Associate Professor


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology


MOBILE Version


1. 寒区海洋工程结构监测、分析与评价技术
2. 船舶/海洋工程结构的海冰问题分析与数值模拟
3. 船舶/海洋工程结构设计及实验方法研究


  1. 海上平台振动检测、应力测试新技术开发与应用,2022, 进行  

  2. 面向数字孪生技术的南海东部导管架平台结构监测、数值分析及智能评价技术服务,2021, 进行 

  3.  北极大型海洋平台的冰荷载分析及其数值模拟研究, 辽宁省自然科学基金, 2017/04/18, 完成  

  4.  冰区剖面式温深同步监测系统室内测试与标定, 2017/03/17-2017/12/31, 完成  

  5.  平台冰激振动监测、危害分析与预报服务, 2016/09/27-2016/10/31, 完成  

  6.  国家海洋标准《工程海冰技术规范》实验验证, 2013/08/01-2014/02/01, 完成  

  7.  平台冰激振动响应集成传感器试制, 2015/12/01-2016/05/01, 完成  

  8.  基于冰区构筑物光纤应变测量的冰荷载计算, 2015/11/05-2016/12/31, 完成  

  9.  工程海冰材料的力学行为测试分析, 2015/11/05-2016/07/01, 完成



  1. Yanlin Wang. Risk Assessment and Case Analysis of Sea Ice Dynamic Accumulation in Water Intakes of Nuclear Power Plants. International journal of offshore and polar engineering, 2022,32(2):186-192. SCI

  2. Yanlin Wang. Measurement and Analysis of Drag on a Real Submarine Periscope.International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2021, Vol. 31(3), pp. 302–308. SCI,EI 

  3. Yanlin Wang. Underwater Temperature Measurement and Variation Analysis During the Ice-covered Period in Liaodong Bay. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2020, Vol. 30(2), pp. 202–208. SCI,EI 

  4. Yanlin Wang. Analysis and Monitoring Methodology for Rolling Bearing Faults in the Hinge of a Soft Yoke Mooring System. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2019, Vol. 29(4), pp. 500–507. SCI,EI 

  5. Yanlin Wang. Performance evaluation of a new ice-resistant jacket platform based on field monitoring.Cold Region Science and Technology, 2012, Vol.71, pp.44-53. SCI,EI

  6. Yanlin Wang. Ice force measurement technology of jacket platform in Bohai Sea. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2012, Vol.22(1), pp.46-52. SCI,EI 


  1. 王延林. 冰与斜面结构作用过程的离散元模拟与分析. 上海交通大学学报, 2022(009):056 EI

  2. 王延林. 基于Hilbert-Huang变换的抗冰导管架平台损伤识别研究. 船舶力学, 2021, 25(8):1107-1115 EI

  3. 王延林. 原型结构冰荷载测量方法研究. 船舶力学, 2020, 24(10):1315-1324 EI

  4. 王延林. 水流载荷作用下的潜艇潜望镜力学特性实测与分析. 船舶力学, 2019(7):820-830.6. EI

  5. 王延林. 核电取水口海冰堆积问题的数值模拟. 哈尔滨工程大学学报,2019,40(10):1716-1722 EI

  6. 王延林. 基于现场监测的海洋平台冰振控制效果评价, 振动与冲击, 2012, Vol.31(7), pp.39-45. EI 


1. Yanlin Wang, Shanshan Sun, Qi Guo,Ning Xu. Applicability analysis of jacket platform in marine resources development in extremely cold regions, The 30th (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2020,11-16 October,Virtual EI,ISTP

2. Ning Xu, Yanlin Wang, Yuan Chen. The research and application of seawater temperature profile measurement system in winter in Liaodong bay, The 28th (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2018, June 10-15, Sapporo, Japan.

3. Yanlin Wang, Field Tests for Studying Ice Actions in Bohai Sea, 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,2017, 25-30 June, San Francisco, California, USA EI,ISTP

4. Yanlin Wang. Integrity assessment of soft yoke moored FPSO for the hinge point problems,25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2015, 21-26 June, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA EI,ISTP

5. Yanlin Wang, Direct Ice Force Measurement of Jacket Platform in Bohai Sea. Proceedings of the Twenty-first(2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2011, Vol.1, pp.1029-1035. EI,ISTP 

6. Yanlin Wang, Subsidence monitoring of offshore platforms, Procedia Engineering, 2011, Vol.15, pp.1015-1021. EI 

7. Dayong Zhang, Qianjin Yue, Yanlin Wang, Huihui Li. Structural safety ensuring system of offshore platforms in Bohai.Proceedings of the ASME 2010, 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2010, OMAE2010-20285. EI,ISTP 

8. Yanlin Wang, Application of FBG sensors to monitor the ice-induced vibrations of platform structures. Proceedings, 19th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions, 2007, Vol.1, pp.162-169. ISTP

1. 王延林等,一种面向冬季海冰风险管理的海洋信息在线监测浮标系统 ZL2019 1 0398166.6

2. 王延林等,一种基于可变焦图像法的野外冰厚冰速自动测量方法   ZL2016 1 0586517.2 

3. 王延林等. 一种深水平台锚链传感器ROV水下快速安装与更换装置 ZL2015 1 0157756.1
4. 王延林等. 一种通过ROV水下快速安装的锚链监测传感器固定夹具 ZL2015 1 0338656.9



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