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Separation efficiency of alumina particles in Al melt under high frequency magnetic field


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2010-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、ISTIC



Page Number:153-157

ISSN No.:1003-6326

Key Words:Al melt; alumina particles; electromagnetic separation; high frequency magnetic field; separation efficiency

Abstract:The effects of separation time and magnetic induction intensity on the separation efficiency of alumina particles with diameters varying from 30 to 200 mu m in aluminum melt were investigated. The experimental results show that the particle-accumulated layer is formed in the periphery of the solidified specimen when the diameter of the separated molten metal, the magnetic induction intensity and the separation time are 10 mm, 0.04 T and 1 s, respectively. When the separation time is 2 s, the particle-accumulated layer can be observed obviously and the separation efficiency is about 80%. There are few alumina particles in the inner of the solidified specimen when the separation time is 3 s. The separation efficiency higher than 85% can be achieved when the separation time is longer than 3 s. When the magnetic induction intensity is 0.06 T, the visible particle-accumulated layer can be formed in I s and the separation efficiency is higher than 95%. The experimental results were compared with the calculated results at last.

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