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1. Shuai Guo, Renjing Gao, Xiangyu Tian, Shutian Liu, A quasi-zero-stiffness elastic metamaterial for energy absorption and shock attenuation, Engineering Structures, 2023, 280(2023):115687, 2023.
2. Guo S, Gao RJ, Tian XY, Liu ST, A 3D metamaterial with negative stiffness for six-directional energy absorption and cushioning, THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,180(2022):109963, 2022.
3. Lyu Zhiqiang, Zhang Yunfei, Wang Geng, Gao Renjing, A semiparametric clustering method for the screening of retired Li-ion batteries from electric vehicles, Journal of Energy Storage, 63(2023):107030, 2023.
4. Li Xiaozheng, Liu Shutian, Tong Liyong, Gao Renjing*. A novel dual-stage shape memory alloy actuated gripper[J]. Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application, 50(2):326-336, 2023.
5. Shuai Guo, Renjing Gao, Xiangyu Tian, Shutian Liu, A quasi-zero-stiffness elastic metamaterial for energy absorption and shock attenuation, Engineering Structures, 280(2023):115687, 2023.
6. Fan Zhaohui, Fu Yijie, Gao Renjing*, Liu Shutian, Investigation on heat transfer enhancement of phase change material for battery thermal energy storage system based on composite triply periodic minimal surface, Journal of Energy Storage, 57(2023):106222, 2023.
7. Pengfei Shi, Zirun Li, Youfu Tang, Hongge Zhao, Renjing Gao*, Shutian Liu, Strain sensor based on coaxial cable Bragg grating with gradient cross section, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 349(2023):114082, 2023.
8. Fan Zhaohui, Fu Yijie,Liang Hong,Gao Renjing*,Liu Shutian,A module-level charging optimization method of lithium-ion battery considering temperature gradient effect of liquid cooling and charging time, 265(2023):126331, 2023.
9. Wang Geng, Lyu, Zhiqiang, Gao Renjing, An equivalent winding thermal model considering fill factor and void ratio for multiphysics coupling analysis of permanent magnet linear motors,Applied Thermal Engineering, 236(2023):121605, 2023.
10. Shi PF, Cao YY, Zhao HG, Gao RJ *,Liu ST,Parallel strips coupled split ring resonators for a desktop wireless charging system overcoming irregular route restrictions, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 563(2022):17005, 2022.
11. Wang Q, Zheng JF, Yu YX, Gao RJ*, Liu ST, A Gradient-Based Phase-Only Synthesis for Solving Q-N Problem of Planar Clustered Phased Arrays for Sidelobe Suppression, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70(10): 9225-9232, 2022.
12. Wang Geng, Lyu Zhiqiang, Gao Renjing, Optimization method for a moving-coil electromagnetic linear actuator using an improved Macaca thibetana behavior-based hierarchical GA-PSO algorithm, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65(9):252, 2022.
13. Fan Zhaohui, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, A novel battery thermal management system based on P type triply periodic minimal surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194(2022):123090, 2022.
14. Li Xiaozheng, Liu Shutian, Tong Liyong, Gao Renjing. A multi-posture 3D printed actuator composed of VT-type bidirectional deflection fishbone-like modules based on shape memory alloy wires[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 31(5): 055016, 2022.
15. Lyu Zhiqiang, Wang Geng, Gao Renjing, Synchronous state of health estimation and remaining useful lifetime prediction of Li-Ion battery through optimized relevance vector machine framework, ENERGY, 251(2022):123852, 2022.
16. Gao Renjing, Fan Zhaohui, Liu Shutian. A gradient channel-based novel design of liquid-cooled battery thermal management system for thermal uniformity improvement ,Journal of Energy Storage, 48(2022):104014, 2022.
17. Fan, Zhaohui, Gao, Renjing*, Liu, Shutian,Thermal conductivity enhancement and thermal saturation elimination designs of battery thermal management system for phase change materials based on triply periodic minimal surface, ENERGY, 259(2022):125091, 2022.
18. Gao Renjing,Tang Yi,Wang Qi, Liu Shutian,Pattern synthesis considering mutual coupling for peak sidelobe suppression and null controlling via element rotation and phase optimization,ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION2022, 54(1): 101-112, 2021.
19. Gao Renjing, Tang Yi, Wang Qi, Liu Shutian, Gradient-based Optimization Method for Interference Suppression of Linear Arrays by the Amplitude-only and Phase-only Control,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 14(8):1002-1008, 2022.
20. Renjing Gao, Shuai Guo, Xiangyu Tian, Shutian Liu, A negative-stiffness based 1D metamaterial for bidirectional buffering and energy absorption with state recoverable characteristic, Thin-Walled Structures, 169(2021):108319, 2021.
21. Tang Yi, Deng Shuwen, Gao Renjing, Shape optimization method for curved-groove DGS of MIMO antenna-array based on the trigonometric function expansion[J]. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 139(2021): 153904, 2021.
22. Zhiqiang Lyu, Renjing Gao*, Lin Chen, Li-Ion Battery State of Health Estimation and Remaining Useful Life Prediction through a Model-Data-Fusion Method, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(6), 6228-6240, 2021
23. Zhiqiang Lyu, Renjing Gao*, Xiaoyu Li, A Partial Charging Curve-based Data-Fusion-Model Method for Capacity Estimation of Li-IonBattery,Journal of Power Sources (ELS), 483(2021): 229131(13), 2021
24. Wang Qi, Xiao Han, Yang Jun, Gao Renjing*, Liu shutian, Mapping-Based Pattern Synthesis of Concentric Elliptical Arrays for Sidelode Suppression and Aperture Reduction , IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, 9(12): 2206-2210, 2020
25. Shi Pengfei, Gao Renjing, Liu shutian, Enhanced transmission through sub-wavelength aperture in specific frequency band by using topology optimized metamaterals, Optics Express, 28(21):30340-31780, 2020
26. Wang, Q; Yang, J; Tang, Y; Gao, RJ; Liu, ST, Optimization Method for Pattern Synthesis of Sparse Planar Arrays Considering Mutual Coupling and Nonoverlapping Constraint, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 68(8): 6032-6038, 2020
27. Lyu Zhiqiang, Gao Renjing*, Li-ion battery state of health estimation through Gaussian process regression with Thevenin model, International Journal of Energy Research, 44(13), 2020
28. Liu Chuan, Gao Renjing, Wang Qi, Liu Shutian, A Design of Ultra-wideband Linear Cross-Polarization Conversion Metasurface with High Efficiency and Ultra-thin Thickness, journal of applied physics, 127(15): 153103, 2020
29. Tian Xiangyu, Chen Wenjiong, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, CLUSTERING BASED THREE-SCALE CONCURRENT TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH MACROSTRUCTURE, COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS, Applied Physics Express, 13(4): 045503, 2020
30. Tian Xiangyu, Chen Wenjiong, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, Perforation-Rotation Based Approach for Band Gap Creation and Enlargement in Low Porosity Architected Materials, Composite structures, 245(2020): 112331, 2020
31. Gao Renjing, Tang yi, Wang qi, Liu shutian, Pattern Synthesis considering Mutual Coupling for Peak Sidelobe Suppression and Null controllin n Liu, Liyong Tong, Analysis and test of a novel pre-compressed cruciform energy harvester, Sensors and Actuators A-Physics, 302(2020):111807, 2020
33. Mingli Li, Renjing Gao*, Shutian Liu, Liyong Tong, Modeling, analysis and validation of a novel asymmetric cruciform harvester with d15 mode, Smart materials and Structures, 29(2) 025014 (11PP), 2020
34. Wang qi, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, Mapping-based Optimization Method for Pattern Synthesis via Array Element Rotation, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 68(4):2736-2742, 2020
35. Lyu Ziqiang, Gao Renjing*, A model-based and data-driven joint method for state-of-health estimation of lithium-ion battery in electric vehicles, International Journal of Energy Research, 43(14):7956-7969, 2019
36. 赵剑, 程凯, 高仁璟, 柔性双稳态结构分岔跳跃模式的探讨, 机械工程学报, 55(5):74-81, 2019
37. 高仁璟, 李明丽, 赵剑*, 刘书田,基于预应力和局部加强结构的特定性能双稳态结构设计, 机械工程学报, 55(3):162-168, 2019
38. 刘川, 王奇, 高仁璟*, 刘书田, 基于拓扑与形状优化的小型化金属天线设计方法, 计算力学学报, 36(6):713-720, 2019
39. Gao Renjing, Li Mingli, Wang qi, Zhao jian, Liu Shutian*, A novel design method of bistable structures with required snap-through properties, Sensors and Actuators A-Physics, 272:295-300, 2018
40. Chen Wenjiong, Tian Xiangyu, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian. A low porosity perforated mechanical metamaterial with negative Poisson’s ratio and band gaps. Smart Materials and Structures, 27(11): 115010, 2018
41. 刘骥, 高仁璟*, 刘书田, 基于压电悬臂梁的驱动器与传感器性能分析的精确解析模型, 光学精密工程, 26(2):380-387, 2018
42. 高仁璟, 李明丽, 王奇, 赵剑, 刘书田, 局部加强体对预压双稳态结构跳转力学特征的影响分析, 光学精密工程, 26(4):884-893, 2018
43. Shi Pengfei, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, Topology optimization-based design of metamaterial-inspired sensor with improved sensitivity, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 268:83-90, 2017.
44. 史鹏飞, 高仁璟, 刘书田, 基于模糊数学的贴片式左手超材料微结构选择方法研究, 计算力学学报, 34(4):440-446, 2017.
45. Wang Qi, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian, Topology Optimization-based design method of dual-band antennas, Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures, 13:11-25, 2017.
46. Wang Qi, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian*, Topology optimization based design of unilateral NMR for generating a remote homogeneous field, Journal of Magentic Resonance, 279:51-59, 2017.
47. Wang Qi, Gao Renjing, Liu Shutian*, A novel parameterization method for the topology optimization of metallic antenna design, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 33:1040-1050, 2017.
48. Gao Renjing, Huang Yu, Wenxin, Zhao Jian*, Liu Shutian, Method to further improve sensitivity for high-order vibration mode mass sensors with stepped cantilevers, IEEE Sensor Journal, 17: 4405-4411, 2017.
49. 赵剑, 张淑敏, 高仁璟*, 基于构型优化的高阶模态微质量传感器灵敏度提升方法, 光学精密工程, 25(3):655-662, 2017.
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- 1.电动汽车电机设计与控制技术 2.新能源汽车 3.电池SOC与SOH估计与管理技术 4.振动控制与振动能量俘获技术 5.毫米波雷达与车载天线设计