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Short-term generation scheduling for hydropower systems with discrepant objectives


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2011-05-22

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:51-60

Abstract:The paper presents a novel discrepant model, which has been developed to determine reasonable 96-points generation scheduling for each hydropower plant by simultaneously optimizing different objective functions for the classified plant groups. The hydropower plants are in advance classified into groups that are characterized as the operation roles, inflows and regulating ability of reservoirs. Correspondingly, a methodology incorporating the dynamic programming successive approximation (DPSA) and improved progressive optimality algorithm (IPOA) is proposed to solve short-term generation scheduling problems for hydropower systems with discrepant objectives. The Hongshuihe River hydropower system, which is located in southwest China and consists of 9 built hydropower plants, is used as case study. The two objectives, which are cutting down peak load and maximizing generation, are used to optimize short-term generation scheduling for different plants. Results show that the developed model is able to effectively coordinate discrepant objectives and meet practical operational demands of power grids. ? 2011 ASCE.

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