教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 金融与会计研究所
学科: 管理科学与工程. 投资学. 会计学
办公地点: 大连理工大学经济管理学院D座535室
联系方式: 0411-84707374
电子邮箱: chigt@dlut.edu.cn
email : chigt@dlut.edu.cn
办公电话 : 0411-8470 7374
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
论文类型: 期刊论文
发表时间: 2022-06-28
发表刊物: 中国管理科学
所属单位: 经济管理学院
卷号: 18
期号: 6
页面范围: 185-192
ISSN号: 1003-207X
摘要: The paper is intended to build a society evaluation index system in line
with the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development, which is
human-orientation, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable
development. Based on the theory of triangle written function and grey
clustering,it sets up the comprehensive evaluation model of Chinese
society development, and uses this model to analyze the development of
14 regions in Liaoning province. The contribution characteristics lie in
four aspects. Firstly,by taking Gross National Happiness into evaluation
system,it changes the existing research that didn't consider the
harmonious relationship between society development and people's
happiness. Secondly,it counts Gini index with indirect correlation
index, which solves the problem that Liaoning's society evaluation does
not reflect the scientific concept of development issues due to lacking
of Gini index data. Thirdly,it applies entropy to weight for each
indicator, which could make results objective and sole. Fourthly, using
grey clustering model to evaluate the development of Liaoning province
can effectively show the unbalancedness of the society development in
Liaoning Province
备注: 新增回溯数据