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Main positions:Professor
Liang Shuxiu, professor in Dalian University of Technology, tutor of Ph.D. students. Dr. Liang has received 4 awards at provincial and ministerial level. She hosted 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and national level. And she has participated in 12 provincial, ministerial and national vertical projects as the backbone, responsible for more than 40 coastal and offshore engineering projects and marine ecological remediation and restoration projects. Dr. Liang has published more than 100 research papers ,more than 70 of which have been indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP.
Work Experience
2000.7~2006-5 Dalian University of Technology, College of Civil Engineering, Marine Dynamic Teaching and Research Department, Lecturer
2006.5~2017.12 Dalian University of Technology, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, School of Hydraulic Engineering, Associate Professor
2018.1~ Dalian University of Technology, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, School of Hydraulic Engineering, Professor
Foreign visits
2002.4~2002.6 Osaka University, School of Engineering and Environment, Japan, Visiting Scholar
2009.5~2010.5 Rosenstiel School of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, USA, Visiting Scholar
Educational experience
1991.9~1995.7 Qingdao Ocean University, Bachelor of Engineering, Waterway and River Management Engineering
1995.9~2000.7 Dalian University of Technology, Doctor of Engineering, Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Research Topic
2019~2021, National Key Research and Development Program (2019YFC1407705), Theory and Technology Research on Ecological Construction and Transformation of Artificial Shoreline (Project)
2018~2021, Experimental and modeling research on deep-water breaking wave characteristics, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2016~2020, National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFC1401405), Development of global high-resolution numerical wave prediction system (subject).
2013~2016, Research on three-dimensional circulation structure and water environment impact mechanism based on typhoon process, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2011~2015, Engineering-related characteristics of extreme environment in the South China Sea and its simulation method, National 973 Project.
2011~2014, Integrated Technology and Demonstration Application Research on Comprehensive Remediation of Long and Narrow Bays along the East China Sea, Public Welfare Project of the Bureau of Oceanography.
2014~2016, Research and application of key technologies for spatial remediation effect and development stock assessment of near-shore sea area, a public welfare project of the Oceanic Bureau.
2008~2011, Research on construction technology of rock-based shallow buried light structure quay in offshore deep-water port, National 863 Project.
2008~2010, Key technology research on berthing stability conditions of offshore deep water port quay, Western Development Project of Ministry of Communications.
2008~2011, Research and Demonstration of Auxiliary Decision-making Technology for Marine Management in Ningbo Sea Area, State Oceanic Administration Marine Public Welfare Project.
2006~2008, Research on water quality and eutrophication model validation inverse problem in marine environment, National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China.
2004~2005, Research on marine environment prediction and evaluation system in Liaodong Bay, Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province.
Selected Papers:
1. Yuanyuan Xu,Shuxiu Liang *,Zhaochen Sun,Qingren Xue,Xiaoqi Bi,An experimental comparison of the velocities and energies of focused spilling waves in deep water,Ocean Dynamics (2020) 70:863–877. (SCI)
2. Shu-xiu Liang, Zhao-chen Sun*, Yan-ling Chang & Ying Shi, Evolution characteristics and quantization of wave period variation for breaking waves, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32,361-374. (SCI/EI)
3. ZHANG Yi-hui,LIANG Shu-xiu*,SUN Zhao-chen,Study on Energy Spectrum Instability in the Processes of Propagating and Breaking of Focusing Waves,China Ocean Engineering, 2019, 33(1):86–93. (SCI)
4. Sun H, Sun Z, Liang S(梁书秀), et al. Numerical study of air compressibility effects in breaking wave impacts using a CIP-based model[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 174: 159-168.(SCI/EI)
5. Cheng W, Sun Z, Liang S(梁书秀). Numerical simulation of flow through suspended and submerged canopy[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2019, 127: 109-119. (SCI)
6. Shuxiu Liang, Wenbin Jiang, Jiawen Sun,The Comprehensive Renovation and Restoration of Coastal Zone in China,Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,Sapporo, Japan, June 10-15, 2018, 1509-1516.(EI)
7. Yuanyuan Xu, Yonghong Rao, Shuxiu Liang#, Zhaochen Sun, Velocity Distribution and Energy Dissipation in Experimental Breaking Waves, Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Sapporo, Japan, June 10-15, 2018, 478-484.(EI)
8. S. Liang(梁书秀), Y. Zhang, Z. Sun, Y. Chang, Laboratory study on the evolution of waves parameters due to wave breaking in deep water, Wave Motion, 2017, (68), 31-42. (SCI/EI)
9. Zhang yihui, Liang Shuxiu*, Sun Zhaochen. Measurement and Numerical Study of Vertical Mixing Microstructure in the Bohai Strait, Journal of Coastal Research, 2017, 33(1), 158-172. (SCI)
10. Xudong ZHAO,Shuxiu LIANG *, Zhaochen SUN , Xizeng ZHAO ,Jiawen SUN , Zhongbo LIU. A GPU Accelerated Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, Journal of Hydrodynamics,2017, 29(4):679-690. (SCI/EI)
11. Songlin Han, Shuxiu Liang , Zhaochen Sun. Development of Three-Dimensional Water Quality Model and Its Application to a Long-Narrow Bay [C]// The 37th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress, 2017, Aug. 13-18, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
12. 王雪, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨等. 兴城市曹庄海域潮滩水动力数值模型的建立. 海洋环境科学, 2017, 36(5): 774-780.
13. 田正林, 孙昭晨,梁书秀. 浅水中质量源造波方法. 水道港口, 2017, 38(4): 325-329.
14. 张明慧, 孙昭晨, 梁书秀, 索安宁. 海岸整治修复国内外研究进展与展望. 海洋环境科学, 2017,36(4): 635-640.
15. Jing Xie,Shuxiu Liang(梁书秀)* , Zhaochen Sun, Jiang Chang, Jianwen Sun, Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization,International Journal of GEO-information, 2016, 5(8), 140; doi:10.3390/ijgi5080140 (SCI)
16. Liang Shuxiu*, Yonghong Rao, Xiaoning Tang, Chang Yanling. Evolution Characteristics of Wave periods for Deep-water Breaking Waves. The 12th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD), 2016, Sep. 18-23, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
17. 梁书秀,孙昭晨*,张卫平,王兴刚. 桩柱结构在地震作用下非线性响应研究. 岩土力学.2016, 37(5):1259-1267 (EI)
18. 张怡辉, 梁书秀*, 孙昭晨, 常艳玲. 深水波浪破碎特征影响因素的实验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2016, 37(6): 762-769. (EI)
19. 梁书秀, 张怡辉, 孙昭晨. 深水波浪破碎时波浪演化特征实验研究. 海洋工程, 2016, 34(1): 71-79.
20. 梁书秀,常艳玲,孙昭晨. 深水破碎波周期变化的试验研究. 水运工程. 2016(6), 12-17.
21. 徐国梁, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨, 等. 基于 WebGIS 的象山港综合整治决策支持系统的建立及应用. 海洋开发与管理, 2016 (8): 60-64.
22. Shuxiu Liang, Songlin Han, Zhaochen Sun. Parameter optimization method for the water quality dynamic model based on data-driven theory. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, (98):137-147. (SCI/EI)
23. Shuxiu L., Zhaochen S., Yihui Z., Jiafa S, Yifei Z. Laboratory Study on the Characteristics of Deep-water Breaking Waves. Procedia Engineering, 2015, Aug, 116: 414-421. (EI/ISTP)
24. Zhaochen, S., L. Shuxiu, R. Xifeng, Z Yifei, S jiafa. A Two-phase Simulation of Wave Impact on a Horizontal Deck Based on SPH Method. Procedia Engineering, 2015, Aug. 117: 428-435. (EI/ISTP)
25. 梁书秀,孙昭晨,尹洪强,牛海英. 基于SWAN模式的南海台风浪推算的影响因素分析. 海洋科学进展, 2015,33(1) :19-30.
26. 鲁友鹏(学生),梁书秀,孙昭晨,丛丕福. 杭州湾南岸岸线变化对水动力的影响累积效应. 海洋环境科学, 2015, (3) ,384-390.
27. 高哲(学生),梁书秀,孙昭晨,王兴刚. 脉冲波作用下竖直弹性板的水弹性响应. 水利水运工程学报,2015, (4) ,1-8.
28. Liang SX(梁书秀), Xie J, Sun ZC, Lu YP, Liu GS, Xiong W. Development of a regional coastal management decision-aided system. Part A: Establishment of an automatic numerical simulation program. Ocean and Coastal Management, 2014,(96):173-180.(SCI /EI)
29. Liang Shuxiu(梁书秀), Sun Zhaochen, Sun Jiawen, Zhang Zhibo. Study on the Erosion Mechanism of the Bijia Mountain Gravel Tombolo, China. Journal of Coastal Research,2014, 30(4):851-861. (SCI)
30. Shuxiu Liang, Songlin Han, Zhaochen Sun, Youpeng Lu, Guangsheng Liu , Wei Xiong. Lagrangian methods for water transport processes in a long-narrow bay-Xiangshan Bay, China. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2014, 26(4): 558-567.
31. 梁书秀, 严斌, 孙昭晨,张怡辉. 海洋环流模式中的二阶湍流封闭格式综述. 水利水电科技进展, 2014, (4):82-88.
32. 梁书秀, 郝菲菲, 孙昭晨等. 基于Fluent的白内障术后房水流体力学数值分析. 暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版), 2014, 35(4): 350-356.
33. 韩松林, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨. 狭长海湾象山港三维污染物运移特征的数值模拟. 海洋通报, 2014, 33(5): 511-518.
34. 赵旭东, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨等. 基于GPU并行算法的水动力数学模型建立及其效率分析. 大连理工大学学报, 2014, 54(2):204-209.
35. 张志波, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨,董丽红. 笔架山连岛沙坝侵蚀和修复的物理模型实验研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 2014, 29(1): 50-58.
36. 韩松林, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨. 基于FVCOM的象山港海域潮汐潮流与温盐结构特征数值模拟. 水道港口, 2014, 35(5): 481-488.
37. Liang S.X., Zhao X.D., Sun Z.C., Zhang Yifei, Shen jiafa, Li bogen. Development of GPU Parallel Algorithm for an Unstructured-Grid Three-Dimension Hydrodynamic Model. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Hannover, Germany,2014, Sep. 7-12.
38. Sun Z.C., Liang S.X., Zhang Y.F., Li B.G. Shen Jiafa. Comparison of Assessment Methods on Hydrodynamic Changes Caused by Long-Term Coastline and Topography Variations. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Hannover, Germany ,2014, Sep. 7-12.
39. Li, MC, Liang, SX (梁书秀); Sun, ZC ; Zhang, GY. Optimal Dynamic Temporal-Spatial Parameter Inversion Methods for the Marine Integrated Element Water Quality Models Using a Data-Driven Neural Network. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2012, 20(5): 575-583. (SCI/EI)
40. Wang Xing-Gang, Sun Zhao-Chen, Liang Shu-Xiu (梁书秀), Liu Si, Liu Shu-Xue, Luo Jun-Bin. Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Wave Group on the Motion of Moored DDMS Platform. Journal of Marine Science and Technology –Taiwan, 2013, 21(3): 258-267. (SCI/EI)
41. Shu-xiu Liang, Zhao-chen Sun, Song-lin Han, Hong-qiang Yin and Bo Bai. Ocean Turbulent Mixing in Northern Bohai Strait, China. ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean,Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Paper No. OMAE2013-11294,Nantes, France,2013-06. (EI /ISTP)
42. Han, S.L.(学生), Liang, S.X., Sun Z.C. Study of pollution transport based on a dynamical system theory in Xiangshan Bay. ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean,Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Paper No. OMAE2013-11291,Nantes, France,2013-06. (EI/ISTP)
43. 梁书秀,白波,孙昭晨. 渤海海峡北部非层化期海洋湍流混合的微结构特征. 海洋环境科学,2013, (2), 190-195.
44. 孙家文,梁书秀,孙昭晨. 规则波对水平板冲击作用试验研究. 大连理工大学学报,2013, (2), 249-253.
45. 范从军, 梁书秀, 孙昭晨. 时域内规则波作用下竖直板的水弹性响应. 海洋工程, 2013, 31(5):37-44.
46. 熊伟,梁书秀,孙昭晨,刘光生. 海岸与近海工程数值模拟的自动化研究. 海洋环境科学, 2013, (4):588-593.
47. 屠珊珊,梁书秀,孙昭晨,朱志海,张亦飞. 象山港特征污染物浓度分布反演研究. 海洋开发与管理, 2013, (3):83-88.
48. 韩永雷,梁书秀,管可想. WEB GIS技术在海洋灾害模拟系统中的应用. 海洋信息,2013, (1):16-23.
49. 韩智臣, 孙昭晨, 梁书秀. 饱和软黏土中吸力锚的承载能力数值分析. 水运工程, 2013, 4:162-167.
50. RAO Yong-hong,LIANG Shu-xiu, YU Yu-xiu. A Method to Determine the Incident Wave Boundary Conditions and Its Application. China Ocean Engineering,2012, (02): 205-216. (SCI/EI)
51. Li, MC, Liang, SX ; Sun, ZC ; Zhang, GY. Optimal Dynamic Temporal-Spatial Parameter Inversion Methods for the Marine Integrated Element Water Quality Models Using a Data-Driven Neural Network. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2012, 20(5): 575-583. (SCI/EI)
52. Liang, S.X.,Olascoaga, M.J.,Han, S.L.,Liu, G.S. River run off on circulation pattern over complex topography. Proceedings of the 22nd (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2012, 1368-1374. (EI)
53. Xie Jing, Sun Zhaochen, Liang Shuxiu, Zhang Yifei, Li Bogen. Numerical study on pollutant transport in long-narrow waters - Xiangshan Bay, China. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2012, 815-820. (EI)
54. Ma X,Sun Z,Liang S. The Numerical Study of a Moored Ship’s Motion Responses in Wave Groupiness. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2012, 883-890. (EI)
55. 董丽红,梁书秀,孙昭晨. 海滩养护理论与试验研究进展. 海洋开发与管理, 2012, (5):44-51.
56. 解静,梁书秀,孙昭晨,赵旭东,张亦飞,刘必劲、朱志海. 基于WEB GIS水动力数值模拟可视化技术应用. 水运工程, 2012, (6):52-57.
57. 解静,梁书秀,孙昭晨,屠珊珊,张亦飞,李伯根. 象山港污染物漂移扩散规律研究,水道港口, 2012, (5):429-435.
58. 骆俊彬,孙昭晨,梁书秀,赵旭东. 直墙建筑物后不规则波越浪压力试验研究. 水运工程, 2012, (11): 26-30.
Educational Experience
Work Experience
Research Focus
Simulation and measurement studies of key processes and influencing factors in the offshore environment
Theory and Technology of Marine Ecological Environment Restoration
Research on information system for diagnosis, forecast and impact evaluation of marine environment under the influence of natural and human activities