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性别: 男

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 物理学院

学科: 等离子体物理

办公地点: 大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室3号楼201室

电子邮箱: yxliu129@dlut.edu.cn



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The effects of electron surface interactions in geometrically symmetric capacitive RF plasmas in the presence of different electrode surface materials


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2019-06-01


收录刊物: SCIE、EI

卷号: 26

期号: 6

ISSN号: 1070-664X

关键字: Copper compounds; Electric discharges; Electric grounding; Electrodes; Ionization; Plasma simulation; Secondary emission; Silica; Silicon oxides, Asymmetric response; Backscattered electrons; Capacitively coupled plasmas; Grounded electrodes; Plasma characteristics; Secondary electron emissions; Secondary electron yield; Secondary electrons, Electrons

摘要: Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collision (PIC/MCC) simulations are performed to investigate the asymmetric secondary electron emission (SEE) effects when electrons strike two different material electrodes in low pressure capacitively coupled plasmas (CCPs). To describe the electron-surface interactions, a realistic model, considering the primary electron impact energy and angle, as well as the corresponding surface property-dependent secondary electron yields, is employed in PIC/MCC simulations. In this model, three kinds of electrons emitted from the surface are considered: (i) elastically reflected electrons, (ii) inelastically backscattered electrons, and (iii) electron induced secondary electrons (SEs, i.e., delta-electrons). Here, we examined the effects of electron-surface interactions on the ionization dynamics and plasma characteristics of an argon discharge. The discharge is driven by a voltage source of 13.56MHz with amplitudes in the range of 200-2000V. The grounded electrode material is copper (Cu) for all cases, while the powered electrode material is either Cu or silicon dioxide (SiO2). The simulations reveal that the electron impact-induced SEE is an essential process at low pressures, especially at high voltages. Different electrode materials result in an asymmetric response of SEE. Depending on the instantaneous local sheath potential and the phase of the SEE, these SEs either are reflected by the opposite sheath or strike the electrode surface, where they can induce delta-electrons upon their residual energies. It is shown that highly energetic delta-electrons contribute significantly to the ionization rate and a self-bias forms when the powered electrode material is assumed to be made of SiO2. Complex dynamics is observed due to the multiple electron-surface interaction processes and asymmetric yields of SEs in CCPs.

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