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长期从事高性能高分子材料和先进聚合物基复合材料方面的研究工作。在航空航天、交通运输、电气绝缘等领域用新型耐高温树脂设计合成与功能化改性、纤维表面低温等离子体改性技术与结构表征、复合材料界面结构调控与制备技术方面取得重要成就。承担完国家重点科技攻关项目、国家863计划项目、基础科研重点项目、预研和配套项目30余项。先后获得国家技术发明奖2项;中国专利奖1项;省部级科学技术奖一、二等奖18项。获得国家发明专利授权60项。发表学术论文240余篇,其中190篇被SCI收录、210余篇被EI收录。出版《环氧树脂》、《环氧树脂及其应用》 、《先进聚合物基复合材料界面及纤维表面改性》、《双马树脂基复合材料空间损伤界面改性》、《磁功能化石烯三维结构设计及其吸波复合材料》、《特种双马来酰亚胺树脂》学术专著6部;出版教材2部;其中《高子合成材料学》获得“十一五”国家级规划教材用书。先后获得1996年黑龙江省第四届青年科技奖、1999年国务院政府特殊津贴,2003年首届“辽宁省十大青年科技英才”,2004年“辽宁省新世纪百千万人工程”百人计划,2005年第三届“侯德榜化工科学技术奖”青年奖,200年由其领导组建的“先进聚合物基复合材料”团队入选首批辽宁省高校科技创新团队;2008年首届“中国石油与化学工业协会”青年科技突出贡献奖,2010年大连市第五批优秀专家、2014年辽宁省第九届优秀科技工作者、2018年第七批辽宁省优秀专家、第十届“侯德榜化工科学技术奖”创新奖、全国石油和化工行业优秀科技工作者、首批辽宁省兴辽英才计划科技创新领军人才、辽宁省特聘教授、2019年选大连市高层次人才计划创新领军人才、2020年辽宁省学术头雁等荣誉称号。主持完成“系列耐高温双马树脂及其复合材料”项目成果入选首届中国科协“科创中国先导技术”-先进材料领域10强榜单。
4.主持机械工业部教育科技发展基金项目(980625, 1996-1998年):有机复合绝缘子用耐高温拉挤玻璃钢电绝缘芯棒(已结题)
6.主持国家九五配套项目(委托,1997-2001):芳纶纤维复合材料高压氮气瓶(十号工程) 用树脂基体的研究(已结题)
8.主持哈尔滨市重点科技攻关项目(0011211109,2000-2001): 有机复合绝缘子用耐酸性拉挤电绝缘芯棒的研制(已结题)
9.主持国家配套专题项目(委托,1996-1999): 中星22卫星芳纶纤维复合材料天线伸展机构部件用树脂基体(已结题)
10.主持大连市优秀青年科技人才基金项目( 大科计发〔2001〕122号,2001.11-2003.11): 高频传输用改性环氧基印刷电路板的研制(已结题)
11.主持“十五”国家863项目(2003AA305691;2003.10-2005.10): 高性能低成本预浸湿法缠绕技术用树脂基体(已结题)
12.参加“十五”国家863项目(2003AA305130;2003.10-2005.10): 先进复合材料网格加筋高效结构研究(已结题)
13.主持辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20044002;2005.01-2007.12): 连续纤维增强高性能热塑性树脂基先进复合材料的研究(已结题,优秀)
14.主持辽宁省新世纪优秀人才项目(RC05-14,2006.01-2008.12): 含氮杂环新型聚芳醚改性环氧共聚树脂体系及其先进复合材料的研制(已结题,优秀)
16.主持基础科研项目(2006.01-2010.12): 系列聚芳醚系列树脂基复合材料工艺技术研究(已结题)
21.主持基础科研重点项目(2011.01-2013.12): 耐高温结构/功能一体化先进复合材料(已结题)
23.主持预研项目:(2011.01-2013.12):高效宽频吸波材料设计 (已结题)
26.主持基础科研重点项目(2016.02-2019.12): 具有梯阻抗渐变结构的耐高温吸波复合材料设计与制备技术(已结题)
2.含二氮杂萘酮联苯结构的新型聚芳醚砜酮(PPESK)及其制备法. 获2003年度国家技术发明奖二等奖 2003-F-213-2-03-05
3.含 1,3,4-噁二唑结构双马来酰亚胺及其制备方法(ZL201010211439.0). 获2016年第十八届中国专利奖
5.碳纤维复合材料固体火箭发动机壳体用树脂基体. 获2002年度中国石油与化学工业科技进步奖二等奖 2002JBR-1017-2-1
6.潜伏性环氧树脂体系及其复合材料的理论与实践. 获2003年度辽宁省科技进步(基础理论类)二等奖2003J-2-15-01
7.高性能环氧树脂基体的研制及其在先进复合材料制备中的开发应用. 获2004年度中国建筑材料工业科技进步二等奖2004-J-2-05-R01
8.高性能环氧树脂基体的优化设计及其相关制品的开发应用.获2005年度中国石油与化学工业科技进步二等奖 2005JBR-0008-2-1
9.“十号工程”应急动力系统芳纶复合材料高压氮气瓶.获2005年度黑龙江省科技进步奖 二等奖 2005-052-03
10.中星22号卫星芳纶复合材料承力锥HUF和天线伸展机构. 获2002年度黑龙江省科技进步奖 二等奖2002-043-05
11.预浸湿法复合材料缠绕工艺技术用环氧树脂基体. 获得2007年度大连市技术发明奖一等奖2007F-1-03-01及辽宁省技术发明奖二等奖2007F-2-5-01
12.改性耐高温可溶性聚芳醚树脂及其复合材料制备新技术. 获得2011年度辽宁省科学技术奖技术发明一等奖 2011F-1-03-01
13.改性耐高温环氧树脂体系及其复合材料制备新技术. 获得2011年度大连市人民政府技术发明一等奖 2011F-1-02-01
20.连续PBO纤维增强双马树脂基复合材料界面改性方法.获得第一届辽宁省专利奖二等奖(2019-2-004-D01, 2020-04-07)
22.含Cardo 结构高性能树脂基复合材料关键技术及应用.获得 2020 年度辽宁省科技进步一等奖(2020-J-1-14-R01,2021-04-19)
1.陈平,王秀杰,刘扬.具有长期化学储存稳定性和温度触变性的环氧树脂复配物。 中国发明专利,授权专利号ZL 200410020896.6
2.陈平,刘扬, 王秀杰,王士巍.具长期储存稳定性和温度触变性的耐高温环氧树脂复合物。中国发明专利,授权专利号ZL 200510045654.7
3.陈平,陆春,于祺,丁振峰.连续纤维增强含二氮杂环新型聚芳醚树脂基复合材料的界面改性方法.中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 200510047183.3
4.陈平,王静,张承双,于祺,陆春. 芳纶纤维增强聚芳醚砜酮树脂复合材料的界面改性方法.中国发明专利, 授权专利号ZL 200610134662.3
5.陆春,陈平,齐文,于祺. 高性能的碳纳米管/PBO复合纤维的电纺丝制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL200810011038.3
8.陈平,张承双,张相一,孙宝磊. 一种聚对苯撑苯并二噁唑纤维增强可溶性聚芳醚树脂基复合材料的界面改性方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200810230006.2
9.陆春,陈平,齐文,于祺,崔天放. 高性能聚芳醚树脂锂电池隔膜的电纺丝制备方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910011641.6
12.陈平,刘东,于祺,陆春,王柏臣,李伟. 连续PBO纤维增强双马来酰亚胺树脂基复合材料的界面改性方法。中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910010855.1
13.李伟 陈平 高维佳 马克明 王柏臣 卢少微. 含酚酞侧基的聚芳醚酮(砜)树脂基复合材料的缠绕成型方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910011521.6
14.卢少微 陈平 高禹 马克明 王柏臣 李伟 陆春. 老化飞机结构损伤的光纤智能复合材料修复与健康监测方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910011522.0
15.卢少微 陈平 马克明 王柏臣 陆春 李伟 于祺。一种用于结构纵向应变监测的智能复合材料层板制作方法。中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910011934.4
16.陈 平 熊需海 陆春 王柏臣 于祺 马克明. 含1,3,4-噁二唑杂环结构芳香二元胺及其制备法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL201010211452.6
17.陈 平 熊需海 于祺 王柏臣 马克明 陆春. 含1,3,4-噁二唑结构双马来酰亚胺及其制备法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL201010211439.0
18.陆春 陈平 齐文 于褀。高强度纳米纤维功能膜的制备方法。中国发明专利,专利号ZL200810010096.4
19.卢少微,王柏臣,陈平. 一种用啁啾光栅定位碳纤维复合材料横向裂纹的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910010458.4
20.卢少微,冷劲松,陈平. 复合材料胶结接头脱粘扩展的啁啾光栅监测方法. 中国发明专利,专利号ZL200910010459.9
21.李伟;姚树勇;马克明;卢少微;王柏臣;陈平. 含酚酞侧基的聚芳醚酮(砜)树脂基混杂多尺度复合材料的制备方法.中国发明专利,专利号ZL201210100506.0
22.李伟;赵焕伟;马克明;王柏臣;卢少微;陈平. 一种用于双马来酰亚胺树脂基复合材料的纳米复合改性方法.中国发明专利,专利号ZL201210128308.5
25王柏臣;周霞;马克明;卢少微;李伟;于祺;陈平. 一种纳米复合的混杂多尺度复合材料的制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权号ZL201010237475.4
31.陈平,曾强,于祺, 熊需海。一种负载磁性纳米粒子的石墨烯空心微球的制备方法。中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201510925343.3,2017-07-11
32.陈平;王开翔;熊需海;王园英;于祺. 一种液晶型烯丙基化合物改性的双马来酰亚胺树脂的制备方法. 中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201510418690.7,2017-07-11,
33.熊需海,任荣,陈平,于祺,刘思杨.一种含氰基和酞侧基双马来酰亚胺树脂及其制备方法.中国发明专利, ZL201510024065.4,2017-02-01
35.陆春、王静、高禹、张利国、于祺、陈平、马克明,一种阻燃环氧泡沫材料的制备方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201410167930.6, 2017-07-11
37.陈平、曾强、雷清泉、于祺、熊需海、王琦. 一种含酰亚胺结构热致性液晶聚合物增韧增强环氧树脂组合物,ZL201610213479.6,2018-06-15
42.陈平; 徐东卫; 熊需海; 于祺; 郭翔; 王琦; 一种石墨烯泡沫负载纳米Fe3O4磁性粒子复合吸波材料及其制备方法, 2020-04-07, 中国, ZL201710595949.4
43.陈平; 郭翔; 贾彩霞; 邱红芳; 杨森; 王琦; 一种氮掺杂碳包覆磁性纳米粒子复合微球及其制备方法, 2020-04-07, 中国, ZL201811022379 .0.
47.熊需海,任荣,陈平,马兴华,李伟,李桂洋;耐高温高韧性双马来酰亚胺树脂及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,ZL201810179004.9, 2020-11-17
48.陈平,陈怿咨,王静,于祺,熊需海. 一种多羧基聚氨酯接枝提高复合材料界面性能的方法.中国发明专利,ZL201810723309.1,2021-04-20
51.陈平 朱晓宇 邱红芳 陈冠震 闵卫星.一种高效复合吸波材料ZIF-67@CNTs制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL202010822501 .3,2021-07-06
55.陈平 邱红芳 朱晓宇 于祺 熊需海 王静. Ni-Co 合金镶嵌 N 掺杂类石墨碳囊复合吸波材料的制备方法:中国发明专利,ZL201910602827.2,2021-08-10
57.陈平,朱晓宇,邱红芳,一种纳米多孔碳包覆磁性纳米粒子复合物 的制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL202110907274.9,2022-05-20
59.陈平,闵卫星,徐东卫,于祺,陈冠震,陈博涵,一种碳包覆钴镍壳核结构微球的制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL202010267146.8, 2022-09-06
61.陈平,刘莹,周雪,曹新荣, 在碳包覆双金属硫化物外壳生长金属水滑石纳米刺微球、制备方法及其应用。中国发明专利,ZL202210992313.4, 2023-07-04
64.陈平, 徐计雷, 熊需海, 朱国豪. 一种含噁嗪侧基和Cardo结构的双马来酰亚胺及其制备方法:中国发明专利, ZL202210496519.8,2024-08-13
1.陈平,刘胜平.《环氧树脂》.北京: 化学工业出版社, 1999
2.陈平,王德中.《环氧树脂及其应用》.北京: 化学工业出版社, 2004;获2005年度大连市人民政府科学著作奖一等奖
3.陈平,廖明义主编. 《高分子合成材料学》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2005
4.陈平,唐传林主编. 《高聚物的结构与性能》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2005;获2003-2008年度大连理工大学优秀研究生教材奖
6.陈平,刘胜平,王德中.国家十二五重点图书.合成树脂及应用丛书-《环氧树脂及其应用》(第二版).北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011
7.陈平,廖明义主编. 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材-《高分子合成材料学》(第二版).北京: 化学工业出版社,2010;获2013年度大连市优秀著作一等奖
8.陈平,唐传林,廖明义编著. 《高聚物的结构与性能》(第二版).北京: 化学工业出版社,2013
9.陈平、熊需海著.《含芳杂环结构双马来酰亚胺树脂》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2016,获得2018年大连市政府科学著作奖一等奖
10.陈平、于祺著.《双马树脂基复合材料空间损伤与界面改性》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2017,获得2019年度大连市政府科学著作一等奖
11.陈平,廖明义主编.《高分子合成材料学》(第三版).北京: 化学工业出版社,2017;获得2018年度中国石油和化学工业联合会优秀出版物奖-教材类一等奖
12.陈平 等著.《磁功能化石墨烯三维结构设计及其吸波复合材料》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2021;获得2020年辽宁省优秀自然科学学术著作出版基金重点资助,获得2022年度中国石油与化学工业联合会优秀出版物-著作类一等奖
13.陈平、熊需海著.《特种双马来酰亚胺树脂》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2023;获得2022年辽宁省优秀自然科学著作出版基金重点资助
[261]Guoqing Zhen, Long Liu and Ping Chen*,Experimental investigation and molecular dynamics simulations of plasma treatment on the interface properties of carbon fiber-reinforced PI resin composites,COMPOSI TEINTERFACES https://doi.org/10.1080/09276440.2024.2448881
[260]Weixiao Dong, Xiaojie Sun, Tuo Zhang and Ping Chen*,Yolk-double shell structured bread-like Si@Z-700N@void@C nanocomposites as high stability anodes for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,DOI: 10.1039/d4tc04494k,WOS:001379231800001
[259]Huimin Sun,Jilei Xu,Guohao Zhu and Ping Chen*,Preparation and properties of polyimides containing cyano and Cardo structures,
High Performance Polymers,2024,doi.org/10.1177/09540083241307654,WOS:001377133100001
[258]Shuaijiang Ma,Qi Zhang,Xuyan Li,Jilei Xu,Ping Chen*,Prediction of influence of helical structure on shape memory behavior of
thermosetting resin useing molecular dynamics simulation,Polymer Testing,2025,142:108671
[257]Dongwei Xu,Xuhai Xiong,Ping Chen,Hollow conductive polypyrrole microtubes as microwave absorbents with good seawater corrosion resistance,Polymer 2025, 317:127900,WOS:001377264600001
[256]Guohao Zhu, Jilei Xu, Huimin Sun and Ping Chen*,Enhancing mechanical and thermal properties of blends with novel phenylethynyl-terminatedsiloxane-containing ortho-hydroxy polyimide,High Performance Polymers,2024,doi/10.1177/09540083241274320,WOS:001293163100001
[255]Xingda Liu, Zuhao Wang, Guoqing Zhen, Bohan Chen, Xuhai Xiong & Ping Chen*,Influence of argon plasma treatment on interfacial
performance of CFRP at high temperature,COMPOSITE INTERFACES,2025, 32(1):95-106,DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2024.2375812,WOS:001263043100001
[254]Sun Xiaojie,Chen Ping*,Zhou Xue,Liu Ying,Dong Weixiao,ZIF-derived carbon-coated Co9S8 for silicon anode with superior performance in lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2024,12:10061-10069,WOS:001250305300001
[253]徐东卫,张明举,申志豪,夏晨露, 郭晓琴,熊需海, 陈平*,氮掺杂碳纳米管原位封装磁性粒子异质结构(Fe3O4@NCNTs)及其轻质宽频吸波性能,材料研究学报,2024,38(6):430-436
[252]Dongwei Xu, Zhihao Shen, Mingju Zhang, Xinyuan Li, Lu Deng, Yeqi Ren, Biao Zhao*,Xiaoqin Guo, Ping Chen*,Lightweight Fe-doped MnO2@C hollow nanocubes for ultra-broadb and microwave absorption,Ceramics International,2024,50:29659-29668,WOS:001262542500001
[250]Chengyong Ping , Xiaoyu Zhu , Ruiqi Wang , Yuxiang Jin , Ping Chen *, Prussian blue analogue-derived ZnOCo@nitrogen-depleted g-C3N4(ND-CN) for lightweight and efficient electromagnetic wave absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2024,986,174166,WOS:001222101100001
[249]Yiqiang Liu, Jiabin Yao, Zhihao Shen, Mingju Zhang, Dongwei Xu*, Ping Chen*.Magnetic quantum dots modified hollow carbon spheres and controllable electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Composites Part A, 2024,179,108056,WOS:001178472900001
[248]周雪,陈平*, 刘莹,孙晓杰. ZIF衍生的中空NiS2/CoS2@HNC的制备及储锂性能,科学通报,2024,69,464 - 472,WOS:001144356900002
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[245]Jilei Xu , Ping Chen *, Shuaijiang Ma , Guohao Zhu,Synthesis and properties of novel bismaleimide containing allyl group and twisted structure,Thermochimica Acta,2024,732:179661,WOS:001165669700001
[244]Xingda Liu, Guoqing Zhen & Ping Chen*,Effect of plasma treatment on high temperature interfacial properties of Chinese-made T800 CFRP,COMPOSITE INTERFACES,2024,31(7):843-856,WOS:001133655900001
[243]Dongwei Xu,Feifan Zhang,Shuaijiang Ma,Ping Chen*,Hierarchical dandelion-like CoS2 hollow microspheres: self-assembly and controllable microwave absorption performance, RSC Adv, 2023, 13, 27147-27157,WOS:001065268700001
[242]Jilei Xu , Ping Chen *, Shuaijiang Ma , Guohao Zhu,Synthesis, polymerization kinetics, and thermal properties of novel bismaleimides containing twisted structure,J Appl Polym Sci. 2023;140:54547,WOS:001049259300001
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[240]Ying Liu, Xue Zhou, Ping Chen*, Xinrong Cao, Dongxuan Liu, RuiqiWang. Study on the properties of hollow yolk-shell NiS2/FeS2@NC@NiFeLDH/FeO(OH) nanoflower microspheres as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023.117606,WOS:001035234800001
[239]Ruiqi Wang , Xiaoyu Zhu , Ping Chen*,etal,Constructing Core-Shell NiCo2O4@PPy nanocomposites with controllable dielectric properties toward wide-band microwave absorption,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2023, 580:170872,WOS:001018642000001
[238]Xue Zhou,Ying Liu,Ping Chen *,Xinrong Cao, Dongxuan Liu,Ruiqi Wang,Hollow carbon spheres supporting nitrogen‑doped carbon–coated (Co0.67Ni0.33)9S8/NiCoLDH nanosheets with enhanced performance for lithium‑ion batteries,Ionics,2023,29: 2199-2208,WOS:000962672500001
[237]Xiaoyu Zhu, Hongfang Qiu, Ping Chen * , Ruiqi Wang, Chengyong Ping,Porous C/Co (derived from ZIF-67) embedded in anazotic g-C3N4 (PC/Co/ ACN) composite as a super electromagnetic wave absorber,Carbon,2023,207,59-66,WOS:000951364700001
[236]Jilei Xu , Ping Chen * , Shuaijiang Ma , Guohao Zhu , Lihao Wu,Synthesis and thermal properties of novel bismaleimides containing cardo and oxazine structures and the thermal transition behaviors of their polymer structures,Thermochimica Acta,2023,719,179401,WOS:000935582700007
[235]刘东璇, 陈平* ,曹新荣,周雪,刘莹,碗状C@FeS2@NC复合材料的制备与电化学性能,材料研究学报,2023,37(1):1-9
[234]Jilei Xu , Ping Chen * , Shuaijiang Ma , Guohao Zhu ,Synthesis, polymerization, and thermal properties of novel oxazine-functional bismaleimides and their conversion to high performance benzoxazole resins,J Appl Polym Sci. 2023;140:53497,WOS:000897004300001
[233]曹新荣, 陈平* , 闵卫星, 刘东璇,中空多层级FeS2@FeS2@N,S-C纳米立方体的制备及锂存储性能,科学通报,2022,67(35): 4281-4288,WOS:000899164300013
[232]Dongxuan Liu, Weixing Min, Ping Chen*, Dongwei Xu, Xinrong Cao, Guanzhen Chen, Ruiqi Wang. Facile Synthesis of Yolk-Shell CoS2@FeS2@NC Hollow Microspheres for Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries Anode Materials.Ionics,2022,28:4967–4976, WOS:000854823300001
[231] Xinrong Cao, Weixing Min, Ping Chen* , Dongwei Xu, Dongxuan Liu, Ruiqi Wang,Controllable synthesis of hierarchical core-shell NiS2/CoS2@N,S-C nanospheres for lithium storage,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022,911,165112,WOS:000796742900002
[230] 刘佳良,徐东卫,陈平*. 磁性多孔rGO@Co/CoO复合材料的制备和吸波性能,材料研究学报,2022,36(5):332-342
[229] Xiaoyu Zhua , Hongfang Qiua , Ping Chen*,One-pot synthesis of Cu@porous nitrogen–doped carbon (Cu@PNC) for high-efficiency electromagnetic wave absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022, 908:164620,WOS:000793171800004
[228] 徐东卫,陈平*,陈冠震,闵卫星,磁功能化石墨烯气凝胶自组装合成及吸波性能,科学通报,2022,67,437-446, WOS:000758894400010
[227]Shuaijiang Ma, Ping Chen*, Jilei Xu, and Xuhai Xiong*,Molecular dynamics simulations of key physical properties and microstructure of epoxy resin cured with different curing agents, J Mater Sci,2022,57:1123–1133,WOS:000737750100085
[226] 陈冠震,陈平*,徐东卫,闵卫星. 中空碳/Fe3O4磁性量子点复合材料的制备及其吸波性能,材料研究学报,2022,36(1):29-39, EI收录
[225] Hongfang Qiu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Ping Chen* , Yizi Chen, Guanzhen Chen, Weixing Min,Construction of core-shell structured ZnO/C@PPy composite as high-performance dielectric electromagnetic wave absorber,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2022,543,168604,WOS:000710583400004
[224] 朱晓宇,邱红芳,陈平*,Co@CNT复合电磁波吸收剂的制备及吸波性能,材料研究学报,2021,35(11):810-819, EI收录
[223]Xiaoyu Zhu, Hongfang Qiu and Ping Chen*,A modified graphitic carbon nitride (MCN)/Fe3O4 composite as a super electromagnetic wave absorber,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2021,9,23643-23650,WOS:000708099100001
[222] 陈怿咨, 张承双,陈 平*,常压空气等离子体对PBO纤维表面接枝改性,材料研究学报,2021,35(9):641-650, EI收录
[221] Shuaijiang Ma, Ping Chen*, Jilei Xu, Guanzhen Chen, Weixing Min, and Xuhai Xiong*, Directional Control of the Mechanical Properties of a Resin-Cross-Linking System: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 11621−11626, WOS:000683727000065
[220]Xiaoyu Zhu, Hongfang Qiu, Ping Chen*, Guanzhen Chen, Weixing Min, Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) in situ polymerization to synthesize MOF-Co@CNTs as efficient electromagnetic microwave absorption materials, Carbon, 2021, 176: 530-539, WOS:000630376700054
[219] Weixing Min,Dongxuan Liu,Ping Chen*,Xiaoyu Zhu,Hongfang Qiu,Well‑Dispersed Ni Nanoparticles Loaded on Uniform Hollow N‑Doped Carbon Spheres for Outstanding Microwave Absorption Performance at a Low Filler Loading,Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021,50, 4866–4879,WOS:000658254400002
[218]Xiaoyu Zhu, Hongfang Qiu, Ping Chen*, Anemone-shaped ZIF-67@CNTs as effective electromagnetic absorbent covered the whole X-band, Carbon,2021,173:1-10, WOS:000613097400001
[217]Guanzhen Chen, Dongwei Xu, Ping Chen*, Xiang Guo, Qi Yu, Hongfang Qiu,Constructing and optimizing hollow bird-nest-patterned C@Fe3O4 composites as high-performance microwave absorbers,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2021,532,167990, WOS:000645118700003
[216]Bai, Zongxuan; Wang, Pan; Chen, Xiao; Chen, Ping ; Liang, Changhai, In situ surface dealumination of intermetallic NiFe aluminides electrocatalysts for enhancing the oxygen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,46, 5323-5331, EI收录
[215]Weixing Min, Dongwei Xu, Ping Chen,* Guanzhen Chen, QiYu,*, Hongfang Qiu, and Xiaoyu Zhu,Synthesis of novel hierarchical CoNi@NC hollow microspheres with enhanced microwave absorption performance,J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,2021, 32:8000–8016, WOS:000622672600003
[214]Hongfang Qiu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Ping Chen⁎, Nian Li, Xiuling Zhu, Synthesis of ternary core-shell structured ZnOC@CoC@PAN for high-performance electromagnetic absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2021,868: 159260, WOS:000636039600123
[213]Xiong, Xuhai; Han, Anchang; Ren, Rong; Wei, JiAn; Chen, Ping,Preparation and shape memory behavior of novel heat-resistance epoxy networks containing phthalide cardo structure, Polymer testing,, 2020, 81, 106167, SCI收录
[212]Guo, Xichao; Xiong, Xuhai; Ren, Rong; Chen, Ping,New Chain-Extended Bismaleimides with Aryl-Ether-Imide and Phthalide Cardo Skeleton (II): Creep, Stress Relaxation, Shape Memory and Self-Repairing Properties,MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH, 2020,28; 494-500, SCI收录
[211]Wang, Zixuan; Yu, Qi; Nie, Weicheng; Chen, Ping, Preparation and microwave absorption properties of Ni/rGO/EP composite foam, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH,2020, 35; 2106-2114, SCI收录
[210]Yu Qi, Nie Weicheng. Liu Chaofan. Chen Ping, Chen Hanlin,Wang Yiyi, Synthesis of reduced graphene oxides with magnetic Co nanocrystals coating for electromagnetic absorption properties, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,2020,31,22616-22628, SCI收录
[209]刘佳良,陈平,徐东卫,于祺,磁性多孔RGO@Ni复合材料的制备及吸波性能,材料研究学报,2020,34(9):641-649, EI收录
[208]刘哲,陈博涵,陈平,等,氧气DBD等离子体处理PBO纤维表面及其对双马树脂基复合材料界面性能的影响,材料研究学报,2020,34(2):109-117, EI收录
[207]Xiaoyu Zhu, Hongfang Qiu, Ping Chen*, Jialiang Liu, and Guanzhen Chen,Environmentally Friendly Synthesis of Velutipes-Shaped Ni@CNTs Composites as Efficient Thin Microwave Absorbers,Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS,2020,49(9):5367-5378, SCI收录
[206]Xichao Guo, Xuhai Xiong, Rong Ren,Ping Chen*. New Chain-Extended Bismaleimides with Aryl-Ether-Imide and Phthalide Cardo Skeleton (II): Creep, Stress Relaxation, Shape Memory and Self-Repairing Properties. Macromolecular Research, 2020, 1-7 DOI: 10.1007 /s13233-020-8063-7, SCI收录
[205]Hongfang Qiu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Ping Chen*, Jialiang Liu, Xiuling Zhu,Self-etching template method to synthesize hollow dodecahedral carbon capsules embedded with Ni–Co alloy for high-performance electromagnetic microwave absorption,Composites Communications, 2020,20: 100354, SCI收录
[204]Yizi Chen, Dongwei Xu, Hongfang Qiu, Ping Chen*,Improvement of the interfacial properties of PBO/Epoxy composites by online continuous plasma grafting with polyurethane,Progress in Organic Coatings,2020, 143,105610, SCI收录
[203]Yizi Chen, Dongwei Xu, Qiang Zeng, Siyang Liu, Ping Chen*,Influence of DBD-grafted multi-carboxyl polyurethane on interfacial properties of PBO fibre-reinforced BMI resin composites,Applied Surface Science,2020,512:145662, SCI收录
[202]Hongfang Qiu, Xiapyu Zhu, Ping Chen*, Sen Yang, Xiang Guo, Jialiang Liu, and Xiuling Zhu, Magnetic Dodecahedral CoC-Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide as Excellent Electromagnetic Wave Absorber,Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 2020, 49, 1204-1214, SCI收录
[201]Xuhai Xiong, Anchang Han, Rong Ren, JiAn Wei, Ping Chen. Preparation and shape memory behavior of novel heat-resistance epoxy networks containing phthalide cardo structure. Polymer Testing, 2020,81,106167, SCI收录
[200]XuhaiXiong, Xichao Guo, RongRen, LuZhou, Ping Chen. A novel multifunctional glycidylamine epoxy resin containing phthalide cardo structure: Synthesis, curing kinetics and dynamic mechanical analysis. Polymer testing, 2019.105917, SCI收录
[199]Jialiang Liu, Dongwei Xu,Ping Chen*,Qi Yu*,Hongfang Qiu,Xuhai Xiong, Solvothermal synthesis of porous superparamagnetic RGO@Fe3O4 nanocomposites for microwave absorption, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ,2019, 30:17106–17118, SCI收录
[198]Qi Yu*, Yiyi Wang, Ping Chen*, Hanlin Chen, Weicheng Nie, Yunqing Liu. Graphene anchored with super‑tiny Ni nanoparticles for high performance electromagnetic absorption applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,2019,30:14480–14489, SCI收录
[197]Dongwei Xu · Jialiang Liu · Ping Chen* · Qi Yu* · Xiang Guo· Sen Yang In situ deposition of α-Co nanoparticles on three-dimensionalnitrogen-doped porous graphene foams as microwave absorbers. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2019) 30:13412–13424, SCI收录
[196]Qi Yu* , Yiyi Wang, Ping Chen*, Weicheng Nie, Hanlin Chen and Jun Zhou.Reduced Graphene Oxide-Wrapped Super Dense Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Enhanced Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties,Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 845, SCI收录
[195]Sen Yang , Xiang Guo , Ping Chen, * Dong-wei Xu , Hong-fang Qiu , Xiao-yu Zhu.Two-step synthesis of self-assembled 3D graphene/shuttle-shaped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocomposites for high-performance microwave absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019,797,1310-1319, SCI收录
[194]Dongwei Xu, Jialiang Liu, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu,*Jing Wang, Sen Yang andXiang Guo. In situ growth and pyrolysis synthesis of super-hydrophobic graphene aerogels embedded with ultrafine beta-Co nanocrystals for microwave absorption. J. Mater. Chem C, 2019,7(13):3869-3880, SCI收录
[193]Liu, Siyang; Chen, Yizi; Ping Chen*; Xu, Dongwei ; Xiong, Xuhai; Wang, Jing. Properties of novel bismaleimide resins and thermal ageing effects on the ILSS performance of their carbon fibre–bismaleimide composites. Polymer Composites,2019,Volume: 40; Issue: S2; Pages: E1283-E1293, SCI收录
[192]Liu, Siyang; Wang, Yuanying;Ping Chen*; Xiong, Xuhai; Yan, Xiaoyu. Synthesis and properties of bismaleimide resins containing phthalide cardo and cyano groups, High Performance Polymers,2019, 31(4):462-471, SCI收录
[191]Wang, Yuanying; Liu, Siyang; Chen Ping*; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Xia, Lianlian .Investigation of the curing mechanism and properties of bismaleimide-triazine resins containing phenolphthalein and cyano group, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2019,136(18): 47420, SCI收录
[190]Qi Yu , Zixuan Wang, Ping Chen*, Qi Wang, Yiyi Wang, Mingbo Ma.Microwave absorbing and mechanical properties of carbon fiber/bismaleimide composites imbedded with Fe@C/PEK-C nanomembranes,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2019) 30:308–315, SCI收录
[189]Dongwei Xu ; Sen Yang; Ping Chen*; Qi Yu ; Xuhai Xiong; Jing Wang,Synthesis of magnetic graphene aerogels for microwave absorption by a in-situ pyrolysis, Carbon, 2019.146: 301~312, SCI收录
[188]Dong-wei Xu , Sen Yang , Ping Chen*, Qi Yu , Xu-hai Xiong , Jing Wang, 3D nitrogen-doped porous magnetic graphene foam-supported Ni nanocomposites with superior microwave absorption properties Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019,782:600-610, SCI收录
[187]Dongwei Xu, Xuhai Xiong, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Hairong Chu, Sen Yang, Qi Wang, Superior corrosion-resistant 3D porous magnetic graphene foam-ferrite nanocomposite with tunable electromagnetic wave absorption properties, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2019, 469:428-436, SCI收录
[186]Sen Yang · Dongwei Xu1 · Ping Chen *· Hongfang Qiu· Xiang Guo,Synthesis of popcorn-like α-Fe2O3/3D graphene sponge composites for excellent microwave absorption properties by a facile method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018,29: 19443–19453, SCI收录
[184] Xuhai Xionga, zhaopeng Zhanga, Rong Rena,*, Xu Cuia, Ping Chenb,** Alkynyl-functionalized benzoxazine containing phthalide side group:Synthesis, characterization and curing mechanism, Polymer Testing, 2018, 68; 232-237, SCI收录
[183]刘思杨、陈平、熊需海、于祺.含氰基和芴Cardo环结构双马来酰亚胺的设计合成和性能,材料研究学报,2018,32(11):820-826, EI收录
[182]Xuhai Xiong*Xinghua Ma, Ping Chen*, Lu Zhou, Rong Ren, Siyang Liu. New chain-extended bismaleimides with aryl-ether-imide and phthalide cardo skeleton (I): Synthesis, characterization and properties, Reactive and Functional Polymers,2018,129,29-37, SCI收录
[181]Xuhai Xiong, Lu Zhou, Rong Ren*, Siyang Liu, Ping Chen*, The thermal decomposition behavior and kinetics of epoxy resins cured with a novel phthalide-containing aromatic diamine, Polymer Testing,2018,68:46-52, SCI收录
[180]Siyang Liu, Xuhai Xiong, Ping Chen, Yangran Ji, Rong Ren, Bismaleimide-diamine copolymers containing phthalide cardo structure and their modified BMI resins, High Performance Polymers, 2018, 30(5),527-538, SCI收录
[179]Jing Wang, Ping Chen*, Chun Lu, Qi Yu, Wei Li & Rong Ren.Improvement of aramid fiber III reinforced bismaleimide composite interfacial adhesion by oxygen plasma treatment, Composite Interfaces, 2018,25(9):771-783, SCI收录
[178]Xuhai Xiong, Lu Zhou, Rong Ren, Xinghua Ma, Ping Chen*.Thermal, mechanical properties and shape memory performance of a novel phthalidecontaining epoxy resins.Polymer, 2018, 140: 326-333, SCI收录
[177]褚海荣,陈平* ,于祺,徐东卫. FeCo/石墨烯的制备及吸波性能.材料研究学报,2018, 32(3): 161-167, EI收录
[176]陈平*,于祺,熊需海,刘东,刘哲.高性能纤维表面改性及其双马树脂基复合材料界面(专论).高分子学报,2018,(3):323-335, SCI收录
[174]曾强,陈平*,于祺,徐东卫. 具有宽频与可控微波吸收性能的石墨烯空心微球的自组装.材料研究学报,2018,32(2):119-125, EI收录
[173]王静 任航 陈平* 时晨 任荣. 氧等离子体处理对国产芳III 纤维表面性能的影响.材料研究学报,2018,32(1):16-19, EI收录
[172]Liying Zhang, Liyan Na, Ping Chen*, Mingbo Gao, Liming Jin. Cure Mechanism of Novel Bismaleimide Resins Based on Fluorene Cardo moiety and Their Thermal Properties. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 2018, VOL. 55, NO. 3, 213–221, SCI收录
[171]Kaixiang Wang, Yuanying Wang, Ping Chen*, Lianlian Xia and Xuhai Xiong. Novel Bismaleimide Resins Modified by Allyl Compound Containing Liquid Crystalline Structure. Advances in Polymer Technology,2018, 37(1):281-289, SCI收录
[170]冀阳冉,熊需海, 陈平*,朱晓宇.含酞cardo环和氰基环氧树脂的制备和性能.材料研究学报, 2017,31(12):925-930, EI收录
[169]Qiang Zeng, Dongwei Xu, Ping Chen*, et al. 3D graphene-Ni microspheres with excellent microwave absorption and corrosion resistance properties. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018,29(3), 2421-2433, SCI收录
[168]Qiang Zeng, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu*, Hai-rong Chu, Xu-hai Xiong, Dong-wei Xu & Qi Wang.Self-assembly of ternary hollow microspheres with strong wideband microwave absorption and controllable microwave absorption properties.Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 8388 , SCI收录
[167]Qi Yu, Mingbo Ma, Ping Chen*, Qi Wang, Chun Lu, Rongchao Wang,1 Hanlin Chen. Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties of Electrospun PEK-C Nanofibers Loaded With Fe3O4/CNTs Hybrid Nanoparticles. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2017, 28:2769–2774, SCI收录
[166]Jing Wang, Ping Chen*,Xuhai Xiong, Caixia Jia, Qi Yu and Keming Ma,Interface characteristic of aramid fiber reinforced poly(phthalazinone ether sulfoneketone) composite. Surf. Interface Anal. 2017, 49, 788–793, SCI收录
[165]陈平*、熊需海、夏连连、张丽影、于祺、刘思杨. 链延长型芳杂环双马来酰亚胺树脂的合成及性能(专论),高分子学报,2017,(3):399-410, SCI收录
[164]Qi Yu Hanlin Chen Ping Chen* Qi Wang Chun Lu,Synthesis and electromagnetic absorption properties of Fe3O4@C nanofibers/bismaleimide nanocomposites. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,2017,28(3): 2769-2774, SCI收录
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[162]Caixia Jia, Qian Wang, Ping Chen*, Shaowei Lu, Rong Ren.Wettability assessment of plasma-treated PBO fibers based on thermogravimetric analysis. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2017,74:123-130, SCI收录
[161]Hai-rong Chu, Qiang Zeng , Ping Chen*, Qi Yu* , Dong-wei Xu , Xu-hai Xiong , Qi Wang. Synthesis and electromagnetic wave absorption properties of matrimony vine-like iron oxide/reduced graphene oxide prepared by a facile method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017, 719 : 296-307, SCI收录
[160]Ren, Hang, Wang, Jing, Chen, Ping*, et al. Effects of oxygen plasma treatment on domestic Aramid fiber III surface properties,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL SCIENCE,ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (MSEEE 2017). 2017, 125, 320-323. EI收录
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[157]Qiang Zeng, Xu-hai Xiong, Ping Chen,* Qi Yu,* Qi Wang, Rong-chao Wang, Hai-rong Chu. Air@rGO€Fe3O4 microspheres with spongy shell: self-assembly and microwave absorption performance. J. Mater. Chem C, 2016, 4, 10518--10528, SCI收录
[156]Xiong, XH; Zeng, Y; Ren, R; Liu, SY; Lu, SW; Chen, P. Preparation and thermal properties of soluble poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) composites reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotube buckypaper; COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, 2016,89:2-9, SCI收录
[155]Rong Ren, Xuhai Xiong, Xinghua Ma, Siyang Liu, Jing Wang, Ping Chen*, You Zeng, Isothermal curing kinetics and mechanism of DGEBA epoxy resin with phthalide-containing aromatic diamine, Thermochimica Acta, 2016, 623:15~ 21, SCI收录
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[153]Liying Zhang, Liyan Na, Lianlian Xia, Ping Chen* et al. Preparation and properties of bismaleimide resins based on novel bismaleimide monomer containing fluorene cardo structure. High Performance Polymers, 2016,28(2):215-224, SCI收录
[152]Liying Zhang, Ping Chen*,Synthesis of Novel Bismaleimide Monomers Based on Fluorene Cardo Moiety and Ester Bond: Characterization and Thermal Properties. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A:Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2016,53(2):88-95, SCI收录
[151]Zhe Liu, Qiang Zeng, Ping Chen* Qi Yu, Zhenfeng Ding.Comparison of effects on PBO fiber by air and oxygen dielectric barrier discharge plasma, vacuum,2015, 121: 152-158, SCI收录
[150]贾彩霞,陈平*,王乾,王静,任荣,常压空气等离子体对连续纤维的在线改性,材料研究学报,2015,29(1):10-16, EI收录
[149]Lianlian Xia, Yi Xu, Kaixiang Wang and Ping Chen*. Preparation and properties of modified bismaleimide resins by novel bismaleimide containing1,3,4-oxadiazole. Polymers for Advanced Technologies.2015,26,266–276, SCI收录
[148]李 伟, 姚树勇, 马克明, 陈平, 杨浩志, 杨森, 等离子体改性技术在碳纤维/PEK-C 复合材料中的应用研究, 高 校 化 学 工 程 学 报, 2014,28(3): 690-694, EI收录
[147]Lu, Chun, Zhao, Mingyue, Jie, Liu, et al. Stress Distribution on Composite Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Suffered from Bending Load,Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT). 2015, 99, 405-412
[146]张丽影,陈 平*,那立艳,夏连连,范圣第. 含芴基Cardo环结构双马来酰亚胺的合成及与二烯丙基双酚A 共聚物的热性能.高分子材料科学与工程.2014,12:20-22, EI收录
[145]Q. Yu, P. Chen*, Y. Gao, et al. Effects of electron irradiation in space environment on thermaland mechanical properties of carbon fiber/bismaleimide composite. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2014, 336: 158-162, SCI收录
[144]熊需海、刘思杨、陈平*、卢放、任荣. 新型环氧树脂芳胺固化剂的合成及其固化性能.材料研究学报, 2014, 28:715-720, EI收录
[143]Xuhai Xiong, Rong Ren , Siyang Liu , Shaowei Lu , Ping Chen * The curing kinetics and thermal properties of epoxy resins cured by aromatic diamine with hetero-cyclic side chain structure. Thermochimica Acta. 595 (2014) 22–27, SCI收录
[142]王 静,贾彩霞,熊需海,任 荣,陈 平*.等离子体时效性对芳纶表面及复合材料界面性能的影响.高分子材料科学与工程,2014,30(11):69-72, EI收录
[141]Zhe Liu,a Chao Tang,b Ping Chen,*ab Qi Yub and Wenkai Lia, Modification of carbon fiber by air plasma and its adhesion with BMI resin. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 26881, SCI收录
[140]Liying Zhang, Ping Chen*, Mingbo Gao, Liyang Na, Xuhai Xiong and Shengdi Fan. Synthesis, characterization, and curing kinetics of novel bismaleimide monomers containing fluorene cardo group and aryl ether linkage. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2014, Vol. 17, No. 7, 637–646, SCI收录
[139]Dong Liu, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Keming Ma, Zhenfeng Ding.Improved mechanical performance of PBO fiber-reinforced bismaleimide composite using mixed O2/Ar plasma. Applied Surface Science, 2014,305: 630-637, SCI收录
[137]陈平,Preparation and properties of modified bismaleimide resins based on phthalide-containing monomer,第九届中国国际橡塑技术、设备与市场高峰论坛(萨池杯)优秀论文奖. 2014.
[136]Zhe Liu, Ping Chen,* Xiaoliang Zhang and Qi Yu. Degradation of plasma-treated poly(p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole) fiber and its adhesion with bismaleimide resin. RSC Adv., 2014, 4 (8), 3893 - 3899, SCI收录
[135]Lianlian Xia, Xuejiao Zhai, Xuhai Xiong and Ping Chen*.Synthesis and properties of 1,3,4-oxadiazolecontaining bismaleimides with asymmetric structure and the copolymerized systems thereof with 4,4-bismaleimidodiphenylmethane. RSC Adv, 2014, 4 (9), 4646 - 4655, SCI收录
[134]李伟, 姚树勇, 陈平, 王亮, 杨雯东. 碳纤维/纳米TiO2/PEK-C复合材料NOL环的制备及性能研究, 固体火箭技术,2013,(3): 390-393, EI收录
[133]W. Li, S. Y. Yao, K. M. Ma, P. Chen. Effect of plasma modification on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber/Phenolphthalein Polyaryletherketone composites. Polymer Composites, 2013,34(3): 368-375, SCI收录
[132]Chun Lu, Wen Qi,Li Li, Jialong Xu, Ping Chen, Riqin Xu, Ling Han,Qi Yu. Electrochemical performance and thermal property of electrospun PPESK/PVDF/PPESK composite separator for lithium-ion battery. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2013, 43, 7, 711-720, SCI收录
[131]Chen, Yaxi; Hong, Changqing; Chen, Ping. The effects of zirconium diboride particles on the ablation performance of carbon-phenolic composites under an oxyacetylene flame. RSC ADVANCES , 2013, 3(33): 13734-13739, SCI收录
[130]Zhe Liu, Ping Chen*,Xiaoliang Zhang, Qi Yu, Keming Ma, Zhenfeng Ding. Effects of Surface Modification by Atmospheric Oxygen Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on PBO Fibers and Its composites. Applied Surface Science, 2013,283: 38-45, SCI收录
[129]Xuhai Xiong, Rong Ren, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Jing Wang and Caixia Jia. Preparation and properties of modified bismaleimide resins based on phthalide-containing monomer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(2): 1084-1091, SCI收录
[128]李俊燕;陈平*. 可溶性PPESK/氰酸酯树脂体系的制备与性能. 高分子材料科学与工程 2013,2: 3-6, EI收录
[127]Chen, YX ; Chen, P. Improved ablation resistance of carbon-phenolic composites by introducing zirconium diboride particles. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING 2013, 47 : 320-325, SCI收录
[126]Xiangyi Zhang, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Keming Ma, Zhenfeng Ding, Xiuling Zhu. Effects of Plasma-induced Epoxy Coatings on Surface Properties of Twaron Fibers and Improved Adhesion with PPESK Resins. vacuum,2013,97,1-8, SCI收录
[125]X. Xiong, P. Chen*, R. Ren, F. Lu, Q. Yu, Cure Mechanismand Thermal Properties of the Phthalide–Containing Bismaleimide/Epoxy System,Thermochimica Acta ,2013,559:52-58, SCI收录
[124]Qi Yu, Ping Chen*, Degradation in mechanical and physical properties of carbon fiber/ bismaleimide composite subjected to proton irradiation in a space environment. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 2013, 298:42-46, SCI收录
[123]Xiangyi Zhang , Ping Chen* , Debin Han, Qi Yu, Zhenfeng Ding.Effect of Thermoplastic Coating on Interfacial Adhesion of Oxygen-plasma-pretreated PBO/PPESK Composites. Applied Surface Science 2013,266: 110-117, SCI收录
[122]Zhe Liu, Ping Chen *, Debin Han, Fang Lu, Qi Yu, Zhenfeng Ding. Improvement on Interfacial Adhesion of PBO Fiber/Bismaleimide Composites with Air Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma.vacuum,2013, 92: 13-19, SCI收录
[121]于祺,陈平*,陆春. 碳纤维/双马树脂基复合材料在热循环过程中热应力分布规律的数值模拟.材料研究学报,2012,26(6):583-589, EI收录
[120]韩领; 陆春; 陈平*; 齐文; 于祺. 原位生成二氧化钛对静电纺聚偏氟乙烯锂离子电池隔膜力学性能及电化学性能的影响.高分子学报, 2012,11:1319-1325, SCI收录
[119]Mingxin Chen , Ping Chen*, Dong Liu , Zhe Liu. The Interfacial Adhesion of PBO/bismaleimide Composite Improved by Oxygen/Argon Plasma Treatment and Surface Aging Effects. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012,207: 221-226, SCI收录
[118]Qian Wang, Ping Chen* , Mingxin Chen, Caixia Jia, Bin Li. Improvement of PBO fiber surface and PBO/PPESK composite interface properties with air DBD plasma treatment. Surface and Interface Analysis.2012.44:548-553, SCI收录
[117]Caixia Jia, Ping Chen*, Bin Li, Qian Wang. Wetting and adhesion behavior of Armos fibers after DBD plasma treatment. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012.125:431-438, SCI收录
[116]Dong Liu, Ping Chen*, Mingxin Chen, Zhe Liu. Surface modification of high performance PBO fibers using radio frequency argon plasma. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206: 3534-3541, SCI收录
[115]Dong Liu, Ping Chen*, Mingxin Chen. Improved interfacial adhesion in PBO fiber/bismaleimide composite with oxygen plasma plus aging and humid resistance properties. Materials Science & Engineering A,2012, 532:78-83, SCI收录
[114]Xiangyi Zhang , Ping Chen*, Wei Liu , Xiaotao Kang.Improvement of the interfacial adhesion between PBO fibers and PPESK matrices using plasma treatment followed by coating. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012,123(5):2945-2951, SCI收录
[113]Wen Qi, Chun Lu, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Ling Han. Electrochemical performances and thermal properties of electrospun Poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) membrane for lithium-ion battery. Materials Letters, 2012,66(1):239-241, SCI收录
[112]李伟;高维佳;陈平;李阔;连续纤维增强PEK-C复合材料缠绕成型工艺及性能研究[J];固体火箭技术;2011年02期,261-264, EI收录
[111]W. Li, W. J. Gao, P. Chen, B. L. Sun. Near-infrared spectroscopy and principal components regression for the quality analysis of glass/epoxy prepreg. Polymers and Polymer Composites. 2011, 19(1):15-20, SCI收录
[110]Qi Yu, Ping Chen*, Yu Gao, Jujie Mu, Chun Lu, Dong Liu . Surface analysis of high performance carbon/ bismaleimide composites exposed to electron irradiation, Surface and Interface analysis,2011,43(13):1610-1615, SCI收录
[109]Qi Yu, Ping Chen*, Yu Gao, Jujie Mu, Chun Lu, Dong Liu. Effects of vacuum thermal cycling on mechanical and physical properties of high performance carbon/bismaleimide composite. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 130(3):1046-1053, SCI收录
[108]Qian Wang, Ping Chen*, Mingxin Chen, Caixia Jia, Bin Li Effects of air dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment time on surface properties of PBO fiber. Applied Surface Science 2011, 258(1):513-520, SCI收录
[107]Caixia Jia, Ping Chen*, Bin Li, Qian Wang. Surface wettability of atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge processed Armos fibers. Applied Surface Science,2011,258(1):388-393, SCI收录
[106]Dong Liu , Ping Chen* , Jujie Mu , Qi Yu , Chun Lu. Effects of Argon Plasma Treatment on the Interfacial Adhesion of PBO/BMI Composites and Aging Behaviors., Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(23):10239-10245, SCI收录
[105]Xuhai Xiong,Ping Chen*,Nengbo Zhu,Jinxiang Zhang,Baichen Wang,Qi Yu, Synthesis and properties of a novel bismaleimide resin containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole moiety and the blend systems thereof with epoxy resin. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2011,51(8):1599-1606, SCI收录
[104]Xuhai Xiong , Ping Chen*, Nengbo Zhu, Baichen Wang , Jinxiang Zhang , Qi Yu, Preparation and properties of high performance phthalide-containing bismaleimide modified epoxy matrices. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 121(6):3122-3130, SCI收录
[103]Jing Wang , Ping Chen*, Wei Liu , Hong Li , Caixia Jia , Chun Lu , Baichen Wang.Surface Modification of Armos Fibers with Oxygen Plasma Treatment for Improving Interfacial Adhesion with Poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) Resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2011, 121(5):2804-2811, SCI收录
[102]Dong Liu , Ping Chen* , Jujie Mu , Qi Yu , Chun Lu. Improvement and mechanism of interfacial adhesion in PBO fiber-reinforced BMI composites by oxygen plasma treatment. Applied Surface Science (2011), Volume 257, Issue 15, 76 May 2011, Pages 6935-6940, SCI收录
[101]Junyan Li, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, Influence of Cyanate Content on the Morphology and Properties of Epoxy Resins with Phenolphthalein Poly (Ether Ketone). Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2011, 121(1):598-603, SCI收录
[100]陈平*,陆春,王静,张承双,于祺.连续纤维增强含二氮杂萘酮联苯结构聚芳醚砜酮树脂基复合材料的界面(专论).高分子学报,2011,(1):38-47, SCI收录
[99]X. Xiong, P. Chen*, J. Zhang, Q. Yu, B. Wang, Cure kinetics and thermal properties of novel bismaleimide containing phthalide cardo structure, Thermochimica Acta 2011,514(1-2):44 -50, SCI收录
[98]Qi Yu, Ping Chen*, Yu Gao, Jujie Mu, Chun Lu.Surface molecular degradation of high performance carbon/bismaleimide composites induced by proton irradiation. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 2011, 269(3):318-323, SCI收录
[97]Keming Ma, Baichen Wang, Ping Chen*, Xia Zou. Plasma treatement of carbon fibers: non-equilibrium dynamic adsorption and its effect on the mechanical properties of RTM fabricated composites. Applied Surface Science,2011,257(9):3824-3830, SCI收录
[96]C. Jia, P. Chen*, W. Liu, B. Li, Q. Wang, Surface treatment of aramid fiber by air dielectric barrier discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure, Applied Surface Science 2011, 257(9):4165-4170, SCI收录
[95]崔天放,陈平*,陆春,齐文,苯并二噁唑系列聚合物的合成及表征,高分子学报2010,(2): 173-177, SCI收录
[94]Chun Lu, Ping Chen*,Yu Gao, etal.Thermal stress distribution in CF/EP composite in low earth orbit. Journal of Composite Materials,2010,44(14): 1729-1738, SCI收录
[93]Xuhai Xiong, Ping Chen*, Nengbo Zhu ,etal.Synthesis and properties of chain-extended bismaleimides containing phthalide cardo structure ,Polym Int, 2010, 59, 1665-1672,SCI收录
[92]Wen Qi, Ping Chen *,Chun Lu,etal. Influence of collecting volocity on fiber orientation morphology and tensilproperties of electrospun PPESK fabrics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2010,118,2236-2243, SCI收录
[91]Keming Ma , Ping Chen *,Baichen Wang ,etal. A study of the effect of oxygen plasma treatment on the interfacial properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2010,1181606-1614, SCI收录
[90]Caixia Jia , Ping Chen* Bin Li , Qian Wang , Chun Lu , Qi Yu Effects of Twaron Fiber Surface Treatment by Air DBD Plasma on the Interfacial Adhesion in Fiber Reinforced Composites. Surface & Coatings Technology.2010,204:3668-3675 , SCI收录
[89]李俊燕;陈平;马泽民;马克明;王柏臣,酚酞基聚醚酮/环氧树脂/氰酸酯半互穿聚合物的制备及性能,高分子材料科学与工程,2009-07-01 EI收录
[87]Jing Wang, Ping Chen*, Chun Lu, Hui Chen, Hong Li, Baolei Sun. Influence of aging behavior of Armos fiber after oxygen plasma treatment on its composite interfacial properties. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2009,203:3722-3727, SCI收录
[86]Junyan Li,Ping Chen,Zemin Ma. Preparation and properties of high-tempertaure resistant and toughened epoxy resins matrix. The 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA March 22-26, 2009 SCI收录
[85]Chengshuang Zhang, Ping Chen, Baichen Wang, Wei Li, Xiaotao Kang. Study of the aging effects of PBO fibers and PBO fiber reinforced composite after oxygen plasma treatment. The 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA March 22-26, 2009. SCI收录
[84]Ping Chen, Hong Li, Jing Wang, Chengshuang Zhang, and Baolei Sun, Surface modification by oxygen plasma treatment and its effect on the interfacial properties of Armos reinforced PPESK composites. The 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, March 22-26, 2009. SCI收录
[83]Jing Wang, Ping Chen*, Chun Lu, Hui Chen, Hong Li, Baolei Sun. Influence of aging behavior of Armos fiber after oxygen plasma treatment on its composite interfacial properties. Surface & Coatings Technology.2009,203:3722-3727, SCI收录
[82]Junyan Li, Ping Chen*, Zemin Ma, et al. Reaction Kinetics and Thermal Properties of Cyanate Ester-cured Epoxy Resin with Phenolphthalein Poly (ether ketone). Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2009,111(5):2590-2596, SCI收录
[81]Chengshuang Zhang, Ping Chen*, Bao-Lei Sun.. Influence of oxygen plasma treatment on interfacial properties of PBO-fiber-reinforced PPESK composite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2009,113:71-77, SCI收录
[80]Chengshuang Zhang, Ping Chen*, Dong Liu, et al. Aging behavior of PBO fibers and PBO-fiber-reinforced PPESK composite after Oxygen plasma treatment,Surface and Interface analysis, 2009,41,187-192, SCI收录
[79]Ping Chen*, Jing Wang, Hong Li. Improvement of interfacial adhesion for plasma-treated aramid fibers reinforced poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) composite and fiber surface aging effects. Surface and Interface analysis, 2009,41,38-43, SCI收录
[77]崔天放;陈平;马晓宇;舒燕,聚苯并双嗯唑系列聚合物的合成及性能研究,材料工程,2008-12-30, EI收录
[76]Baichen Wang, Yudong Huang, Ping Chen, Imic impregnationterphase formation of a resin transfer molded silica-phenolics composites subjected to dynan process, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254 (15): 4471~4478, SCI收录
[75]W. Li, Y. D. Huang, P. Chen. Use of near-infrared spectroscopy for on-line monitoring the quality of prepreg cloth. Advanced Composites Letters. 2008, 17(2):41-48. (SCI、EI)
[74]W. Li, Y. D. Huang, P. Chen. NIR spectroscopy: a useful tool for quality control of glass/phenolic prepreg manufacture. Polymer and polymer composites. 2008, 16(1):55-62. (SCI、EI)
[73]Ping Chen, Chengshuang Zhang, Baolei Sun, Jing Wang, Hong Li. Influence of Oxygen plasma treatment on the interfacial adhesion of PBO fiber reinforced PPESK composite. The 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA August 17-21, 2008, SCI收录
[72]PingChen, Jing Wang, Hong Li ,Chengshuang Zhang. Interfacial Properties of Oxygen Plasma Treated Organic Fibers Reinforced PPESK Composites. The 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA August 17-21, 2008, SCI收录
[71]Ping Chen*, Chengshuang Zhang. Effects of oxygen plasma treatment power on surface properties of poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) fibers. Applied Surface Science, 2008,255, 3153-3158, SCI收录
[70]Chengshuang Zhang, Ping Chen*, Baolei Sun, Wei Li, Baichen Wang, Jing Wang;Surface analysis of oxygen plasma treated poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) fibers. Applied Surface Science, 2008,254:5776-5780, SCI收录
[69]Ping Chen*, Jing Wang, Chengshuang Zhang, et al. Influence of oxygen plasma treatment on surface properties of armos fiber. Key Engineering Materials, 2008, 373-374: 430-433, EI收录
[68]Jing Wang , Ping Chen*, Hong Li , Chengshuang Zhang , Baolei Sun. Surface modification of Twaron aramid fibres by oxygen plasma treatment for improving interfacial adhesion with PPESK resin. Surface and Interface analysis, 2008, 40:1299-1303, SCI收录
[67]Jing Wang , Ping Chen*, Hong Li , Chengshuang Zhang , Baolei Sun , Xiangyi Zhang. The analysis of Armos fibers reinforced poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) composite surfaces after oxygen plasma treatment. Surface and coating technology, 2008,202:4986-4991, SCI收录
[66]Chun Lu, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, et al. Thermal Residual Stress Distribution in Carbon Fiber/ Novel Thermal Plastic Composite. Applied Composite Materials, 2008, 15: 157-169, SCI收录
[63]Wang B. C., Huang Y. D., Chen P., Gao Y., Resin Transfer Moulded Silica Fibre/phenolics Composites Fabricated via Solution Impregnation Route, Materials Science and Technology, 2007, 23 (7): 869~874,SCI收录
[62]Chun Lu, Ping Chen*,Baijie Yu. FEM Analysis of the Thermal Residual Stress of Carbon Fiber/PPESK Composite. The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago,2007, SCI收录
[61]Chun Lu, Ping Chen*, Qi Yu, et al. Interfacial Adhesion of Plasma-Treated Carbon Fiber/ Poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) Composite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 106: 1733-1741, SCI收录
[60]Chun Lu, Ping Chen*, Baijie Yu, et al. Computer Simulation of Thermal Residual Stress of Carbon Fiber/PPESK Composite. Advanced Composites Letters. 2007, 16: 33-37, SCI收录
[59]陈平, 张承双, 王静, 等. PBO纤维及其表面改性技术的研究进展, 纤维复合材料. 2006, 23(4), 50-54
[58]Chen, Ping, Lu, Chun, Yu, Qi, Lateral intermolecular charge transfer across nanocrystalline metal oxide surfaces, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2006, 232, 403-403. SCI收录(WOS:000207781700394)
[57]Chen, Ping, Lu, Chun, Yu, Qi, Analysis of medical implant device polymers by MALDI and ESI Mass spectrometry methods, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2006, 232, 395-395. SCI收录 (WOS:000207781700386)
[56]Chen, Ping, Yu, Qi, Lu, Chun, Synthesis of highly conductive self-doping poly(EDOT-co-TEBS) copolymers, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2006, 232, 172-172.SCI收录(WOS:000207781700166)
[55]Chun, Lu; Ping, Chen;Zhang, Yu Jun, Effect of solvent on electrospinning, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2006,231, SCI收录(WOS:000238125909240)
[54]Chen, Ping;Yu, Qi;Lu, Chun;Ding, Zhenfeng; Huo, Weigang, Study on interfacial property of the carbon fiber/PPESK composite treated by cold plasma, ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2006,231, SCI收录(WOS:000238125904386)
[53]陈平;刘扬;王秀杰;王士巍;于祺,预浸湿法纤维缠绕技术用环氧树脂体系的研究,材料科学与工艺,2006-08-28, EI收录
[52]董星龙;左芳;钟武波;李哲男;陈平,纳米镍粒子表面接枝聚合甲基丙烯酸甲酯,高分子材料科学与工程,2006-05-30, EI收录
[50]Ping Chen, Qi Yu, Chun Lu et al. Study on Interfacial properties of high performance carbon fiber/PPESK composites. The 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco 2006, SCI收录
[49]Chen ping, Li junyan, Ma zemin, Ma keming ,Wang bochen. Effect of PPESK on the curing of DGEBA/BADCY in the molten state. The 232nd ACS National Meeting,San Francisco 2006, SCI收录
[48]Chen Ping, Yu Qi, Lu Chun,Ding. Study on interfacial property of the carbon fiber/PPESK composites treated by cold plasma. The 231st ACS National Meeting 2006. SCI收录
[47]Ping Chen*, Chun Lu, Qi Yu, et al. Influence of Fiber Wettability on the Interfacial Adhesion of Continuous Fiber Reinforced PPESK Composite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102: 2544–2551 , SCI收录
[46]Chun lu, Ping Chen, Jianfeng LI. Computer simulation of electrospinning.PartI. Effect of solvent in electrospinning Polymer,2006,47:915-921, SCI收录
[40]陈平,唐忠鹏,王秀杰,蹇锡高,环氧树脂与氰酸酯共固化物的结构与性能,材料研究学报,2004,18,265-273 EI收录
[35]蹇锡高,陈平,廖功雄,等,含二氮杂荼酮结构新型聚芳醚系列高性能聚合物的合成与性能(专论),高分子学报,2003,4:469-475, SCI收录
[29]陈平,程子霞.低εr ,低tgδ FR-4 印刷电路基板的研制.纤维复合材料,2001,18(1):20-23
[28]陈平,程子霞,金镇镐,环氧树脂与氰酸酯共固化物性能的研究,高分子学报, 2001,(2):238-241
[27]Chen Ping, Cheng Zixia, Lei Qingquan. Study on the Properties Cured Compound in Cyanate and epoxy Co-curing System. 6th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (IEEE) , 2000, 915-918
[26]Chen Ping, Han Bing, Cheng Zixia, Development of Organic Insulators Used Novel High Temperature Resistant Pultrusion Insulating Rod. 6th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (IEEE), 2000, 334-337
[25]陈平,韩冰,程子霞,耐高温玻璃纤维增强环氧基拉挤电绝缘芯棒的研究. 复合材料学报, 2000,17(2):32-36
[24]陈平,程子霞,雷清泉,环氧树脂与氰酸酯共固化反应的研究,高分子学报,2000,(2), 475-478
[23]陈平、张岩,硼胺络合物/环氧树脂体系的固化反应机理及其动力学,复合材料学报,1999 , 16 (4) :52-57
[22]陈平,张岩.热固性树脂的增韧方法及其增韧机理. 复合材料学报, 1999, 16(3):19-23
[21]陈平,张岩.潜伏性环氧树脂体系固化反应动力学参数特征的研究. 复合材料学报, 1999, 16(1): 52-54
[20]陈平,张显友.高岭土的改性及其对拉挤复合材料性能的影响.工程塑料应用, 1998, 26(2):4
[19]陈平,张岩,孔庆宝,改性双马来酰亚胺共聚树脂体系及其复合材料性能的研究,复合材料学报,1998,15 (2) :68-73
[18]陈平,张东兴.稀土有机化合物/ 酸酐/ 环氧树脂体系固化反应及其固化物性能的研究.复合材料学报, 1997,14(4): 33
[17]陈平,蔡金钢.芳纶纤维及其复合材料在电子电气领域中的应用. 工程塑料应用, 1997, 25(6):58-60
[16]陈平,毛桂洁.叔胺羧酸复盐对酸酐/ 环氧树脂体系固化反应及其固化物性能的影响. 纤维复合材料, 1997, 14(1):11
[15]刘胜平,张明艳, 陈平.一种新型酚醛SMC的增稠机理及其固化反应行为的研究. 复合材料学报, 1997, 14(3): 49
[14]陈平、刘胜平,陈辉,刘其贤,温度与水煮时间对玻璃纤维/环氧单向复合材料界面层介电性能的影响,复合材料学报, 1997 , 14 (3) :67-71
[13]张显友,韩焕梅,陈平,硅灰石短纤维/玻璃纤维/环氧树脂增强体系的研究. 复合材料学报, 1997, 14(2): 17