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Critical mass for an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis system


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2018-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus



Page Number:2349-2354

ISSN No.:0003-6811

Key Words:Chemotaxis; Keller-Segel system; attraction-repulsion; boundedness; blow-up

Abstract:This paper determines the critical mass for the attraction-repulsion chemotaxis system: ut = Delta u-chi del center dot (u. v)+ center dot (u. w), 0 = Delta v+ alpha u - beta v, 0 = Delta w +. u -dw, subject to the non-flux boundary condition in a bounded domain Delta R2 with.,. = 0, a, ss,., d > 0. It was known that the solutions are globally bounded if.a -.. < 0. In this paper, we prove with.a -.. > 0 that the solutions must be globally bounded whenever the initial mass integral(Omega)u0(x)dx > 4/chi alpha-xi gamma., and the finite time blow-up may occur if integral(Omega)u0(x)dx > 4/chi alpha-xi gamma.

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