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Symplectic duality system on plane magnetoelectroelastic solids


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2006-02-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:195-205

ISSN No.:0253-4827

Key Words:magnetoelectroelastic solids; plane problem; symplectic geometry space; duality system; separation of variables

Abstract:By means of the generalized variable principle of magnetoelectroelastic solids, the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids problem was derived to Hamiltonian system. In symplectic geometry space, which consists of original variables, displacements, electric potential and magnetic potential, and their duality variables, lengthways stress, electric displacement and magnetic induction, the effective methods of separation of variables and symplectic eigehfunction expansion were applied to solve the problem. Then all the eigen-solutions and the eigen-solutions in Jordan form on eigenvalue zero can be given, and their specific physical significations were shown clearly. At last, the special solutions were presented with uniform loader, constant electric displacement and constant magnetic induction on two sides of the rectangle domain.

Pre One:平面电磁弹性固体的辛对偶体系

Next One:Virtual boundary element-equivalent collocation method for the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids