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个人信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学. 固体力学. 生物与纳米力学
个人简介Personal Profile
曾任国家211立项专家组成员;国家博士点基金评审专家组成员;教育部高校科技奖评审专家组成员;国家博士点、硕士点及重点学科评审专家;省力学学会流体力学专业委员会主任。曾获得香港Croucher Foundation;中国“国氏”博士后奖励基金(中国优秀博士后,1/10); “全国优秀博士后人员”称号。承担国家级研究项目十余项,发表学术论文二百余篇,此外专著,专利和软件著作权多项。
[1]. Wang MZ, Xu XS, A generalization of Almansi's theorem and its application, Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, 14(5): 275-279
[2]. Xu XS, Wang MZ, 1991, General complete solutions of the equations of spatial and axisymmetric Stokes flow, Q. JI. Mech. Appl. Math., 1991, 44(4): 537-548
[3]. Xu XS, Wang MZ, On the completeness of solutions of the generalized axisymmetric Stokes flow equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 1993, 13(4): 222-228
[4]. Xu XS, Su XY, Yu TX, The propagation of longitudinal wave in rate-dependent plastic softening material, Sinence in China (Ser.A), 1994, 37(4): 450-458
[5]. Wang W, Xu XS, Wang MZ, Completeness of general solutions to axisymmetric problems of transverely isotropic body, Sinence in China (Ser.A), 1994, 37(5): 580-596
[6]. Xu XS, Su XY, Wang R, Dynamic buckling of elastic-plastic cylindrical shells on axial stress waves, Sinence in China (Ser.A), 1995, 38(4): 472-479
[7]. Xu XS, Zhong WX, Lu YL, Study of nonlinear long wave approximation in uniform channels via Hamiltonian structure, J. Hydrodynamics, (Ser.B), 1995, 7(1): 66-76
[8] Zhong, WX, Xu XS, Zhang HW, Hamilton system and the Saint-Venant problem in elasticity, Appl. Math. Mech. , 1996, 17(9): 827-836
[9] Xu XS, Zhong WX, Zhang HW, The Saint-Venant problem and principle in elasticity, Int. J. Solids Structures, 1997, 34(22): 2815-2827
[10] Xu XS, Xu JY, Liu ST, Liu KX, Dynamic axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric buckling of finite cylindrical shells in propagting ang reflecting of axial stress waves, J. Phys iv France, 1997, 7, C3-617 - C3-622
[11] Xu XS, Yu TX, Su XY, Propagation of wave in rate-dependent plastic softening rod and beam, J. Engineering Mechanics, 1997, 123(3): 190-195
[12] Xu XS, Guo XL, A theoretical and experimental study on the nonlinear shallow water wave in containers, J. Experimental Mechanics, 2002, 16(3): 298-304
[13] Xu XS, Guo XL, A method of Hamiltonian formulation for elastic structural vibration in rotating system, J. Vibration Engineering, 2003, 16(1): 36-40
[14] Gu Q, Xu XS, Leung AYT, The application of Hamiltonian system for two-dimensional transversely isotropic piezoelectric media. Journal of Zhejiang University, Science. 2005, 6(9): 915-921
[15] Xu XS, Gu Q, Leung AYT, Zhen JJ, A symplectic eigensolution method in transversely isotropic piezoelectric cylindrical media. Journal of Zhejiang University, Science. 2005, 6(9): 922-927
[16] Wang GP, Xu XS, Stokes flow in lid-driven cavities via Hamiltonian system, Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2006, 36: 102-106
[17] Xu XS, Zhang WX, Li X, An application of the symplectic system in two-dimensional viscoelasticity, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006,44: 897–914
[18] Xu XS, Ma Y, Lim CW, Chu HJ Dynamic buckling of cylindrical shells subject to an axial impact in a symplectic system. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006 43: 3905–3919
[19] Leung AYT, Xu XS. The boundary layer phenomena in two-dimensional transversely isotropic piezoelectric media by exact symplectic expansion, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 2007; 69:2381–2408
[20] Xu XS, Duan Z, Ma Y, Chu HJ. A symplectic method and dynamic buckling of elastic cylindrical shells under both axial impact and internal or external pressure, Explosion and shock waves, 2007, 27(6):509-514
[21] Xu XS, Wang GP, Sun FM. A analytical and numerical method of symplectic system for Stokes flow in the two-dimensional rectangular domain. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2008, 29(6): 715-724
[22] Xu XS, Leung AYT, Gu Q, 3D symplectic expansion for piezoelectric media,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2008, 74:1848–1871
[23] Xu X S, Chu H J, Lim C W. Hamiltonian system for dynamic buckling of transversely isotropic cylindrical shells subject to an axial impact. International Journal of Structure and Dynamics,2008,2(3):487-504
[24] Sun FM, Xu XS, The Control Mechanism of a New Fish-Like Underwater Robot with Two Tails, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, LNAI 5314(1) 304–313
[25] Zhang WX, Xu XS, Hamiltonian system and 2D problem of thermo-visco elasticity. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2008, 38(2): 200-206
[26] Leung AYT, Xu XS, Zhou ZH, Wu YF, Analytic stress intensity factors for finite elastic disc using symplectic expansion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2009; 76(12): 1866-1882
[27] Xu XS, Ma JQ, Lim CW, Chu HJ. Dynamic local and global buckling of cylindrical shells under axial impact.Engineering Structures, 2009, 31(5): 1132-1140
[28] Xu XS, Chu HJ, Lim CW. A symplecyic Hamiltonian appoach for thermal buckling of cylindrical shells. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2010, 10(2): 273-286
[29] Xu XS, Zhou ZH, Leung AYT. Analytical stress intensity factors for edge-cracked cylinder. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2010, 52: 892–903
[30] Xu XS, Ma JQ, Lim CW, Zhang G. Dynamic torsional buckling of cylindrical shells. Computers and Structures, 2010, 88: 322–330
[31] Leung AYT, Xu XS, Zhou ZH. Hamiltonian approach to analytical thermal stress intensity factors—Part 1: thermal intensity factor. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2010 , 33: 262–278
[32] Leung AYT, Xu XS, Zhou ZH. Hamiltonian approach to analytical thermal stress intensity factors—Paret 2: thermal stress intensity factor. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2010 , 33: 279–301
[33] Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Leung AYT. Mode III edge-crack in magneto-electro-elastic media by symplectic expansion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2010, 77: 3157–3173
[34] Zhang WX, Xu XS, Yuan F. The symplectic system method in the stress analysis of 2D elasto-viscoelastic fiber reinforced composites. Arch Appl Mech, 2010, 80: 829-841
[35] Zhou ZH, Wong KW, Xu XS, Leung AYT. Natural vibration of circular and annular thin plates by Hamiltonian approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2010,330: 1005–1017
[36] Sun FM, Bian YN, Arima H, Ikegami Y, Xu XS. Strength characteristics of the self-sustained wave in grooved channels with different groove length. Heat Mass Transfer, 2010, 46:1229–1237
[37] Lim CW, Xu XS. Symplectic Elasticity: Theory and Applications. Applied Mechanics Reviews. 2010, 63 / 050802-1- 050802-10
[38] Zhou ZH, Xu XS and Leung AYT. Analytical Mode III electromagnetic permeable cracks in magnetoelectroelastic materials. Computers & Structures, 2011, 89: 631-645
[39] Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Leung AYT. Transient thermal stress intensity factors for Mode I edge-cracks. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2011, 241: 3613-3623
[40] Xu XS, Zhang G, Zeng QC, Chu HJ, Bamboo Node-Type Local Buckling of Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Impact. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2011, 10(1): 41-52
[41] Zhou ZH, Wong KW, Xu XS, Leung AYT. Natural vibration of circular and annular thin plates by Hamiltonian approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2011, 330 (5): 1005-1017
[42] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Dynamic Buckling of Cylindrical shells under Axial Impact in Hamiltonian System. Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul, 2012(13):93-97.
[43] Zhang WX, Xu XS, The symplectic approach for two-dimensional thermo-viscoelastic analysis, International Journal of Engineering Science 2012, 50: 56-69
[44] Wu YF, Xu XS, Sun JB, Jiang C. Analytical solution for the bond strength of externally bonded reinforcement. Composite Structures. 2012, 94: 3232-3239
[45] Dong JZ, Xu XS, Zhang Y. Nonlinear Waves Driven by Motional Plates in Shallow Two-Layer Fluid. Advnces in Vibration Engineering, 2012, 11(4): 389-402
[46] Xu XS, Sun JB, Lim CW, Dynamic torsional buckling of cylindrical shells in Hamiltonian system, Thin-Walled Structures 64 (2013) 23-30
[47] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW, Tan VBC. An energy conservative symplectic methodology for buckling of cylindrical shells under axial compression, Acta Mech, 224 (2013), 1579-1592
[48] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Localization of dynamic buckling patterns of cylindrical shells under axial impact, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 66 (2013) 101-108
[49] Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Leung AYT, Huang Y. Stress intensity factors and T-stress for an edge interface crack by symplectic expansion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 102 (2013) 334-347
[50] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Accurate symplectic space solutions for thermal buckling of functionally graded cylindrical shells. Composites: Part B 55 (2013) 208-214
[51] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Torsional buckling of functionally graded cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2014, 14(1): 1350048-1–23.
[52] Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Leung AYT. The finite element discretized symplectic method for interface cracks, Composites Part B, 2014, 58: 335–342.
[53] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Buckling of functionally graded cylindrical shells under combined thermal and compressive loads. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2014, 37: 340-362
[54] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW. Buckling of cylindrical shells under external pressure in a Hamiltonian system. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2014, 52(3): 641-653
[55] Leung AYT, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Determination of stress intensity factors by the finite element discretized symplectic method, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51, 1115-1122.
[56] Zhou ZH, AYT Leung, Xu XS, Luo XW, Mixed-mode thermal stress intensity factors from the finite element discretized symplectic method, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51(21): 3798-3806.
[57] Xu CH, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Leung AYT, Fracture analysis of mode III crack problems for the piezoelectric bimorph, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 84(7), 1057-1079.
[58] Jiabin Sun, Xinsheng Xu, C.W. Lim, Weiyu Qiao. Accurate buckling analysis for shear deformable FGM cylindrical shells under axial compression and thermal loads. Composite Structures, 2015,123: 246-256
[59] Xu XS, Cheng XH, Zhou ZH, Xu CH, An analytical approach for the mixed-mode crack in linear viscoelastic media, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2015, 52: 12-25
[60] Xu CH, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Electroelastic singularities and intensity factors for an interface crack in piezoelectric-elastic bimaterials, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2015, 39: 2721-2739
[61] Zhou ZH, Xu CH, Xu XS, Leung AYT, The finite element discretized symplectic method for the steady-state heat conduction with singularities in composite structures, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 2015, 67: 302-319
[62] Xu CH, Zhou ZH, Leung AYT, Xu XS, Luo XW. The finite element discretized symplectic method for composite mode III cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2015, 140: 43-60
[63] Xu CH, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Evaluation of mode III interface cracks in magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials by symplectic expansion, Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 2015, 26(11): 1417-1441
[64] Sun JB, Lim CW, Xu XS, Mao H. Accurate buckling solutions of grid-stiffened functionally graded cylindrical shells under compressive and thermal loads. Composites Part B, 2016, 89: 96-107
[65] Sun JB, Lim CW, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, Sun W. Rigorous buckling analysis of size-dependent functionally graded cylindrical nanoshells, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 214303 (2016)
[66] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW, Zhou ZH, Xiao SY, Accurate thermo-electro-mechanical buckling of shear deformable piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical shells, Composite Struct., 141, 221-231, 2016.
[67] Qiu WB, Zhou ZH, Xu XS, The dynamic behavior of circular plates under impact loads, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 2016, 4(2): 111-116
[68] Sun JB, Xu XS, Lim CW, Combined load buckling for cylindrical shells based on a symplectic elasticity approach, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2016, 54(3): 705-716
[69] Xu W, Tong ZZ, Leung AYT, Xu XS, Zhou ZH, Evaluation of the stress singularity of an interface V-notch in a bimaterial plate under bending, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016,168: 11-25
[70] Hu JL, Xu XS. Fast-start control of bionic fish using giant magnetostrictive materials. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2017, 5(2): 207-211
[71] Xu XS, Tong ZZ, Rong DL, Cheng XH, Xu CH, Zhou ZH. Fracture analysis of magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials with imperfect interfaces by symplectic expansion, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, 38(8): 1043-1058.