Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2006-01-10
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:1-16
ISSN No.:1225-4568
Key Words:magnetoelectroelastic solids; plane problem; virtual boundary element; fundamental solution; collocation method
Abstract:This paper presents a virtual boundary element-equivalent collocation method (VBEM) for the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids, which is based on the fundamental solutions of the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids and the basic idea of the virtual boundary element method for elasticity. Besides all the advantages of the conventional boundary element method (BEM) over domain discretization methods, this method avoids the computation of singular integral on the boundary by introducing the virtual boundary. In the end, several numerical examples are performed to demonstrate the performance of this method, and the results show that they agree well with the exact solutions. So the method is one of the efficient numerical methods used to analyze megnatoelectroelastic solids.