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Research on Construction of Enterprise Knowledge Organization Network Model


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2008-10-12

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:11611-+

Key Words:knowledge organization; Knowledge Management; network; knowledge organizaiton network

Abstract:As a primary problem of researches on Knowledge Management (KM), the enterprise knowledge organization lays the foundation for the sequent researches such as knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, knowledge innovation, etc. From the view of system science, network is an effective structure to model knowledge within an enterprise, and a knowledge organization network can integrate KM researches in different perspectives and conduct much more effective and all-sided KM applications. In this paper, an enterprise knowledge organization network model is issued and constructed. In detail, four sub networks representing different aspects of the enterprise knowledge are constructed respectively to compose the knowledge organization network together, and a social relation measuring model is proposed. Then, applications such as matching of knowledge about demand and supply and knowledge value-adding based on the enterprise knowledge organization network are studied.

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