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个人信息Personal Information
学科:流体力学. 化学工程
办公地点:大连本部 力学楼510
盘锦校区 D07-306B
联系方式:1.大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部力学系流体力学研究室 2.大连理工大学盘锦校区海洋科学与技术学院 Mobile:18641136292 Office: 0411-84707330 Home: 0411-84748119
- [1]朱柯宇, 卞永宁, 刘杨.基于上原循环中间抽气的 OTEC 性能和热经济性分析[J],Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica,2024,44(12):393-400
- [2]王博, 张宇彤, 杨童赟, 卞永宁, 有马博史.不同温差发电循环流程系统的热经济分析[J],Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica,44(2):22-29
- [3]刘扬, Zhang, Shuaikun, Huang, Han, Suo, Qinghui, 卞永宁, Zhao, Yongling.Enhancing the flow and heat transfer in a convective cavity using symmetrical and adiabatic twin ...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,170
- [4]周士鹤, Liu, Xinyu, Zhang, Kechong, 岳前进, 卞永宁, 沈胜强.Evaluation of a novel ammonia-water based combined cooling, desalination and power system based o...[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,239
- [5]Yu, Li, 卞永宁, Liu, Yang, 徐新生.Experimental analysis on fluid flow and mass transfer characteristics of CMC solutions in wavy-...[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2022,171
- [6]Yu, Li, 卞永宁, Liu, Yang, 徐新生.Experimental investigation of rheological properties of low concentrated TiO2/water and MWCNT-T...[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,56(8):2545-2556
- [7]Yu, Li, 卞永宁, Liu, Yang, 徐新生.Experimental investigation on rheological properties of water based nanofluids with low MWCNT c...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,135:175-185
- [8]zhangliang, 卞永宁, Ma Zonghao.Flow structure characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid in a wavy-walled tube for steady and puls...[A],8th International Symposium on Test Measure,2022,2893-2896
- [9]卞永宁, Jia, BJ, Sun, Y.Flow visualizations in a wavy-walled tube for pulsatile flow[A],6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement (ISTM),2022,4834-4837
- [10]zhangliang, 卞永宁, 白敏丽.Fluid flow and mass transfer characteristics of water and polyacrylamide solution[J],EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2022,46:191-198
- [11]Nishimura T., 卞永宁, Kunitsugu K., Morega A.M..Fluid flow and mass transfer in a sinusoidal wavy-walled tube at moderate Reynolds numbers[J],Heat Transfer Asian Research,2022,32(7):650-661
- [12]卞永宁.Flow characteristics in Grooved Channel with Different Groove Lengths for Steady Flow[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,20(8):1-6
- [13]刘扬, Gong, Qingwei, 卞永宁, Suo, Qinghui.Effect of ducts on the hydrodynamic performance of marine propellers[J],ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS,2022
- [14]卞永宁.Effect of Groove Length on Fluid Flow in Grooved Channels for Pulsatile Flow[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,19:1-6
- [15]卞永宁.Effects of dimensions on fluid flow and mass transfer characteristics in wavy-walled tubes for st...[A],Advanced materials research,2022,634(3):1602-1607
- [16]卞永宁, Zhu, Jingbin, Li, Congling.Effects of Dimensions on the Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer Characteristics in Wavy-walled Tubes ...[A],2nd International Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICCMME 2012),2022,634-638(1):1602-1607
- [17]卞永宁, 朱景彬, 李聪龄.Effects of dimensions on the fluid flow and mass transfer characteristics in wavy-walled tubes ...[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,49(5):723-731
- [18]周士鹤, Liu, Xinyu, 卞永宁, 沈胜强.Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of a combined cooling, desalination and power system[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2022,218
- [19]卞永宁.Flow characteristics in the grooved channel for pulsatile flow[J],Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion,2022,18(5):17-22
- [20]卞永宁, Jia, Baoju.Mass transfer characteristics in an axisymmetric wavy-walled tube for pulsatile flow with backw...[J],HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,45(6):693-702