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Application of Formative Assessments to Vocational College English Teaching and Learning


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2017-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-SSH


Page Number:200-203

Key Words:Formative assessment; English teaching and learning; Learning motivation; Self-learning ability

Abstract:The formative assessment is more helpful to stimulate the student English learning motivation and enhance student studying ability. In the English teaching and learning process to vocational college students, teachers should use formative assessment and other types of assessment as an elementary to assess the students' English learning. The investigation shows that it is very important to help the students to get back the English learning motivation and give them the desire to learn English well in higher vocational college. During the process of assessing and learning, the students' learning motivation has been stimulated, and they will find their confidences in English learning and to form a good learning habit.

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