Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-09-01
Journal:International Journal of Network Security
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:382-388
ISSN No.:1816353X
Abstract:There is a growing demand for wireless ad hoc network systems in examining the content of data packages in order to improve network security and application service. Whereas, each distributed wireless node has limited memory and computing power. Since regular expressions offer superior expression power and flexibility, taking advantage of distributed nodes and regular expression collaboratively can be a new perspective for wireless network security strategy. In this paper, a regular expression matching approach is introduced for distributed wireless network security system called DREM (Distributed Regular Expression Matching), which divides the matching into two stages: prefiltering stage and verifying stage. Intensive experiments were conducted on Snort and L7-Filter regular expression data sets to verify the system. The experimental results show that our strategy can speed up the efficiency to 1.7 times faster than conventional approaches for wireless security systems. It is also proved by emulation that our approach can be regarded as a firewall system and well applied in medium or large scale distributed wireless network systems.