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Ion Energy and Angular Distribution in Biased Inductively Coupled Ar/O-2 Discharges by Using a Hybrid Model


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-04-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



ISSN No.:1612-8850

Key Words:argon/oxygen discharge; biased inductively coupled plasma; fluid sheath model; global model; ion energy and angular distribution

Abstract:In this work, a global bulk plasma model coupled bi-directionally with a Monte-Carlo/fluid sheath model was developed for electronegative Ar/O-2 inductive discharges, to explore the ion energy function (IEDF) and angular distributions function (IADF) bombarding an rf-biased electrode. At low bias voltage, the IEDF of Ar+ shows a single energy peak that transforms into a bimodal distribution with increasing bias voltage. The IEDFs of O-2(+) and O+ are always bimodal. The ion energy peak separation width largely depends on the ion masses. The IADFs are affected by the bias voltage, pressures and coil powers. The results at different coil powers indicate the importance of considering the collisions induced by atoms, especially in a a molecular gas.

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