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Model of collisional sheath in spherical and cylindrical geometries for plasma source ion implantation


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:1996-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、CSCD、Scopus



Page Number:117-120

ISSN No.:0256-307X

Key Words:等离子体; 离子注入技术; 护套; 模型

Abstract:A model is developed that describes the temporal evolution of the sheath during a pulse of high negative voltage applied to a spherical and cylindrical target in a plasma such as that present in plasma source ion implantation for the case in which the pressure of the neutral gas is large enough that the ion motion in the sheath can he assumed to be highly collisional. The analytic expressions of the sheath expanding velocity are obtained. The positions of the sheath edge as a function of time predicted by the model are in agreement with those obtained by fluid equations.

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