Wei Shi

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Birth:1983-11-23

Alma Mater:Pohang University of Science and Technology(Korea)

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:Faculty Of Infrastructure Engineering

Discipline:Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Business Address:Room 707, No.2 Administration Building, 2 Linggong Road, Dalian, 116024, P.R. China


Educational Experience

2006.9 -- 2013.2

Pohang University of Science and Technology       Mechanical Engineering       Doctoral Degree

Social Affiliations

2020.11 -- Now


Reviewer for internaional journal and conferences
o    Advanced Composite Material
o    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
o    Energies
o    International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
o    International Journal of Energy Research
o    Transactions of Tianjin University
o    30th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Jan 9-12, 2012
o    25th ISOPE conference, June 21-26, 2015
o    26th ISOPE conference, June 26-July 1, 2016
o    35th OMAE conference, June 19-24, 2016

Conference Paper Reviewer
o    30th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Jan 9-12, 2012
o    25th ISOPE conference, June 21-26, 2015
o    26th ISOPE conference, June 26-July 1, 2016
o    35th OMAE conference, June 19-24, 2016
o    27th ISOPE conference, June 25-30, 2017
o    36th OMAE conference, June 25-30, 2017

o    Member of ISOPE, 2012-now
o    Member of Korean New and Renewable Energy Society, 2009-now
o    Member of Wind Energy Committee of China Renewable Energy Association,2016-now
o    Member of China Ocean Engineering Consulting Association,2017-now

2010.1 -- 2012.6


Research Focus

1. Ice loads effects on offshore wind turbine 2. Dynamic analysis of drivetrain of offshore wind turbine using Multibody dynamics. 3. Aero-hydro-servo-elastic analysis of offshore wind turbine 4. Model test of floating offshore wind turbine

Work Experience

2018.8 -- Now

大连理工大学      博士生导师

2018.1 -- 2020.12

大连理工大学      星海青千特聘研究员

2016.7 -- Now

Dalian University of Technology      Associate professor

2014.3 -- 2016.7

Norwegian University of Science and Technology      Postdoc fellow

2013.3 -- 2014.2

Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea      Assistant Professor

Research Group


  • 付杰(博士)

  • 王家之(博士)

  • 严超君(博士)

  • 吴际(博士)

  • 李春郑(博士)

  • 云露(博士)

  • 侯晓彬(22级...

  • 傅禹舜(22级...

  • 崔梦凯(22级...

  • 刘文泽(22级...

  • 李贵财(22级...

  • Abid Ali(22...

  • 钟一鸣(23级...

  • 曹林阳(23级...

  • 丁浩祥(24级...

  • 苏俊宁(24级...

  • 于海涛(24级...

  • 张芷睿(24级...


  • 张礼贤(19级...

  • 任亚君(爱丁...

  • 郑侃(16级硕...

  • 张礼贤(17级...

  • 唐业(17级硕...

  • 周林(17级硕...

  • 王亚坡(18级...

  • 胡天龙(18级...

  • 张松浩(18级...

  • 宋兆波(19级...

  • 曾昕萌(19级...

  • 曾雨欣(20级...

  • 田忠梅(20级...

  • 李京辉(20级...

  • 秦梦飞(20级...

  • 郎泽坤(21级...

  • 陈军峰(21级...

  • 胡乐涵(21级...


Wei Shi, PCOSS-Fellow, doctor, doctoral supervisor(Major: port, coastal and offshore engineering), Liaoning Province "Xingliao elite plan" top young talents, Dalian University of Technology "Xinghai 1000 youth talents" plan, Dalian talents in short supply. In February 2013, he graduated from the department of mechanical engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology and obtained the doctor's degree in mechanical engineering. In 2012, he was awarded the outstanding self-funded scholarship for overseas students by China scholarship council. From 2014 to 2016, he joined the research group of academician Torgeir Moan of Norwegian University of Science and Technology as a postdoctoral research fellow. In July 2016, he joined Dalian University of Technology (associate professor). In 2017, he obtain Dalian University of Technology "Xinghai 1000 youth talents plan", and he was appointed as a PCOSS-Fellow.In July 2018, he was appointed as doctoral superrvisor.He was selected as one of the first batch of "xingliao elite plan" young top talent in liaoning Province. 

He is a member of the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, the Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy, Korean Wind Energy Association and the Wind Energy Professional Committee of the Chinese Renewable Energy Association. He is the invited reviewer of Ocean engineering, Marine structures, Energies, International Journal of Energy Research and other International journals.For many years engaged in offshore wind generator dynamics analysis, he has made a series of important research results on the offshore wind generator dynamics analysis in cold regions and the air - hydrod - elastic -control  multidisciplinary coupling modeling and analysis of offshore wind generator. In recent five years, a total of more than 30 papers, 12 SCI articles, 15 EI articles has been published and he has also published a number of achievements in Renewable Energy, Cold Region of the international journal of Science and Technology, etc.According to Web of Science, it was cited 74 times;According to statistics from Google scholar, the total number of citations was 477, with an H factor of 11.

Researcher ID: H-8019-2015


Researchgate ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei_Shi15

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=R2AwuC0AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

Research Focus

1.Research on Ice Load of Offshore Wind Turbines

2.Multi-body Dynamics Analysis of Wind Turbine Drivetrain

3. Multidisciplinary Coupling Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines

4. Model Research of Floating Wind Turbines

Welcome students of mechinery, ocean engineering, port, coastal and offshore engineering, mechanics, hydralic and hydro-power engineering and other related majors to apply for the examination!

Note: We look forward to the participation of graduate students with relevant professional backgrounds such as machinery, marine engineering, port, coastal and offshore engineering, mechanics, hydraulic and hydro-power engineering. We has extensive cooperation and exchange with overseas countries in the field of wind energy and oceaneering. For excellent students who are interested in going abroad for further study, they can be recommended to go abroad for doctoral degree or joint training in China and foreign countries!


1. Welcome to apply for the postgraduate program of Research Center of Deep-sea Engineering.

 (1) Academic Masters:

Choose either of the two research directions, "07 New Ocean Engineering Structural Design and Analysis” and “08 Ocean Engineering Structural Health Monitoring and Advanced Experimental Technology” under the secondary discipline "081505 Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering".

 (2) Professional masters:

Choose the direction of "Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering" under "085214 (Professional Degree)Hydraulic Engineering".



2. Welcome to apply for doctoral degree in Research Center of Deep-sea  Engineering.

Research direction:

(1) Optimum design of offshore floating wind turbine;

(2) Hybrid model experiment of offshore wind turbines;

(3) Other relevant directions of offshore wind turbines (determined according to students' interests).