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Zhou Ying
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Research Projects
辽宁省企业违约风险的关键影响因素研究, 2021/11/16, 在研
辽宁小微企业违约风险特征研究, 2022/08/12, 在研
大连金普新区“十四五”经济社会发展指标体系和分解落实研究, 2020/01/20-2023/07/14, 结题
基于大数据方法的辽宁小微企业信用风险预警研究, 2019/10/25-2021/10/15, 结题
银行资产负债管理优化模型与应用, 2019/09/28-2020/02/29, 结题
三农和小微企业贷款信用评级和违约风险预警体系, 2019/07/20, 撤销
“十四五”时期大连市经济社会发展目标指标研究, 2019/07/08-2020/06/30, 结题
智能风险管控模型与算法系统研究, 2019/04/12-2023/07/14, 结题
一带一路国家资金融通机制设计与资本配置效率评价体系研究, 2018/11/06-2024/05/15, 结题
大数据环境下的微观信用评价理论与方法研究, 2017/08/17, 撤销
辽宁省城市商业银行资产负债管经学部优化研究, 2014/12/02, 结题
辽宁省小企业信用风险评价体系研究, 2016/11/02-2018/06/20, 结题
金普新区发展规划指标测算研究, 2015/12/16-2024/11/21, 结题
信用等级评价标准构建及实证研究, 2016/06/30-2019/07/30, 结题
金州新区“十三五”指标体系与指标测算研究, 2014/12/31, 在研
大连市“十三五”期间经济社会发展规律研究, 2014/03/31-2015/04/06, 结题
营口市物流产业与电子商务发展规划, 2013/08/01-2020/06/30, 结题
辽宁资本市场构建对经济发展的影响研究, 2007/12/31-2008/12/31, 结题
家族控制、金字塔结构与资本结构的选择-基于中国上市家族企业的实证研究, 2009/10/01-2012/12/31, 结题
Construction and Empirical Research on Credit Rating Evaluation Criteria, National Social Science Fund, 2016/07/18-2018/10/18
Research on Theory and Method of Micro Credit Evaluation in Big Data Environment, 2019/03/25-2019/03/25
Research on the Construction of Honest Tax System in Dalian, Dalian Social Science Research Project , 2002/12/01-2004/12/01
Research on Resource Optimization Configuration of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Liaoning Province Based on IT Industry Technology, 2003/10/01-2005/12/01
Research on the Objectives and Ways of Building Social Credit System in Liaoning Province, 2004/06/01-2005/12/01
Research on the Influence of Liaoning Capital Market Construction on Economic Development, Liaoning Provincial Social Science Association Project, 2007/12/01-2008/12/01
Proposal for the intercity railway network project of the urban agglomeration in the central part of Liaoning Province (Yingkou-Squid Circle), 2009/03/01-2019/03/25
Family Control, Pyramid Structure and Capital Structure Selection——An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed Family Enterprises, Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research General Project, 2009/10/01-2012/12/31
Liaoning Economic and Social Development Key Issues, 2015/01/14-2019/03/25, in progress
The Construction and Empirical Research of Credit Rating Evaluation Criteria, National Social Science Fund, 2017/07/01-2019/03/25
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