Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-08-01
Included Journals:PubMed、SCIE
ISSN No.:2072-666X
Key Words:grinding force model; rubbing; plastic; brittle fracture; protrusion height
Abstract:The ability to predict the grinding force for hard and brittle materials is important to optimize and control the grinding process. However, it is a difficult task to establish a comprehensive grinding force model that takes into account the brittle fracture, grinding conditions, and random distribution of the grinding wheel topography. Therefore, this study developed a new grinding force model for micro-grinding of reaction-bonded silicon carbide (RB-SiC) ceramics. First, the grinding force components and grinding trajectory were analysed based on the critical depth of rubbing, ploughing, and brittle fracture. Afterwards, the corresponding individual grain force were established and the total grinding force was derived through incorporating the single grain force with dynamic cutting grains. Finally, a series of calibration and validation experiments were conducted to obtain the empirical coefficient and verify the accuracy of the model. It was found that ploughing and fracture were the dominate removal modes, which illustrate that the force components decomposed are correct. Furthermore, the values predicted according to the proposed model are consistent with the experimental data, with the average deviation of 6.793% and 8.926% for the normal and tangential force, respectively. This suggests that the proposed model is acceptable and can be used to simulate the grinding force for RB-SiC ceramics in practice.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
Business Address:机械工程学院知方楼5011
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