Date of Publication:2012-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院
Page Number:357-361
ISSN No.:1000-8608
Abstract:Based on geometry models of vehicle components,a rigid-flexible coupling
virtual prototype of a certain tracked armored vehicle was constructed
by vehicle body finite element model meshing and modal analysis.After
the multi-body dynamics simulation of the prototype under several
typical driving conditions,the loads acting on the vehicle body at
several typical moments were exported and imposed on the body finite
element model.The structural mechanics analysis and multi-load steps
topology optimization of the body structure were carried out.According
to the optimization results,local structure of the body was modified.A
new virtual prototype was constructed by the improved body and the
simulation was executed again,from which the stress and deformation
results of the body were got.Comparison with the original results shows
that the structure topology optimization technology which combines
dynamics simulation with finite element analysis can improve the
mechanical properties of the key components,enhance the stiffness and
strength,which provides an effective means to improve the structural
performance of armored vehicle.