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1. 国家自然科学基金,编号:52170026,项目名称:厌氧消化原位沼气提质机制分析及能量回收优化调控,起止时间:2022-2025,在研
2. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题任务,编号:2018ZX07601001,子课题任务名称:石化行业废水全过程控制技术评估、集成与实证,钢铁行业废水全过程控制技术评估、集成与实证,起止时间:2017-2021
3. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室重点项目,编号:HCK202002,项目名称:SMFC驱动电芬顿联合光催化原位降解海水中污染物,起止时间:2020-2021
4. 大连理工大学基本科研业务费项目,编号:DUT20LAB101,项目名称:正渗透-藻菌共生体系协同提质回收生物能源调控机制研究,起止时间:2020-2021
5. 大连市科技创新基金应用基础研究项目,编号:2018J12SN075,项目名称:原位污水提纯的气凝胶正渗透汲取物研发与应用,起止时间:2018-2020
6. 国家自然科学基金项目:编号:51278079,项目名称:正渗透脉冲电场电敏凝胶汲水行为分析及优化调控,起止时间:2013-2016
7. 国家自然科学基金项目,编号:No. 50878034,项目名称:反硝化除磷颗粒污泥自组织行为的灰熵分析及调控策略研究,起止时间:2009-2011
8. 国家自然科学基金项目,编号:No. 50578024,项目名称:膜生物反应器膜污染机制分形解析及优化控制研究,起止时间:2006-2008
9. 国家自然科学基金项目青年基金,编号:No.50308004,项目名称:膜生物反应器膜污染因子识别与控制研究,起止时间:2004.1-2004.12
10. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,编号:20110041110002,项目名称:厌氧氨氧化菌铁呼吸机制及产电呼吸功能研究,起止时间:2012 -2013
11. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题,编号:10141-2013ZX07202-010-01,子课题名称:辽河流域氨氮污染控制与治理方案,起止时间:2013-2015
12. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题,编号:2008ZX07208-003-001,子课题名称:石化工业废水污染控制与资源化技术研究,起止时间:2008 -2011
1. 企业合作项目:污水处理厂指纹溯源技术开发,2023-2024
2. 企业合作项目:钢铁企业各类高盐废水零排放工艺技术,2023-2024
3. 企业合作项目:污水厂运行调控方案与自养脱氮技术开发,2023
4. 企业合作项目:反硝化除磷技术处理低C/N废水节碳优化,2023-2024
1. Mengyang Lu, Hanmin Zhang*, Yu Tian. The collaborative incentive effect in adsorption-photocatalysis: a special perspective on phosphorus recovery and reuse. Water Research, 2023, 242, 120237-120237, 120237. IF:12.8
2. Mengyang Lu, Hanmin Zhang*, Yu Tian, Wei Yao, Junsheng Wang, Yuezhu Wang. Photocatalytic hydrogel film assisted forward osmosis (PFO) for water treatment: sustainable performance and contaminant control, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460, 132364-132364, 132364-132364. IF:13.6
3. Mingxing Hu, Hanmin Zhang*, Yu Tian. Achieving nitrogen removal with low material and energy consumption through partial nitrification coupled with short-cut sulfur autotrophic denitrification in a single-stage SBR, Bioresource Technology, 2023, 380, 128999-128999, 128999. IF:11.4
4. Xingyue Wei, Hanmin Zhang*, Junsheng Wang, Yu Tian, Mengyang Lu. Nanocarbon shells with self-inherent N, P derived from chlorella pyrenoidosa for aqueous catalytic ozonation: nonradical-dominated mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 459, 140873, 140873. IF:15.1
5. Lu Cai, Hanmin Zhang*, Bin Dong, Jing Du, Yu Tian, Fang Zhang*. Solar-enhanced bio-electro-Fenton driven by sediment microbial fuel cell for ametryn degradation in simulated seawater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 448, 15:130980-130980. IF:13.6
6. Tianyu Gao, Xiaotong Xu, Jiaheng Teng, Hanmin Zhang*. Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion Effluent Treatment by an Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor: Synergistic Roles of Forward Osmosis and Microbial Electrosynthesis. ACS ES&T water, 2023,.3 (9), 3093-3104. IF:5.3
7. Tianyu Gao, Depeng Wang, Lichao Xia, Shanshan Zhao, Ronghua Xu, Hanmin Zhang, Fangang Meng*, Zanmin Zhou, Jincan Chen, Wanli Liu. Unveiling the residual membrane foulants in full-scale MBR plant after chemically enhanced backwash: Insights into microbe-associated compounds. Desalination, 2023, 551, 116421. IF:9.9
8. Mengyang Lu, Hanmin Zhang*. Preparation and decontamination performance of a flexible self-standing hydrogel photocatalytic membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 644, 119979. IF:9.5
9. Jiaheng Teng, Hanmin Zhang*, Hongjun Lin, Mengyang Lu, Xiaotong Xu, Tianyu Gao, Xiujia You. Molecular level insights into the dynamic evolution of forward osmosis fouling via thermodynamic modeling and quantum chemistry calculation: Effect of protein/polysaccharide ratios, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 655, 120588. IF:9.5
10. Wei Yao, Lei Hou, Fan Wang, Zhan Wang, Hanmin Zhang*. Dual-objective for the mechanism of membrane fouling in the early stage of filtration and determination of cleaning frequency: A novel combined model, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 647, 120315. IF:9.5
11. Jiaheng Teng, Hanmin Zhang*, Hongjun Lin, Junsheng Wang, Fangang Meng, Yuezhu Wang, Mengyang Lu. Synergistic fouling behaviors and thermodynamic mechanisms of proteins and polysaccharides in forward osmosis: The unique role of reverse solute diffusion, Desalination, 2022, 536, 115850. IF:9.9
12. Jiaheng Teng, Hanmin Zhang*, Hongjun Lin, Fangang Meng. A unified thermodynamic fouling mechanism based on forward osmosis membrane unique properties: An asymmetric structure and reverse solute diffusion, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 808, 152219. IF:9.8
13. Tianyu Gao, Hanmin Zhang*, Xiaotong Xu, Jiaheng Teng. Mutual effects of CO2 absorption and H2-mediated electromethanogenesis triggering efficient biogas upgrading, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 818, 151732. IF:9.8
14. Cuiya Zhang, FanGao, YinghaiWu, GuangjingXu, HaiyanLiu, HanminZhang*, FenglinYang, YongpingXu. Small-sized salt-tolerant denitrifying and phosphorus removal aerobic granular sludge cultivated with mariculture waste solids to treat synthetic mariculture wastewater, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 181, 108396. IF:3.9
15. Tianyu Gao, Hanmin Zhang*, Xiaotong Xu, Jiaheng Teng. Integrating microbial electrolysis cell based on lectrochemicalcarbondioxide reduction into anaerobic osmosis membrane reactor for biogas upgrading, Water Research, 2021, 190: 116679. IF:12.8
16. Jiaheng Teng, Hanmin Zhang*, Chuyang Tang, Hongjun Lin. Novel molecular level insights into forward osmosis membrane fouling affected by reverse diffusion of draw solutions based on thermodynamic mechanisms, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021.620:118815. IF:9.5
17. Tianyu Gao, Hanmin Zhang*, Xu Xiaotong, Teng Jiaheng, Lu Mengyang. Enhanced water and energy recovery from anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactors treating waste activated sludge based on the draw solution concentration and temperature regulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417, 129325. IF:15.1
18. Tianyu Gao, Hanmin Zhang*, Xu Xiaotong, Yang Fenglin. Dissolved methane rejection by forward osmosis membrane to achieve in-situ energy recovery from anaerobic effluent. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254, 117489. IF:8.6
19. Xiaotong Xu, Hanmin Zhang*, Tianyu Gao, JiahengTeng. Impacts of applied voltage on forward osmosis process harvesting microalgae: Filtration behaviors and lipid extraction efficiency, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 773, 15:145678. IF:9.8
20. Xiaotong Xu, Hanmin Zhang*, Tianyu Gao, Jiaheng Teng, Mengyang Lu. Antibacterial thin film nanocomposite forward osmosis membranes produced by in-situ reduction of selenium nanoparticles, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021,153: 403-412. IF:7.8
21. Gaoshuang Zhang, Hanmin Zhang*, Jiaheng Teng, Tianyu,Tianyu Gao, Xiaotong Xu, Lu Cai, Mengyang Lu. Novel insights into gel layer fouling in forward osmosis process based on thermodynamic analysis: Role of reverse salt diffusion. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021: 105479. IF:7.7
1. 张捍民, 胡明星, 史可欣. 一种基于低C/N污水硫自养脱氮的碱度缓释多孔球壳悬浮填料, ZL 202210106708.X, 授权日期 2023.4.24
2. 张捍民, 胡明星, 党传智. 一种厌氧-好氧-缺氧-移动床自养脱氮工艺处理低CN污水的方法, ZL 202210111259.8, 授权日期 2023.4.27
3. 张捍民, 路梦洋. 一种纳米CeZnOx掺杂多孔氮化碳水凝胶粒子的制备方法及应用, 202110620241.6, 授权公告日:2022.3.30
4. 张捍民, 张警方. Ce-Zn 改性TiO2纳米管阵列复合催化材料的制备方法及其应用, ZL 2020 1 0108176.4, 授权公告日:2022.09.02
5. 张捍民, 于明川. 一种以透明质酸-氧化石墨烯负载聚乙烯醇海绵作为正渗透汲取物反复提取净水的方法. 201811578568.6, 授权公告日:2021.01.20
6. 张捍民, 葛程程. 一种用单室厌氧氨氧化污泥-微生物燃料电池装置进行脱氮产电的工艺, ZL 2018 1 1554630.8, 授权公告日:2021.5.18
Research Focus
- 长期从事水污染控制理论与技术领域研究,主要研究方向包括膜分离理论与技术,污水、污泥资源化理论与技术,厌氧氨氧化自养脱氮等废水处理与利用技术。