zhang Y, Du Z, Liu C, Zhang W, Guo X, Guo X. A moving morphable component‐based topology optimization approach considering transient structural dynamic responses. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022, 123(3): 705-728.

33.  Luo J, Du Z*, Guo Y, Liu C, Zhang W, Guo X*. Multi-class, multi-functional design of photonic topological insulators by rational symmetry-indicators engineering. Nanophotonics, 2021, 10(18): 4523-4531.

34.  Zhu Y, Li S, Du Z, Liu C, Guo X*, Zhang W*. A novel asymptotic-analysis-based homogenisation approach towards fast design of infill graded microstructures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 124: 612-633. 

35.  Guo X*, Zhou J, Zhang W*, Du Z, Liu C, Liu Y. Self-supporting structure design in additive manufacturing through explicit topology optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 323: 27-63. 

36.  Xue D, Zhu Y*, Li S, Liu C, Zhang W, Guo X*. On speeding up an asymptotic-analysis-based homogenisation scheme for designing gradient porous structured materials using a zoning strategy. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, 62(2): 457-73.

37.  Cui T, Sun Z*, Liu C, Li L, Cui R, Guo X*. Topology optimization of plate structures using plate element-based moving morphable component (MMC) approach. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2020, 36(2): 412-21.

38.  Sun Z*, Cui R, Cui T, Liu C, Shi S, Guo X*. An optimization approach for stiffener layout of composite stiffened panels based on moving morphable components (MMCs). Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2020, 33(5): 650–662.

39.  Sun Z, Cui T, Zhu Y , Zhang W, Shi S, Tang S, Du Z, Liu C, Cui R, Chen H, Guo X*. The mechanical principles behind the golden ratio distribution of veins in plant leaves. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 13859.

40.  杜剑明, 杜宗亮刘畅, 张维声, 郭旭. 基于结构可置信性鲁棒优化算法的离散优化问题研究. 计算力学学报, 2021, (4): 538-548.

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