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刘莹,大连理工大学机械工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师。辽宁省、大连市图学学会会员,长期从事工程制图及相关课程教学工作,中国大学MOOC平台“3D工程制图实践——Autodesk Inventor”课程负责人,目前承担该课程发布、维护、更新与完善等工作,参与“现代工程制图”和“2D工程制图实践”慕课建设、维护等辅助工作。近5年负责大连理工大学教学改革项目1项,参与完成大连理工大学教改重点项目3项及研究生教改项目1项。作为主要完成人获得2018年高等教育国家级教学成果二等奖1项。
(1) Liu Ying, Zhao Xueli, Hua Weijian, Yu Tongmin, Zhao Danyang, Jin Yifei, Zhu Tieli, Effects of Process Conditions on Tensile Strength and Crystallinity of Polymeric Parts Fabricated Using Ultrasonic Vibration-assisted Injection Molding, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2022, 62(7), 2119-2130, SCI,EI
(2) Zhu Tieli, Liu Ying, Yu Tongmin, Jin Yifei, Zhao Danyang, Experimental Study of Injection Molding Replicability for the Micro Embossment of the Ultrasonic Vibrator, Polymers, 2022, 14(22), 4798, SCI,EI
(3) Liu Ying, Zhu Tieli, Bi Jie, Hua Weijian, Yu Tongmin, Jin Yifei, Zhao Danyang, Investigation on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene Parts Fabricated by Different Process Conditions with Different Aging Periods, Polymers, 2020, 12(12), 2828, SCI,EI
(4) Liu Ying, Hu Ji-gang , Gu Shuo and Yu Tong-min. Influence of Process Parameters and Ultrasonic Field on the Condensed State Structure and Mechanical Property of Injection Molded Part. Proceedings of the 18th International Manufacturing Conference in China(IMCC 2019), Shenyang, China, 2019.10.09-12.
(5) Mancang Song, Ying Liu, Hong Chang, Development of High Pressure Injection Technology for Normal Hydraulic Injection Molding Machines, International Polymer Processing, 2018, 33(1), 52-59, SCI,EI
(6) Mancang Song, Ying Liu, Wenming Li, Fabricating micro-core by EDM with multi-station narrow slit electrode, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2017, 88:3507–3514 SCI,EI
(7) Ying LIU, Yan CUI, Dian-Long WANG, Jing SUN, Lei WANG, The Orientation and Achieving Measures of the Training Objective for Mechanical Engineering Major under Engineering Education Accreditation, International Conference on Education Science and Education Management (ESEM2016), Guilin,China, 2016.8.13-14 SCI
(8) Song Mancang, Liu Ying, Liu Junshan, Liu Chong. Analysis of the Microstructure Replication of Injection Molding for Microfluidic Chip. 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-On-A-Chip, 2016, Dalian,P.R. China,2016.6.10
(9) 刘莹, 陈越, 赵雪利, 于同敏, 祝铁丽, 超声辅助注射成形碳纤维增强聚丙烯制件性能研究, 中国机械工程, 2023,34(16): 1975-1981. EI
(10) 刘莹,杨勇,于同敏,赵雪利,马赛, 祝铁丽, 超声振动对不同含量碳纤维增强聚丙烯制件性能的影响, 高分子材料科学与工程, 2023,39(12): 80-87. EI
(11) 刘莹, 黄睿, 郭东阳, 刘梦晶, 黄昊, 于同敏, 超声振动对玻纤增强聚丙烯塑件性能的影响, 模具制造, 2021, 21(07): 70-74+92
(12) 刘莹, 毕杰, 于同敏, 不同工艺参数与超声外场作用下成型制件的盐雾老化性能研究, 中国机械工程, 2020,31(9): 1115-1122. EI
(13) 刘莹, 毕杰, 顾硕, 于同敏, 超声外场对制件凝聚态结构与性能的影响, 塑料科技, 2019, 47(10): 46-50.
(14) 刘莹, 顾硕, 于同敏, 刘骁, 陈聪, 关铭, 超声振动减小脱模阻力的研究, 模具制造, 2018, 7: 58-63.
(15) 刘莹, 侯世杰, 宋满仓, 刘永云, 点浇口对多孔支架基片充填流动平衡的影响, 模具制造, 2017, 4: 33-37.
(16) 刘莹,宋满仓,祝铁丽,面向卓越工程师培养的模具方向毕业设计图样规范化研究,高教学刊,2019,19:83-85
(17) 刘莹,宋满仓,王敏杰,刘军山,刘冲,微结构塑件注射成型试验研究与缺陷分析,高分子材料科学与工程,2010,26(5),104-107. EI
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Research Focus
- 精密微纳成型与模具技术