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学位: 博士

所在单位: 力学与航空航天学院

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A load balanced multiple Cluster-heads routing protocol for wireless sensor networks


论文类型: 会议论文

发表时间: 2011-09-25

收录刊物: EI、Scopus

页面范围: 656-660

摘要: In the conventional clustering routing protocols for wireless sensor network (WSN), the problem that cluster-heads are overloaded results in the dying of cluster-heads and reduction of the whole system's lifetime. In order to solve the problem, we proposes a novel multiple cluster-heads routing protocol improved on LEACH (MCHRP) in this paper. The definition of Decision Function is put forward in our algorithm according to the information of sensor nodes' remaining energy, location and frequency once selected as cluster-heads. On the basis of Decision Function, common sensor nodes are selected as Main Cluster-heads, Vice Cluster-heads or Alternative Cluster-heads used for data acquisition, data fusion and data transmission. The simulation shows that, compared with LEACH, MCHRP is able to make energy load of the whole system more balanced and extend the lifecycle of the system. ? 2011 IEEE.

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