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Date of Publication:2022-10-06


Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部


Page Number:402-408

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:For linear structures with uncertain parameters, the coefficients of variation of their stationary random responses were computed. The random excitations were first transformed into sinusoidal ones in terms of the pseudo excitation method (PEM), that turned the joint-random problem into a single random problem for which only structural parameters remained random, and thus the analysis was greatly simplified. A combination rule for coefficient of variation was derived in terms of which the combined coefficient of variation of the structure was computed from the coefficient of variation of each random parameter provided the correlation matrix of these parameters was known. The method is efficient, and its precition was justified by Monte-Carlo method. The coupling effect between two kinds of random factors was involved.


Pre One:美国大学计算机软件辅助力学课程教学模式探讨

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