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Evaluation of the task communication performance in wireless sensor networks: A queue theory approach


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2013-08-20

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:939-944

Abstract:In this paper, a communication task scheduling evaluation model based on the queue model is proposed to analyze the wireless sensor performance parameters. The typical communication task scheduling which deals with all communication tasks scheduling requests and makes actions or responses. A task scheduling-preemptive-priority model is proposed to simulate and analyze typical wireless sensor network using matrix-geometric theory. And then, several merits of the communication task schedule are obtained, including the communication task loss rate, the average response time and the wireless sensor occupancy rate. At last, experiments are conducted to show the performance of our scheme. Simulation results manifest that when sensor usage rate up to 97%, our scheme is feasible for wireless sensor networks. ? 2013 IEEE.

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