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任职 : 中国振动工程学会转子动力学专业委员会常务理事

性别: 男

毕业院校: 哈尔滨工业大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 能源与动力学院

学科: 动力机械及工程

办公地点: 大连理工大学凌水西部校区能动学院613房间

联系方式: 电子邮件:zhaoguang@dlut.edu.cn

电子邮箱: zhaoguang@dlut.edu.cn

简洁有效联系方式——电子邮件 : QQ:5845867及QQ信箱



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发表时间: 2012-01-01

发表刊物: 航空动力学报

所属单位: 能源与动力学院

期号: 2

页面范围: 472-480

ISSN号: 1000-8055

摘要: For aerostatic bearings with tangential gas supply, a three dimensional solid model was developed. Combining structured mesh with unstructured mesh, three-dimesional compressible Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations were solved with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) commercial software based on finite volume method. According to the simulation results, gas film supporting force model related to rotor eccentricity and speed was de-rived with data fitting. Dynamics model of aerostatic bearing-rotor system was built with finite element method and critical speed and unbalance response were solved using Newmark integration method. Experimental tests were performed to verify the numerical simulation results. Research results show that film main supporting force changes linearly in the state of low-speed, small eccentricity, whereas increases rapidly under high-speed and large eccentricity, and effect of dynamic pressure of aerostatic bearing significantly enhances. Coupling supporting force between x and y directions changes nonlinearly with speed and eccentricity; First and second critical speed are sensitive to the current structural stiffness while the third one is not. Therefore, nonlinear characteristics of gas hearing and coupled dynamics of rotor-bearing system are complex; in the case of bearing structure design, coupling between gas bearing and rotor, work speed range should be taken in to full account.

备注: 新增回溯数据

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