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Preparation of Semisolid A356 alloy by a Cooling Slope Processing


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-06-26

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Page Number:767-770

Key Words:semisolid; A356 alloy; cooling slope; microstructure

Abstract:In order to obtain the non-dendritic feedstock for the semisolid forming process, a cooling slope processing was used. In this work, the effects of the angle, length of cooling slope and pouring temperature on the microstructure of A356 aluminum alloy were investigated. It showed that these parameters affect the size and morphology of alpha-Al phase to some extent. The results indicate that a pouring temperature of 650 degrees C and a cooling slope with 45 degrees in angle and 50 cm in length are the optimum parameters for preparing fine and globular grain structures. To eliminate the solidification shell formed in the surface of cooling slope, a nitride dope was coated on the surface of the cooling slope.

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