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Study on fuzzy reliability muli-objective optimization of incomplete probability information systems base on genetic algorithms


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-08-24

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Abstract:In view of system reliable multi-objective optimization design question which the conventional optimization method were mutually contradictory attribute and difficulty, It proposed multi-objective fuzzy reliability optimization decision method based on genetic algorithm and non-probability distribution information. The method used fuzzy set membership function characteristic to reflect objective function relatively important degree and used the probabilistic perturbation method and Edgeworth series technique to transform incomplete probability information for the standardized normal distribution function, then ,it make simple target model with each goal coordinated degree, it uses the conventional optimization method to obtain the multi-objective optimization satisfactory solution. Finally, It gives an example to confirm this method is validity. ? 2010 IEEE.

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