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学科:供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程. 热能工程
- [221]Kovanen K.A., Duanmu L., Kauppinen T., Laamanen J..Air tightness of new residential buildings in Finland[A],2009,1:207-213
- [222]丁千茹, 李祥立, 端木琳, 孙宇明, 金权.局部热舒适性研究现状与展望[J],建筑科学,2008,24(12):97-101
- [223]舒海文, 端木琳, 华蓉蓉, 邹瑜, 杜国付, Shu, H..寒冷地区土壤源热泵冷热源系统设计方案研究[J],太阳能学报,2008,29(11):1375-1379
- [224]端木琳, 李震, 蒋爽, 舒海文, 朱颖心, Duan, M.(duanmulin@sina.com).大连星海湾海水源热泵空调系统热扩散数值模拟研究[J],太阳能学报,2008,29(7):832-836
- [225]郭安, 王宗山, 端木琳, 舒海文, 张朝辉.污水源热泵空调系统在实际工程中的应用[J],可再生能源,2008,26(3):91-95
- [226]端木琳, 李震, 舒海文, 蒋爽, 朱颖心.海水源热泵空调系统的经济、环境评价研究[A],2008,147-158
- [227]李伟涛, 端木琳.工作-背景区空调系统背景区温度设计参数的探讨[J],制冷空调与电力机械,2008,29(1):39-42
- [228]端木琳.Thermal Comfort in Changing Room Temperature[A],2008
- [229]端木琳, 李祥立.Establishment of Human Thermoregulation Model and Simplified Solution in Non-uniform Enviroment[A],2008,1:636-642
- [230]端木琳, 李祥立.Environment Parameters Distribution and Energy Saveing Analysis with Personnalized Ventilation Sy...[A],2008,1:39-45
- [231]端木琳, 李震, 蒋爽, 舒海文, 朱颖心.大连星海湾海水源热泵区域供热供冷系统热扩散数值模拟研究[J],太阳能学报,2008,29(7):832-837
- [232]Li, Xiangli, Lin Duanmu, Shu, Haiwen.Optimal design of DHC pipe metwork of seawater-source heat pump in Dalian's Xinghai Bay Commerc...[A],2008,130-136
- [233]王树刚, 端木琳.流体管网非稳态数学模型及水泵的启停过程分析[J],制冷与空调,2008,21(12):32-34
- [234]Lin Duanmu, Shu, Haiwen, Wang, Zongshan, An, Quan.Experimental research on the relationship between local and the whole body thermal sensation in...[A],2008,819-825
- [235]Lu, Zhen, Weizhen, Zhang, Jili, Sun, Dexing, Duanmu, Lin.Fungal spore release for air-flow parallel to surface[A],2008,759-766
- [236]Duanmu, Lin, Sun, Yuming, Li, Xiangli, Hou, Zhonghua, Shen, Shengqiang.Establishment of human thermoregulation model and simplified solution in non-uniform environmen...[A],2008,625-631
- [237]Jin, Quan, Shu, Haiwen, Lin Duanmu.Energy consumption simulation and analysis of the two-stage centrifugal vapor-compression water...[A],2008,152-159
- [238]Shu, Haiwen, Lin Duanmu, Zhu, Yingxin, Li, Xiangli.The proper scale and energy efficiency requirement of seawater source heat pump district heatin...[A],2008,94-100
- [239]Zhuang, Zhi, Li, Yuguo, Lin Duanmu, Wang, Zongshan, Chen, Bin, Qian, Hua, Sun, Yafeng, Zhao, Yang, Liu, Li.Experimental assessment of thermal performance of an elevated Chinese kang system[A],2008,70-77
- [240]李祥立, 端木琳, 舒海文.Optimal Design of DHC Pipe Network of Seawater-source Heat Pump in Dalian’s Xinghai Bay Commerci...[A],2008,1:137-143