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Associate Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  







项目组积累了大量相关实际数据集,并注册了CHARLSSEERTCGANHANESPLCO等国内外大型公共数据库,可用于实例分析。与中科院化物所开展多年合作,致力于人工智能方法筛选高效甲醇制烯烃催化剂工作。合作者分布在比利时鲁汶大学、美国哥伦比亚大学、新加坡国立大学、英国曼彻斯特大学等。已在国内外有影响的《Biometrics》、《Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics》、《Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference》和《Statistics in Medicine》等统计主流期刊上发表研究论文50余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者30余篇。多年专注于治愈生存数据研究工作,受邀评述1篇发表在TEST上关于混合治愈模型非参数估计的论文。作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、青年基金1项,中科院人工智能专项1项。



1.       Ding, J.(本人学生), Li, J., & Wang, X.* (2024). Efficient auxiliary information for cure rate model. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, 73(2), 497-521.(SCI收录,影响因子:1.6,JCR Q2,中国数学会T2期刊

2.       Wang, Z. (本人学生), Wang, C., & Wang, X.* (2023). Estimating causal effects in observational studies for survival data with a cure fraction using propensity score adjustment. Biometrical Journal, 65(8), 202100357. SCI收录,影响因子:1.7JCR Q2中国数学会T3期刊

3.       Han, B. (本人学生), & Wang, X.* (2023). Comments on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates. TEST, 32, 496 - 498. SCI收录,影响因子:1.3JCR Q3中国数学会T2期刊

4.       Liang, H., Wang, X., Peng, Y.P., & Niu, Y.* (2023). Improving marginal hazard ratio estimation using quadratic inference functions. Lifetime Data Analysis, 29, 823 - 853. SCI收录,影响因子:1. 3JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

5.       Xie, P. (本人学生), Han, B., & Wang, X.* (2023). Case-cohort studies for clustered failure time data with a cure fraction. Statistical Papers, DOI: 10.1007/s00362-023-01448-7. SCI收录,影响因子:1. 3JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

6.       Li, M. (本人学生), & Wang, X.* (2023). Semiparametric model averaging method for survival probability predictions of patients, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2023, 185, 107759. SCI收录,影响因子:1.8JCR Q2中国数学会T2期刊

7.       Ding, J. (本人学生), Li, J., Han, Y., McKeague, I.W., & Wang, X.* (2023). Fitting additive risk models using auxiliary information. Statistics in Medicine, 42(6), 894 - 916. SCI收录,影响因子:2JCR Q2中国数学会T2期刊

8.       Geng, Z. (本人学生), Li, J., Niu, Y., & Wang, X.* (2022). Goodness‐of‐fit test for a parametric mixture cure model with partly interval‐censored data. Statistics in Medicine, 42(4), 407 - 421. SCI收录,影响因子:2JCR Q2中国数学会T2期刊

9.       Wang, B. (本人学生), Li, J., & Wang, X.* (2022). Multi‐threshold proportional hazards model and subgroup identification. Statistics in Medicine, 41 (29), 5715 - 5737. SCI收录,影响因子:2JCR Q2中国数学会T2期刊

10.    Zhang, Z. (本人学生), Wang, X., & Peng, Y.P.* (2021). An additive hazards frailty model with semi-varying coefficients. Lifetime Data Analysis, 28, 116 - 138. SCI收录,影响因子:1. 3JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

11.    Han, B. (本人学生), Van Keilegom, I., & Wang, X.* (2021). Semiparametric estimation of the nonmixture cure model with auxiliary survival information. Biometrics, 78(2), 448 - 459. SCI收录,影响因子:1.9JCR Q2中国数学会T1期刊

12.    Wang, B. (本人学生), Li, J., & Wang, X.* (2020). Change point detection in Cox proportional hazards mixture cure model. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30(2), 440 - 457. SCI收录,影响因子:2.3JCR Q1,中华预防医学会T2期刊,中国数学会T3期刊

13.    Wang, X.*, & Wang, Z. (2020). EM algorithm for the additive risk mixture cure model with interval-censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 27 (1), 91-130. SCI收录,影响因子:1. 3JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

14.    Wang, Z. (本人学生), & Wang, X. (2020). Evaluating the time‐dependent predictive accuracy for event‐to‐time outcome with a cure fraction. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 19(6), 955 - 974. SCI收录,影响因子:1.5JCR Q2

15.    Wang, X.*, & Han, B. (2020). Efficient estimation for the non-mixture cure model with current status data. Statistics, 54(4), 756 - 777. SCI收录,影响因子:0.6JCR Q4

16.    Han, B. (本人学生), & Wang, X.* (2020). Semiparametric estimation for the non-mixture cure model in case-cohort and nested case-control studies. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 144, 106874. SCI收录,影响因子:1.8JCR Q2中国数学会T2期刊

17.    Zhang, L., Lu, D.*, & Wang, X. (2020). Measuring and testing interdependence among random vectors based on Spearman's ρ and Kendall's τ. Computational Statistics, 35, 1685-1713. SCI收录,影响因子:1. 3JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

18.    Niu, Y., Wang, X., Cao, H., & Peng, Y.P.* (2020). Variable selection via penalized generalized estimating equations for a marginal survival model. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(9), 2493 - 2506. SCI收录,影响因子:2.3JCR Q1,中华预防医学会T2期刊,中国数学会T3期刊

19.    Hussain, S.* (本人学生), Wang, X., Ahmad, S., & Riaz, M. (2020). On a class of mixed EWMA‐CUSUM median control charts for process monitoring. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 36(3), 910 - 946. (SCI收录影响因子:2.3,JCR Q3)

20.    Wang, B. (本人学生) & Wang, X.* (2020). Song Lixin, Estimation in the single change-point hazard function for interval-censored data with a cure fraction. Journal of Applied Statistics, 47(2), 231-247. SCI收录,影响因子:1.5JCR Q2,中国数学会T3期刊)

21.    Wang, X.*, Song, L., Sun, L., & Gao, H. (2019). Nonparametric estimation of the ROC curve based on the Bernstein polynomial. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 203, 39-56. SCI收录,影响因子:0.9JCR Q4中国数学会T2期刊

22.    Zhang, J., Feng, Z.*, & Wang, X. (2018). A constructive hypothesis test for the single-index models with two groups. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 70(5), 1077-1114. SCI收录,影响因子:1JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

23.    Niu, Y., Wang, X., & Peng, Y.P.* (2018). geecure: An R-package for marginal proportional hazards mixture cure models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 161, 115-124. SCI收录,影响因子:6.1JCR Q1中国图像图形学学会T3期刊

24.    Lu, D., Zhang, L., Wang, X., & Song, L.* (2018). Some new measures of dependence for random variables based on Spearman's ρ and Kendall's τ. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 30, 860 - 883. SCI收录,影响因子:1.2JCR Q3中国数学会T3期刊

Educational Experience

2004.9 2007.7

  • 吉林大学
  • 概率统计
  • Doctoral Degree

2002.9 2004.7

  • 吉林大学
  • 概率统计
  • Master's Degree

1998.9 2002.7

  • 吉林大学
  • 概率统计
  • Bachelor's Degree

Work ExperienceMore>>

2007.7 Now
  • 大连理工大学数学科学学院
2010.11 2011.1
  • 香港浸会大学数学系
  • 客座学人
2011.8 2012.8
  • 美国罗切斯特大学计算生物与统计系
  • 国家公派访问学者

Social Affiliations

2017.11 Now

  • 中国现场统计研究会第十、十一届理事

2018.10 Now

  • 中国数学会概率统计学会第十一、十二届理事

Research Focus

  • 统计大数据

  • 生物统计