Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2015-08-01
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:304-314
Abstract:The quick frost method was used to measure the mass loss rate and relative dynamic elastic modulus of rubberized concrete and ordinary concrete. The frost resistance property of the rubberized concrete in sodium sulfate solution environment was studied by comparing the difference of mass loss rate and relative dynamic elastic modulus between rubberized concrete and ordinary concrete. The results shown that rubberized concrete in sulfate behave superior antifreeze performance than the corresponding ordinary concrete. The scanning electron microscope, mercury intrusion method, hardening bubbles method were used to study the mechanism of rubberized concrete's freeze-thaw durability. Through analysis, it was known that rubber powder in concrete acts as a solid air-entraining agent. Freeze-thaw damage made the micropores increased. The crystallization of sodium sulfate blocked the micro-holes of concrete. Fine rubber powders reduce the bubbles spacing coefficient and increase the number of bubbles. Rubber powders as micro "solid stomatal" improve the porosity of concrete, so that the antifreeze performance enhanced. Through the microstructure observation of rubberized concrete during freeze-thaw cycles it was found that rubber powders do not participate in the hydration reaction, while they appear as filling material.