
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:奥地利因斯布鲁克大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:土木工程系
- 电子邮箱:ynding@dlut.edu.cn
[61] 丁一宁.Hybrid Use of Steel – and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Monitoring of Crack Behaviour[A],2012
[62] Ding, Yining, Azevedo, Cecilia, Aguiar, J. B., Jalali, Said, YN (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Study on residual behaviour and flexural toughness of fibre cocktail reinforced self compacting hi[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2012,26(1):21-31
[63] 刘思国, 朱德华, 丁一宁.自密实混凝土(SCC)工作性能和配合比设计研究进展[J],中国港湾建设,2011,6:82-87
[64] Pacheco-Torgal, F., Moura, D., Ding, Yining, Jalali, Said, F (reprint author), Univ Minho, Sustainable Construct Grp, C TAC Res Unit, P-4800058 Guimaraes, Portugal..Composition, strength and workability of alkali-activated metakaolin based mortars[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2011,25(9):3732-3745
[65] Ding, Yining, YN (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Investigations into the relationship between deflection and crack mouth opening displacement of SF[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2011,25(5):2432-2440
[66] Ding, Yining, Liu, Hekai, Pacheco-Torgal, Fernando, Jalali, Said, HK (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviour of the fiber reinforced high-performance co[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2011,93(4):1284-1289
[67] 刘赫凯, 丁一宁, Liu, H.-K.(liuhekai@sina.com).钢纤维自密实混凝土管片力学性能的试验研究[J],建筑材料学报,2011,14(1):10-13,21
[68] 丁一宁, 李娟, 王宝民, 宁喜亮, Ding, Y.(ynding@hotmail.com).纤维对GFRP筋与自密实混凝土基体粘结性能影响分析[J],建筑结构学报,2011,32(1):63-69
[69] 丁一宁, 刘亚军, 刘思国, 刘赫凯, Ding, Y.-N.(ynding@hotmail.com).钢纤维自密实混凝土梁抗剪性能的试验研究[J],水利学报,2011,42(4):461-468
[70] 丁一宁.Investigation on Shear behaviour of SFRSCC Beams based on the MCFT[A],2011
[71] 丁一宁.Investigation of the Effect of Fibers on Bond Properties between Self-Consolidating Concrete and GFR[A],2011
[72] 丁一宁.Effect of Macro-PP Fiber on Uniaxial Tensile Behaviour of Concrete[A],2011,1539-1547
[73] 丁一宁.Experimental Investigation on Uniaxial Tensile Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete[A],2011,731-735
[74] 丁一宁.Asbestos based materials: New lights for an old and worrisome problem[A],2011
[75] 丁一宁.Combined effect of steel fibres and steel rebars on the impact resistance of high performance concre[J],Journal of Central South University of Technology,2011,18(5):1677-1684
[76] Ding, Yining, You, Zhiguo, Jalali, Said, ZG (reprint author), Hebei Polytech Univ, Coll Civil & Architectural Engn, Tangshan, Hebei Province, Peoples R China..The composite effect of steel fibres and stirrups on the shear behaviour of beams using self-conso[J],ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,2011,33(1):107-117
[77] 田贺, 丁一宁, De Rivaz Benoit.钢纤维和有机纤维混凝土开口板开裂后的弯曲性能[J],工业建筑,2011,41(2):70
[78] 丁一宁, 达布希拉图, 尤志国, Ding, Y.-N.(ynding@hotmail.com).不同纤维替代自密实混凝土梁中抗剪箍筋的试验研究[J],水利学报,2011,42(9):1088-1094
[79] You, Z., Ding, Y., Niederegger, C., Z.(youzhiguo119@163.com).Replacing stirrups of self-compacting concrete beams with steel fibers[J],Transactions of Tianjin University,2010,16(6):411-416
[80] 尤志国, 丁一宁, 王宝民, You, Z.-G.(youzhiguo119@163.com).钢纤维替代自密实混凝土梁箍筋的试验研究[J],建筑材料学报,2010,13(5):595-600