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- [21]宁德志, 卓晓玲, 滕斌, 陈兵, Ning, D.(dzning@dlut.edu.cn).水流对聚焦波特性影响的数值模拟[J],哈尔滨工程大学学报,2013,34(5):555-561
- [22]陈兵, 杨宗宇, Tom Bruce.越浪式波能发电装置的水力性能研究[J],可再生能源,2013,31(1):81-86
- [23]陈兵, 吕林.Finite Element Based Viscous Numerical Wave Flume[J],Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2013,13(12):1-17
- [24]Chen, Bing, Su, Tsung-chow, B (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Inst Harbor & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Investigation of Flow Past Circular Cylinder Near Planar Boundary[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING,2012,22(4):276-281
- [25]Chen B., Su T.-C..Flow-induced vibration of an elastically supported circular cylinder above a plane boundary[A],2012,611-617
- [26]陈兵, 张桦.应用切割单元法对海底管道局部冲刷数值模拟[J],海洋工程,2012,30(1):66-74
- [27]孙英伟, 康海贵, 任年鑫, 陈兵, Kang, H.-G.(hgkang@dlut.edu.cn).基于MM5模式的大连近海地区风能资源评估[J],大连理工大学学报,2012,52(1):85-89
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- [30]仇正中, 陈兵, 张桦.波浪作用下海底管线受力的数值模拟[J],中国水运(下半月),2011,11(6):78-79,81
- [31]吕林, 滕斌, 陈兵.Implement and validation of viscous numerical wave flume based on finite element method and CLEAR...[A],2011
- [32]孙英伟, 陈兵, 康海贵, Sun, Y.-W.(syw_522@163.com).远破波作用数值模拟的CLEAR-VOF模型[J],水科学进展,2010,21(6):795-800
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- [35]陈兵, 邵学, 韩丽华, 姜萌, Chen, B..海洋立管的局部冲刷实验[J],沈阳工业大学学报,2009,31(06):712-720
- [36]原娟, 董敏, 陈兵.破碎立波对直墙建筑物作用机理的研究[J],海洋技术,2009,28(4):107-112
- [37]原娟, 陈兵, 董敏.破碎立波对直立建筑物波浪力的数模研究[A],2009,867-874
- [38]陈志强, 陈兵, 康海贵, 邵学.海上风力发电机三桩基础波流力的计算[J],海洋技术,2009,28(1):104-110
- [39]刘忠波, 陈兵, 张日向.基于蛙跳格式的弱非线性水波数值模型[J],哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,41(2):190-192
- [40]Lu Lin, Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin, Chen Bing, Lu, L (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 16023, Peoples R China..NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF TURBULENT FREE SURFACE FLOW OVER OBSTRUCTION[J],JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS,2008,20(4):414-423