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- Li Jingbo, Wang Xitao, Cong Cong, Wan Leibing, Xu Yongping, Li Xiaoyu, Hou Fuqin, Wu Yanyan, Wang Lili.Inoculation of cattle manure with microbial agents increases efficiency and promotes maturity in composting[J],3 Biotech,2020,10(3):128
- Wan, Leibing, Wang, Xitao, Cong, Cong, Li, Jingbo, Xu, Yongping, Xiaoyu, Hou, Fuqin, Wu, Yanyan, Lili, LL (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Bioengn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Effect of inoculating microorganisms in chicken manure composting with maize straw[J],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2020,301:122730
- Yuan Yuyu, Qu Kunli, Tan Demeng, Li Xiaoyu, Wang Lili, Cong Cong, Xiu Zhilong, Xu Yongping.Isolation and characterization of a bacteriophage and its potential to disrupt multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms[J],Microbial pathogenesis,2019,128:329-336
- Bao Pengyun, Xu Yongping, Li Xiaoyu.An Evaluation on the Ratio of Plant to Animal Protein in the Diet of Juvenile Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus): Growth, Nutrient Digestibility and Nonspecific Immunity[J],JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA,2018,17(6):1479-1486
- Xu, Fanxing, Zhang, Henghui, Yongping, He, Dongye.Orthogonal test design for optimization of the extraction of essential oil from Asarum heterotropoides var. Mandshuricum and evaluation of its antibacterial activity against periodontal pathogens[J],3 BIOTECH,2018,8(11):473
- 马超, 王宁, 徐永平.噬菌体与抗生素联合应用控制多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌的研究[J],中国抗生素杂志,2018,43(10):1296-1304
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