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Research on the design of hydrogen supply system of 70 MPa hydrogen storage cylinder for vehicles


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2018-10-11


Included Journals:SCIE



Page Number:19189-19195

ISSN No.:0360-3199

Key Words:Hydrogen energy; Hydrogen supply system; Aspen plus; Aspen HYSYS

Abstract:A hydrogen supply system of 70 MPa hydrogen storage cylinder on vehicles is designed, in which a compressor is proposed to use the new type of ion compressor. The system is simulated statically by Aspen Plus. Meanwhile, during the process of hydrogen charged from the third-stage high-pressure hydrogen storage tank to the hydrogen storage cylinder on vehicles, the dynamic variety of the third-stage high-pressure hydrogen storage tank is simulated dynamically by Aspen HYSYS Through the simulation, obtaining the results that there are difference between theoretical calculation and simulation for the volume of third-stage high-pressure hydrogen storage tank and the average volume flow of hydrogen in a third-stage high-pressure hydrogen storage tank varies with its pressure and volume. By comparing the results of Aspen Plus simulation and Aspen HYSYS simulation, there are some differences. The designed system can be applied to hydrogen stations and any operating conditions involving the supply hydrogen. (C) 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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