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个人信息Personal Information
学科:流体力学. 化学工程
办公地点:大连本部 力学楼510
盘锦校区 D07-306B
联系方式:1.大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部力学系流体力学研究室 2.大连理工大学盘锦校区海洋科学与技术学院 Mobile:18641136292 Office: 0411-84707330 Home: 0411-84748119
- [21]卞永宁.The influence of Oscillatory Fractions on Mass Transfer of Non-Newtonian Fluid in Wavy-Walled Tub...[A],The 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology,2022
- [22]Zhu, Donghui, 卞永宁.The Influence of Oscillatory Fractions on Mass Transfer of Non-Newtonian Fluid in Wavy-Walled T...[A],4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (4TH ICAET),2022,317(1)
- [23]卞永宁, 于力, 任静.The drag reduction effects of a non-Newtonian fluid (CMC aqueous solution) in a sinusoidal wavy...[A],3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (IC3ME),2022,27:359-362
- [24]Pan, Junxiu, 卞永宁, Liu, Yang, Zhang, Fengge, Yang, Yunjie, Arima, Hirofumi.Characteristics of flow behavior and heat transfer in the grooved channel for pulsatile flow wi...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,147
- [25]杨云杰, 卞永宁, 有马博史, 池上康之.Characteristics of flow patterns under pulsatile flow with same oscillatory fraction in the groov...[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,25:21-28
- [26]卞永宁.Characteristics of pressure-increasing for self-sustained oscillation in grooved channels[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,17(17):7-13
- [27]卞永宁.Characteristics of self-sustained oscillation in the grooved channels[A],(日本国)平成22年全国共同利用成果発表会,2022,18-21
- [28]卞永宁.Characteristics of T-S wave in the grooved channels with different groove length for steady flow[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,15:13-18
- [29]卞永宁.Measurement of flow characteristics and self-sustained oscillation in the two-dimensional grooved...[A],7th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy 2008,2022
- [30]Wu Huichao, Lin Yanpu, 卞永宁.Measurement of mass transfer rate in a wavy-walled tube for pulsatile flow with electrochemical...[A],7th International Symposium on Test Measurement,2022,5116-5119
- [31]Huang, Han, 卞永宁, Liu, Yang, Zhang, Fengge, Arima, Hirofumi, Ikegami, Yasuyuki.Numerical and experimental analysis of heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop characterist...[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2022,137:632-643
- [32]卞永宁.Optimum values of pressure-increasing for self-sustained oscillation in the grooved channel[J],Ocean Thermo Energy Conversion,2022,16(16):15-18
- [33]周士鹤, Liu, Xinyu, Feng, Yin, 卞永宁, 沈胜强.Parametric study and multi-objective optimization of a combined cooling, desalination and power s...[J],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2022,217:1-21
- [34]卞永宁.Pressure Drop Characteristics of Laminar Pulsatile Flow in Grooved Channel with Different Groove ...[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,22:1-8
- [35]Wang, Haoguang, Zhao, Jiayuan, 卞永宁, Ci, Haochen.Research on the ultimate performance of organic rankine cycle experimental system[A],IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2022,558(5)
- [36]Liu, Yang, 卞永宁, Zhao, Yongling, Zhang, Shuaikun, Suo, Qinghui.Scaling laws for the transient convective flow in a differentially and linearly heated rectangu...[J],PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2022,31(4)
- [37]Sun, Faming, 卞永宁, Arima, Hirofumi, Ikegami, Yasuyuki, 徐新生.Strength characteristics of the self-sustained wave in grooved channels with different groove l...[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,46(11-12):1229-1237
- [38]游奎, 卞永宁, Ma Caihua, Chi Xupeng, Liu Zhiqiang, Zhang Yuyu.Study on the carry capacity of edible jellyfish fishery in Liaodong Bay[J],中国海洋大学学报 社会科学版,2022,15(3):471-479
- [39]于丽, 卞永宁, 刘杨, 徐新生.低浓度水基多壁碳纳米管纳米流体的流变特性[J],材料导报,2020,34(11):22010-22019
- [40]崔文政, 吕继组, 白敏丽, 卞永宁, 李晓杰, zhangliang, 徐淼.内燃机冷却系统中纳米流体强化换热流动的基础研究[A],中国内燃机学会第八届学术年会,2010,31-35