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    • 教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:纽约理工大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院
    • 办公地点:海山楼B0813
    • 电子邮箱:shen@dlut.edu.cn




    Personal Tastes vs. Fashion Trends: Predicting Ratings Based on Visual Appearances and Reviews




    发表刊物:IEEE ACCESS





    关键字:Recommender system; collaborative filtering; rating prediction; visual-aware; topic model; fashion-aware; temporal dynamics

    摘要:People have their own tastes on visual appearances of products from various categories. For many of them, the tastes are affected by the current fashion trend. Studying visual appearances and fashion trend makes us understand the composition of users' preferences and their purchase choices. However, since the fashion is changing over time, it is complex to model time-aware and non-time-aware variables simultaneously. In this paper, we present VIsually-aware Temporal rAting modeL with topics using review text to help mine visual dynamics and non-visual features for rating prediction task. Understanding the reviews will help the Recommender Systems (RSs) know whether a user is attracted by the appearance of an item, and which aspect of an item's appearance contributes most to its ratings. To achieve this, we incorporate the visual information into the rating predicting function and introduce a topic model that can automatically classify words in an item's reviews into non-visual words that explain the coherent feature, and visual words that are associated with its visual appearances in each time period, respectively. We run experiments on eleven real-world public datasets and the results show that our model performs better on predicting ratings than many of the state-of-the-art RSs, such as PMF, timeSVD++, HFT, JMARS, ETDR, and TVBPR+.